Simple method to transmit thoughts that always works.

This is not true.
Do you have any idea how much word salad is out there prior to and after the publication of the HUP?

The product of position and the momentum of a particle is a non-zero constant.
explain.. in word salad please?

i.e. The finer you measure the position, the more uncertain its momentum, and vice versa.
like I said... infinite reduction.

To speak about the machinations of the universe, it would behoove you to read up on it. You should know HUP before writing up your own ideas.
so you want me to read some word salad?
This is why people no one will take you seriously. The things you say might sound plausible in your head, but to anyone who has read up on the subject, it is word salad. It's not how good work is done.
The people who need to take me seriousy will those that don't wont...I have no problem with that..
there is nothing wrong with the statement 0= > 0 + < 0
or 0 = +1 + (-)1
however when extrapolated properly and not just accepted as a presumption, it is amazing what you can find.

That's not quite what QQ is saying.

Let's grant for a moment that K91 has psi powers. They only manifest randomly (say, an average of once a month over a year, but highly intermittently) but when they manifest, the results are compelling. He can predict the turn of 20 cards in a row.

Unfortunately, they've have to lock him in a room for months at a time, and test him every 20 minutes before they could hope to catch him when he's "on".

The unpredictability and unreliability apply to the ability, not to the results of the ability.

It may be hard to run test on this, but it can (could) be done. Science finds a way.

Thing is, we don't hear K91 explain how his ability works. He doesn't say whether he can invoke it at will. (He seemed to try and have it work, so that would suggest attempts to invoke it might work. And that means it might be worth a perfunctory experiment with a couple of witnesses), nor does he say how often it happens or how long it lasts.

For someone who a] has a gifted ability beyond the rest of humanity, and b] is gravely concerned over the welfare of so many others who are "suffering", we doesn't seem very interested in doing anything about it.

Sounds like a rather worthless ability to me.
pre-big bang
post big bang - advent of time
0= >0 + < 0
without time
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Doesn't really say much.

Put me down in the 'not taking you seriously' column.
Put me down in the 'very much not taking you seriously' column.
I have a simply method to transmit thoughts. It's usually fairly reliable. It's called language.
explain.. in word salad please?
These words have very precisely-defined meanings and relationships. The words describe precise properties of systems and the formulae describe precise relationships.

That is what distinguishes well-formed theories from word salad.

Were someone to go through your ZPT, it would be line after line of things like:
"here you use a word that has several meanings, several of which aren't scientifically well-defined. Worse, you use it here one way, then here another way. You are using that ambiguity to draw a parallel where no parallel can be clearly described."
Dave posts,
The product of position and the momentum of a particle is a non-zero constant.
I ask:
explain.. in word salad please?

Dave replies:
These words have very precisely-defined meanings and relationships. The words describe precise properties of systems and the formulae describe precise relationships.

That is what distinguishes well-formed theories from word salad.

Were someone to go through your ZPT, it would be line after line of things like:
"here you use a word that has several meanings, several of which aren't scientifically well-defined. Worse, you use it here one way, then here another way. You are using that ambiguity to draw a parallel where no parallel can be clearly described."

Well Dave I already know the above and I am sorry that the theory does not meet your linguistic requirements.
Would you like to help me turn it into something that is worthy of your attention?
I can then write a document just for the erudite scientist then if you like...
... I am sorry that the theory does not meet your linguistic requirements.
Don't do it for me.

If your ideas are achieving the success you expect and getting the serious attention you want then there's no need to change anything. ;)

... linguistic requirements.
The fact that you label the scientific definition of concepts and relationships via formulae as merely a "linguistic" issue, is why you have produced a word salad. These things are not just dotting the i's and crossing the t's; they are the essence of good work.
Don't do it for me.

If your ideas are achieving the success you expect and getting the serious attention you want then there's no need to change anything. ;)

The fact that you label the scientific definition of concepts and relationships via formulae as merely a "linguistic" issue, is why you have produced a word salad. These things are not just dotting the i's and crossing the t's; they are the essence of good work.
I label in a way I feel they deserve... I guess
afterall the scientific concepts you are so proud of are just that... concepts.. that have limited value which is why I do not bother spending too much time on them...
It is those very methods and concepts that are unable to solve the very issues they have created.. so to speak so I am not sure why you hold them so dearly.
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I label in a way I feel they deserve... I guess
Right. But understand that it is an indication that you're missing what is the essence of a theory. Those things you think don't deserve much are what the rest of the scientific community and your critics are saying (even if by their silence) is fundamentally lacking.
Right. But understand that it is an indication that you're missing what is the essence of a theory. Those things you think don't deserve much are what the rest of the scientific community and your critics are saying (even if by their silence) is fundamentally lacking.
with a theory like Zero Point Theory it really doesn't matter to me. It is only one piece of an amazing puzzle that is currently unravelling.
I was only responding to Stryders request for a mechanism to give any credance to psy phenonema... I have delivered as requested.
Whether or not you wish to discuss it is up to you.
This image says it all... no word salad needed

Brahma... center of everything and ask How?
edit: maybe I shoud just restructure the theory to be composed of only images instead of words and images... hmmmm .. let you guys come up wth the language...
and then you might work out for your selves what the "missing symbol (image)" is... [ re: Dan Browns novel - the missing symbol]:p
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