Simple math questions for Christians

Originally posted by Flores
God existed before his creation, he didn't need his creation to complete him or define him.
AKA god created the universe on a whim – I wonder why she still seems to take her sweet-arse time sending prophets to us and just gets the giggles when we prostrate ourselves to her :) What a sweetie she is!

Christians have confused them self pretty bad. They cannot get out of this mess anymore. They have to justify their "Three Gods As One" or there will be no Christianity. We all know that it was invented in 4th century way after christ. There were problems in christian churches and issues related to trinity and there were severe punishments, even death for people who would talk against it.

How can a true christian defend christianity/trinity? all you will hear is mystical bull shit. They can't accept the fact that their religion wasn't meant to be that difficult.

If one would look at the christian mystery of three Gods, they will see how illogical and absured it sounds.

Let's take a look at it : one person, God the Father + one person, God the Son + one person, God the Holy Ghost = one person,
What the heck ?? Oh wait...... it is suppose to be a mystery.

Christians failed to understand the simplicity of their religion and tried to make sound all mystical and made it so complicated that majority of them don't even know why and what they believe in. I think it is due to the time they were living in, all around them there were idols and mystical greek Gods etc. They wanted to inspire the masses and simple and weak minded people of that time just fell in the trap easily. It is not their fault, it is what they have been tought, and they took it at it's face value without questioning the logic behind it.

Flores check your PM please.
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Markx - Your objection has been addressed at length by CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity:

“If Christianity was something we were making up, of course we could make it easier. But it is not. We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions. How could we? We are dealing with Fact. Of course anyone can be simple if he has no facts to bother about.”
Originally posted by Michael
AKA god created the universe on a whim – I wonder why she still seems to take her sweet-arse time sending prophets to us and just gets the giggles when we prostrate ourselves to her :) What a sweetie she is!

I have a personal question for you. Have you always wished for a baby girl instead of a baby boy?. Do you think it's a curse to have a baby boy and would rather kill the boy infant to hide the embarassment? Are you ashamed of your sex?

I'm just asking this personal question, because I see you made god a woman, which suggests to me that you hold woman at a much higher standard in integrity and all other aspects to assign god their characters, afterall, you admitted that the most powerfull being in the universe is a woman. If you really didn't mean this, then do you always get in the habit of attributing things to god that you yourself don't believe in, like womanship......Perhaps you think you are better than god, for you are a man, and god is a woman. There is noway around your stupidy, so please tell me which one do you disrespect, god or's one or the other no other alternatives.

PS. bluntly, you are an idiot.....and a hypocrite.
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Originally posted by Jenyar
Markx - Your objection has been addressed at length by CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity:

“If Christianity was something we were making up, of course we could make it easier. But it is not. We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions. How could we? We are dealing with Fact. Of course anyone can be simple if he has no facts to bother about.”

Jenyar complexity is a sign of man's intervention and lack of understanding. Complexiity is ungodly, for god is ONE, the simplest number of all. Simplicity is divine, pure, transparent, and core solution for any seemingly complex question. Complexity is multiplicity, confusion, muck, darkness, heavy veil, hypocricy, ect..

You must feel other wise though and would rather follow complexity.
Originally posted by everneo
Now, come on and spit fire.:cool:

I have no idea what you mean with your sentence? My mind can't decend to the gutter your head flourishes in. You seem so at home with such gutter quality thinking.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you work in a circus and spit fire every night or something?
Originally posted by Flores
Jenyar complexity is a sign of man's intervention and lack of understanding. Complexiity is ungodly, for god is ONE, the simplest number of all. Simplicity is divine, pure, transparent, and core solution for any seemingly complex question. Complexity is multiplicity, confusion, muck, darkness, heavy veil, hypocricy, ect..

You must feel other wise though and would rather follow complexity.
The message is simple enough. I don't know why you of all people would dismiss God as a simple concept. I believe the Koran itself mentions the 99 names of God - that hardly points to simplicty.
Originally posted by Jenyar
The message is simple enough. I don't know why you of all people would dismiss God as a simple concept. I believe the Koran itself mentions the 99 names of God - that hardly points to simplicty.

My friend Jenyar, the 99 names of god are indeed complex because they're MAN MADE. God never told us in the Koran that he have 99 names. But someone started counting all the characters of god and found them to be 99. God never claimed these characters to be his names, he simply told that he is just mercifull compassionate, ect.....But that's not enough for some, they have to memorize these things and call them names of god so we can start selling neck chains, posters, and other accessories. People want cookie cutters. I actually tried to count for myself and I found more than 100. In the Quran god is one and not 99.

The Unity
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[112.1] Say: He, Allah, is One.
[112.2] Allah is He on Whom all depend.
[112.3] He begets not, nor is He begotten.
[112.4] And none is like Him.

How more simple do you get?
OK, I agree. But it is the nature of everything that simplicity is deceptive. E=mc^2 is one such example. The fact is simple, the understanding requires complex thought.
Originally posted by Jenyar
OK, I agree. But it is the nature of everything that simplicity is deceptive. E=mc^2 is one such example. The fact is simple, the understanding requires complex thought.

Precisely Jenyar. And understanding is such a personal subjective matter and not a prequisite for operation. We humans are described by such complex deciplines including and not limited to physics, math, biology, chemistry, ect....yet for me to walk or move my arm, I don't have to know anything about the laws of motion. I simply take a step. If I have to understand and believe in every law of motion before taking my first step, I'll never walk.

Religion is similar. To be religous, one doesn't need to study religion. One doesn't need to memorize the lineage of Jesus and the stories of the prophet and the ages of wifes of Muhammed. One doesn't need to define god.. One need to only simply live as life comes to him/her with the simple notion that we were created by god or UNIversal order and one day will go back to where we came from. Some believe that's nothing, like Atheists, I believe that's UNIversal order.

SIMPLE, created by god and to god we shall return.
Originally posted by Flores
I have no idea what you mean with your sentence? My mind can't decend to the gutter your head flourishes in. You seem so at home with such gutter quality thinking.
i expected you to spit some fire; it is as straight as possible and what is coming out is not fire but some gutter material. it shows you are not able to keep yourself from decending to gutter.
Originally posted by Flores
I have a personal question for you. Have you always wished for a baby girl instead of a baby boy?. Do you think it's a curse to have a baby boy and would rather kill the boy infant to hide the embarassment? Are you ashamed of your sex?

I'm just asking this personal question, because I see you made god a woman, which suggests to me that you hold woman at a much higher standard in integrity and all other aspects to assign god their characters, afterall, you admitted that the most powerfull being in the universe is a woman. If you really didn't mean this, then do you always get in the habit of attributing things to god that you yourself don't believe in, like womanship......Perhaps you think you are better than god, for you are a man, and god is a woman. There is noway around your stupidy, so please tell me which one do you disrespect, god or's one or the other no other alternatives.

PS. bluntly, you are an idiot.....and a hypocrite.
Let me ask you this Flores , why does it bother you that I assigned God as a woman? I have a personal question for you. Have you always wished for a baby boy instead of a baby girl?. Do you think it's a curse to have a baby girl and would rather kill the girl infant to hide the embarrassment? Are you ashamed of your sex?

As of now I am going to have to assume you must be ashamed of your sex. Listen to your ranting.

I'm just asking this personal question, because I see you made god a man, which suggests to me that you hold man at a much higher standard in integrity and all other aspects to assign god their characters, after all, you admitted that the most powerful being in the universe is a man. If you really didn't mean this, then do you always get in the habit of attributing things to god that you yourself don't believe in, like manship......Perhaps you think you are better than god, for you are a woman, and god is a man. There is no way around your stupidity, so please tell me which one do you disrespect, god or's one or the other no other alternatives.

PS. bluntly, you are an idiot.....and a hypocrite.

Your words Flores not mine. Of course you can not see past your nose so I doubt you will get the irony. On the side, you must have a very serious sexual disorder and may want to see help for it.

To answer your original question. I posted God as a woman because the notion that god has a sex is idiotic. Let me ask you this Flores. Does god have a penis? If so then does he use it? On what? Would got have a penis if he didn't use it? Does it get erectile? What causes it to get erectile? Does it have sperm? Do they carry DNA? If god doesn’t have a penis then “he” is really an "IT" huh? So maybe we should just say IT did this or IT did that. Hows the end of your nose looking? Can you see it yet?

Post Script: Put bluntly, you are an idiot.....full stop :D

On the side, I see you didn't reply to my post: Let me repeat it for you: You said: God existed before his creation, he didn't need his creation to complete him or define him. Therefore I replied - AKA god created the universe on a whim. So, in summery you worship a whimsical god IT thing.

i think you forgot that Allah has no gender - neither He nor She nor it. It is the societal bias that made to call as He / Him / His. Allah is Allah. just that. Allahsmathamatics and his various aliases used to stress that Allah is not God (in the conventional sense) but the One. (sufism ?).
Originally posted by Flores
I have two simple math questions for all those that believe that
a- Jesus is acting as one and only god.
b- Jesus is acting as one of the three stooges of god.

Just wondering.
the three stooges of god are named Mohammad, jabril & allah
Moh, for believing lies
jab, for being lying demon
& big al, for being a devious demon

oh, & that so-called god's name is,

now don't tell anybody,

but it's

Re: Re: Simple math questions for Christians

Originally posted by Randolfo
the three stooges of god are named Mohammad, jabril & allah
Moh, for believing lies
jab, for being lying demon
& big al, for being a devious demon

oh, & that so-called god's name is,

now don't tell anybody,

but it's



Seems like you stepped on R Randolfo's tale. Evangelists are the bigest filth on earth. Don't forget Southern Baptists. They are the taliban of Christianity. Insane, radical and fanatics. See, when he can't answer you, he tried to inflame you. Now, you will hear a typical bullshit that "He is not a christian and doesn't believe in anything etc etc". Very typical. :p

By the way all of the above three qualities fit on only one person in history; PAUL The Great Father of Modren day Christianity. Don't they Rondolfo? :p
Originally posted by Flores

Well, In my opinion, it is better to view God as manifest to us humans in three forms. Three forms <-> 1 God <-> Jesus <-> Spirit <-> Father. Each are fully God... 1/3 is not fully 1... However, all elements have something you call a triple point where three phases of matter can exist. So I think the solid liquid gas analogy is a good one to curb any atheist objections. The fact is they are intrinsically made of the same substance [matter/atoms/ions], but they are just manifest in different forms, which is dependent on their environment. Anologies only serve to illustrate. They don't describe anything exactly. In fact, analogies are the only tools that will every bring us close to illustrating who God is. It's either that or utter speechlessness.
Re: Re: Re: Simple math questions for Christians

Originally posted by Markx

Seems like you stepped on R Randolfo's tale. Evangelists are the bigest filth on earth. Don't forget Southern Baptists. They are the taliban of Christianity. Insane, radical and fanatics. See, when he can't answer you, he tried to inflame you. Now, you will hear a typical bullshit that "He is not a christian and doesn't believe in anything etc etc". Very typical. :p

So, in muslim eyes it’s ok to disparage Christian beliefs,
but as soon as someone does the same to your beliefs,
oh, how intolerant, how mean spirited, how blind!

So we are dangerous?, yes when we have to defend ourselves from our enemies,
muslims have not been the most fair to us, look at what their first actions were, conquest & more conquest, first the Byzantine Empire, then all the way across North Africa to Spain, maybe during the past that was ok in our collective barbarian ages, but tell me, when was the last time Christians slammed planes into occupied buildings? & claimed that as “holy”? When did we declare “Holy War” against al-Islam? Sending muslim missionaries to the West is ok, but, oh no, never allow Christian missionaries to the muslim countries? Why that is so fair, so tolerant, so muslim!
Ouch!!! It really was a tail......

QUOTE]Originally posted by Randolfo
So, in muslim eyes it’s ok to disparage Christian beliefs,

Let’s leave your ignorance and Bible Preached hate aside. I have not heard and neither have you, not a single Muslims who had called Jesus Christ as EVIL AND TERRORIST but it was your Spiritual leader Jerry Farwell who said it. Some talk about tolerance isn't it? :rolleyes:

I never insulted Christianity, I just happened to studied it. Unlike you, I had an open option to select my religion. I am proud on what I have selected.

but as soon as someone does the same to your beliefs,
oh, how intolerant, how mean spirited, how blind!

Have your churches not doing it for a quite some time, the same thing?? Southern Baptists and all other Evangelists? Didn't they teach you that muslims worship *Evil Sun God* and Islam is a cult not a religion? that they are all your enemies? isn't that the sweet message of hate?...I am not going to generalize all the churches but the two I attended, I can speak for them.

So we are dangerous?, yes when we have to defend ourselves from our enemies,

No my friend. You can never be dangerous as long as you are ignorant and un educated about other religions and put your hate aside and learn for the sake of knowledge, it will help you. So muslims are your enemy now?? How many are you planning to kill? How do you defend yourself from them? Teach, that they are evil? and they are going to kill all the Christian and Christians should kill them first??? Like you are doing right now? Pre emptive, correct? Reminds me of a , WBs address before Iraq war. Keep up the good work my friend.

muslims have not been the most fair to us,

Aww you poor thing. I feel so guilty. Since you have been so fair to Muslims through out the history correct? Now it is the perfect time for you to take Revenge just like the bible taught you, don't forget! remember that ok?

Matthew 10:34-35

Luke 19-27

Numbers 31:17-18

look at what their first actions were, conquest & more conquest, first the Byzantine Empire, then all the way across North Africa to Spain, maybe during the past that was ok in our collective barbarian ages,

They were the evil doers right?? It might help you if you read about a history a bit instead of listening to Savage Nation, who calims that non of the Christian ever started a crusades or ever killed a single muslim or a jew. How about little basics.

To me it seems like it was Christians who tried to screw muslims and got screwed in the return and muslims decided to expand till Europe. Anyway, it could start a new debate. What is stopping you now to take the Holy Land Back from Muslims??? Or the Jews are keeping it safe for you and one day you will return to Jerusalem like Crusaders did once before??

but tell me, when was the last time Christians slammed planes into occupied buildings? & claimed that as “holy”?

Hmm… So you are saying that it was a combined decision by all the muslims of the world? They decided it in their secret council to do that?? So Osama is like a word of God kinda deal? I am seriously thinking now that your ignorance can be dangerous.

Getting back to Slammed planes, Seems like Christians of your ilk are more sophisticated now days, and they like to slam whole cities with cruise missiles and daisy cutters?? It is ok right? So far there have been close to 8000 dead in Iraq for no DAMN reason and fake and fabricated WMDs. Close to 5000 killed in Afghanistan and the master mind is still at large. You go man. You and your version of Christianity.

When did we declare “Holy War” against al-Islam?

Tell me something, when did the **Islam** Declared Holy War against Christianity?

Sending muslim missionaries to the West is ok, but, oh no, never allow Christian missionaries to the muslim countries?

Come on man, they are every where, like a disease. Seems like some Muslim country kicked you out for spreading the word? My apologies! I don’t think there is anything wrong in preaching your religion, just don’t force it. If it is the law of the land( not to preach any other religion), then you should abide it. If you make a law in any western country not to preach any religion but christianity, I am sure that no one would try to do that.

Some of the info below might help clear your myth about how unfair muslims have been to you.

They will help you understand a bitter history. let me give you little details from some of these books.

In November of 1095, Pope Urban II initiated the first European attempt at colonizing the Muslim world - known in the West as the Crusades - by drawing this fateful picture:
For you must hasten to carry aid to your brethren dwelling in the East, who need your help, which they have often asked. For the Turks, a Persian people, have attacked them I exhort you with earnest prayer - not I, but God - that, as heralds of Christ, you urge men by frequent exhortation, men of all ranks, knights as well as foot soldiers, rich as well as poor, to hasten to exterminate this vile race from the lands of your brethren Christ commands it. And if those who set out thither should lose their lives on the way by land, or in crossing the sea, or in fighting the pagans, their sins shall be remitted. Oh what a disgrace, if a race so despised, base, and the instrument of demons, should so overcome a people endowed with faith in the all-powerful God, and resplendent with the name of Christ. Let those who have been accustomed to make private war against the faithful carry on to a successful issue a war against the infidels. Let those who for a long time have been robbers now become soldiers of Christ. Let those who fought against brothers and relatives now fight against these barbarians. Let them zealously undertake the journey under the guidance of the Lord.[1]

In November of 1095, Pope Urban II initiated the first European attempt at colonizing the Muslim world - known in the West as the Crusades - by drawing this fateful picture:
For you must hasten to carry aid to your brethren dwelling in the East, who need your help, which they have often asked. For the Turks, a Persian people, have attacked them I exhort you with earnest prayer - not I, but God - that, as heralds of Christ, you urge men by frequent exhortation, men of all ranks, knights as well as foot soldiers, rich as well as poor, to hasten to exterminate this vile race from the lands of your brethren Christ commands it. And if those who set out thither should lose their lives on the way by land, or in crossing the sea, or in fighting the pagans, their sins shall be remitted. Oh what a disgrace, if a race so despised, base, and the instrument of demons, should so overcome a people endowed with faith in the all-powerful God, and resplendent with the name of Christ. Let those who have been accustomed to make private war against the faithful carry on to a successful issue a war against the infidels. Let those who for a long time have been robbers now become soldiers of Christ. Let those who fought against brothers and relatives now fight against these barbarians. Let them zealously undertake the journey under the guidance of the Lord.[1]

When Jerusalem was conquered on the 15th of July 1099 by the Crusaders who were also known as the Christian Knights, more than 60,000 inhabitants, both Jewish and Muslim, were slaughtered in cold blood. In the words of one witness

...there [in front of Solomon's temple] was such a carnage that our people were wading ankle-deep in the blood of our foes, and after that "happily and crying for joy" our people marched to our Saviour's tomb, to honour it and to pay off our debt of gratitude.

The Archbishop of Tyre, who was also an eye-witness, wrote that

It was impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror; everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror of all who looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished.[3]

Songs were even composed about the conditions of the battles during the Crusades.

Count Roland gripped his sword dripping with gore he strikes his valiant blows, shivering shafts of spears and bucklers, too, cleaving through feet and fists, saddles and sides. To see him hack the limbs from Saracens, pile them upon the earth, corpse upon corpse, would call to mind a very valiant knight


[1] August C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye Witnesses and Participants, (Gloucester, Massachusetts: Peter Smith, 1958)

[2] , p. 275

[3] F. Turner, Beyond Geography (New York, 1980)

[4] D. D. R. Owen (ed.), The Song of Roland: The Oxford Text ( London: Allen & Unwin, 1972), p. 75

[5] Norman Daniel, Heroes and Saracens: An Interpretation of the Chansons de Geste, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1984)

Randolfo, I am sorry that I came harsh on you but you seemed so convinced that Islam is Great evil and has been to christian. I just wanted you to see the other side of coin. If you would like to see more detail view of history or needind more proof, I will be more then happy to provide it for you. As far as religion comiting crimes or atrocities, at one point or another all religions are guilty of it. To be more exact those are the followers and teachers who caused this problem.

I wish we all live in peace but if one would continue preaching message of hate, I don't see where would it end. You can visit any Mosque in USA/Europeand listen to the sermons and you will not find any insults against Christians or Jews, they don't call them cult or they don't preach that they follow the false God etc not even a message of hate but in most baptist churhes it is a norm. :cool:
Originally posted by Michael
Let me ask you this Flores. Does god have a penis? If so then does he use it?

Good question. I don't have enough information on the god that created the universe to assign a sex to it. I don't call my creator father, mother, or son, like christians do. I don't call myself a child of god or a son of a bitch. God is the term that I use to describe my creator and I'm the creation and that's the extent of my knowledge.

As far as the christian god, it's clear that he is a man with a big penis, afterall, you call him father and he has millions of childrens. So the Christian god appears to be a male shovenist pig.