Simple math questions for Christians


Registered Senior Member
I have two simple math questions for all those that believe that
a- Jesus is acting as one and only god.
b- Jesus is acting as one of the three stooges of god.

First rule of Math. One divided by one equal one. For the one to remain one, it can not be partly shown, divided, manipulated, ect.
If Jesus is a one god and he decided to visit us in earth, then he have to make the trip in whole manifest totally, because he is not divisible?
1- If Jesus is actually god and god is one as the first commandment was so simply put, then how can we see him as a human while he is still acting as god, and if he is acting as a human, then who the hell is acting in his place in heaven and running the universe. Does Jesus have secretaries, treasurers, human relation officers, ect... to conduct his huge business of running the universe as he roam Israel for near 30 years, who the hell is managing the universe while Jesus is roaming the earth in the tiny human suit. Better, if Jesus is actually god, then who was Jesus talking to and praying to and who is my father in heaven figure. Remember now, you said that Jesus is the god, the father and son and spirit in one, no distinction, no delegated authorities, so there is no reason for Jesus to talk to himself, pray, and fast for himself, ask forgivness for himself, call himself bad, yell father father to himself ect....unless he was certified pschyco.

Second rule of Math, one divided by any number becomes a fraction and not the whole. One divided by three is one third, and thus those that believe in the trinity don't believe in the first commandment of ONE god.
2- If you say that Jesus is 1/3 of god, then I ask, is that 1/3 by weight or volume? That's not a silly question. I mean for all of you that believe in the trinity, you must know 1/3 of what are you talking about? 1/3 is a mathematical term that implies a ratio of a known quantity? So you guys must know exactly the makup of god that you started dividing him in equal ratios. You really have to understand exactly the magnitude of god before you start disecting him in equal parts, don't you think? And if Jesus is 1/3 by weight or volume, then wouldn't the universe be acting at 2/3 capacity while Jesus is visiting us?

Just wondering.
God is not subject to natural laws of a natural world that he created. He is part of another dimension of which we have very little knowledge of.

Really for all we know, the laws of math are only subject to what we know in our kosmos and not neccesarily the universe as a whole. The universe has to many unknowns to make any such conclusion about math.
So, Quigly said, he doesn't know anything about god

Originally posted by Quigly
God is not subject to natural laws of a natural world that he created. He is part of another dimension of which we have very little knowledge of.

Very nice, so why do you all of a sudden subject this other dimension to our laws and make a human out of god or divide him in three equal parts and such? Do you think it's okay for you to think of god within your human releam, but it's not okay for us to judge your corrupt analysis under the premises that it's not subject ot natural laws. How very convineant is it to teach christianity. To teach a concept that you so boldly claim that you have very little knowldge of. And unlike other disciplines, if you are 100% wrong in your ideas, nobody can question you because it's outside our box of information...No building to fall due to your poor design...No economy to crash due to bad management. A priest is the only profession that can get away with being 100% wrong and absolutely no accountability.

You remind me of some engineers fellow that design a bad weather forcast system and then elude all responsbility when the storm hit under the premises that the weather is not subject to natural law, but an act of god. Then why the hell are they in the business of profiting money and forcasting something that they are not accountable to describing.

Next time, you don't want to use natural laws to judge god, then stop the exclusive doctrinations so famous of the chrisitans faith, and stop teaching us about a god that you youself so boldly said that you know nothing about.
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God is not natural?

Originally posted by Quigly
God is not subject to natural laws of a natural world that he created. He is part of another dimension of which we have very little knowledge of.
(God IS subject to natural laws. Oh, are you talking about that old man with a long white beard who sits upon a cloud throwing lightening bolts at us sinners? That's not God. God is as natural as anything else in creation. How can believe in a distant God that is so far above humanity? You miss the whole point of our creation. If it's not natural, it's not God.)
Actually Flores,

God is a Mystery. I can't claim to know everything about him. I am only human and learning. None of us will really ever understand him until he reveals more of himself to us and it would take an eternity to ever know the fullness of who he is.

Jesus was God in the flesh and so we can see a glimpse of God through him. The holy spirit dwells with christians and is again God so we can see a glimpse of God through the holy spirit. What I am saying is this. God created the universe and set in place the laws of nature. God is in his creation because he created it. That is simple huh. I would hate to proclaim that I have all of the answers to everything. I don't know everything. If you, Flores, do know everything, then by all means I will follow you, but I don't think you know much. That is not an insult because I do not think we as humans know much.
I may have not made it very clear to you. I believe that God is in his creation, but more like a signature on a painting. I believe also that God can come into nature at anytime and bend the rules of it. I believe God can do anything he wills to do. Do I think God is a tree or a plant? no I don't I think those things, just like us are his painting on a canvas called the universe and his signature dwells naturally in everything he created.
God is unnatural?

Originally posted by Quigly
God is a Mystery.
(Why should God be a mystery? If God created the universe and all of nature, why do you think he would want to stay a mystery?)
I may have not made it very clear to you. I believe that God is in his creation, but more like a signature on a painting. I believe also that God can come into nature at anytime and bend the rules of it. I believe God can do anything he wills to do. Do I think God is a tree or a plant? no I don't I think those things, just like us are his painting on a canvas called the universe and his signature dwells naturally in everything he created.
(Why would God be anything MORE than what he created? Like begets like. Just because God is natural doesn't mean the "rules" have to be bent, but they are. For example, genetic defects. The rules are bent there. Floods and earthquakes, the rules are ben there, too. Why is it so far-fetched to believe God is natural? A true "God" wouldn't be a mystery.)
If only imaginary numbers were truly imaginary then perhaps we could define God using math.
Originally posted by Cris
If only imaginary numbers were truly imaginary then perhaps we could define God using math.
Flores is saying God => 1. In that sense you have been saying God => 0. is 0 an imaginary number for you.? ;)

If you say God is striclty confined to be 1 then everything else, including us, is illusion or imaginary. See Cris's post above. Math is much more powerful in atheists' hand than yours if you try to apply math to God. Don't misuse both math and God.:D

Flores is saying God => 1. In that sense you have been saying God => 0. is 0 an imaginary number for you.?
I was playing with the concept of i, the square root of -1.

Unfortunately i is not an imaginary number, so I cannot express the imaginary fiction of a god mathematically.
Originally posted by everneo
If you say God is striclty confined to be 1 then everything else, including us, is illusion or imaginary. See Cris's post above. Math is much more powerful in atheists' hand than yours if you try to apply math to God. Don't misuse both math and God.:D

Nice try everneo, but please be advised that I don't believe that we are at all godly, partly godly, ect. God is one and is independant of his creation. God existed before his creation, he didn't need his creation to complete him or define him. God is allmighty powerfully ONE above all needs and wants.

PS. Now you go along and attribute sons and daughters and stooges to god all you want. When I try to imagine this christian god of yours, all I see is a weak guy who is out of breath from breathing of his own soul to others and out of blood for bleeding of his own blood to save a bunch of morons. Your scape goat, die for you god, is too damn convineant. Sometime I wonder if the christians are serving their god or if their god is the one serving on them hand and foot and neck on a cross.
Originally posted by Quigly
I may have not made it very clear to you. I believe that God is in his creation, but more like a signature on a painting.

Please stop using inadequate examples when defining god, for that's the downfall of christianity. First god is water ice and steam, then he is a painter, ect.... You are confusing the hell out of yourself. The signature on a painting is not the painting. When I paint a picture, I don't become the picture. God creates us and he doesn't need us. God existed before we do as a whole and he will exist as a whole when we die and on the day of resurrection you will see that for yourself.

Originally posted by Quigly
I believe also that God can come into nature at anytime and bend the rules of it. I believe God can do anything he wills to do.

Precisely, God say it be and it is. God is just and doesn't need to shed innocent blood to save me and you. And yes, I believe he can do anything he wishes. He created Adam and Eve out of nothing, created Jesus out of just a mom, made barren women give birth, able to raise the dead, cure the blind, ect.... And look how ungratefull you are, you think it was not god that raised the dead and cured the blind, you called Jesus good and he answer you that

[19] And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.

Originally posted by Quigly
Do I think God is a tree or a plant? no I don't I think those things, just like us are his painting on a canvas called the universe and his signature dwells naturally in everything he created.

God is more than a signature. He is the creator, maintainer and sustainer of the universe. He doesn't dwell in us per say, for dwelling is a animalistic trait implying that god needs a place within his creation to have access to it. God have all the access he needs to his creation without occupying. Our god is not a prejudice god that interferes with a man's heart and mind to gain access to it. Our god is a respite god that gives us free will to act as we choose, while he record our deeds, and one day some of us will be lucky to witness god's mercy and compassion in the most just way.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
And this is your brain on drugs. :rolleyes:

Shut up consequent, I love you an all, but this thread is a christian mosquito infested swamp, do you see Cris writing here? stop fishing in dirty mucky christian pool of waters. Me and you have to start fresh and can talk all you want in a cleaner thread.
Re: God is not natural?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

(God IS subject to natural laws. Oh, are you talking about that old man with a long white beard who sits upon a cloud throwing lightening bolts at us sinners? That's not God. God is as natural as anything else in creation. How can believe in a distant God that is so far above humanity? You miss the whole point of our creation. If it's not natural, it's not God.)

By proclaiming what God is and isn't, you're making the same error as the fundamentalists. What evidence do you have that such a 'natural God' even exists?
Originally posted by Quigly
Actually Flores,

God is a Mystery ...

Jesus was God in the flesh and so we can see a glimpse of God through him. The holy spirit dwells with christians and is again God so we can see a glimpse of God through the holy spirit. What I am saying is this. God created the universe and set in place the laws of nature. God is in his creation because he created it. That is simple huh. I would hate to proclaim that I have all of the answers to everything.

Hilarious. You declare that God is a mystery, and then go on to claim all sorts of things concerning it. Try to be consistent.
Re: Re: God is not natural?

Originally posted by TheERK
By proclaiming what God is and isn't, you're making the same error as the fundamentalists. What evidence do you have that such a 'natural God' even exists?
(What I call "God" is a positive force of creative energy that resides within us all and everything else in the universe to one degree or another. Essentially, this force of energy has no name that I'm aware of. The name "God" is man-made. I don't like that name, but for communicative purposes on this forum, I use it. Without this energy, the universe would not exist as we know it. It is the life-force within us. It's the fuel that drives us. It's our link to our higher consciousness. When we pray to a God that we imagine to be somewhere outside ourselves, there is no entity out there to hear us. God is the energy within and without that connects us with the whole human race. Cumulatively speaking, the human race is but one body and one soul who carries the Spirit of God. Man-made religions have destroyed the body of our spiritual oneness. As long as we look to the God "somewhere out there," we deny the magnificance of God within. In the history of humanity, man-made religions have attempted to define and describe their understanding of a higher power. This force cannot be explained through a multitude of man-made religions, but I believe it can and will be explained by quantum physics. To say God is "unnatural" is to say we are "unnatural." It's to say the universe is "unnatural." If you're looking for evidence to prove there is a God, look no further than the fire within.)
Erk said

Hilarious. You declare that God is a mystery, and then go on to claim all sorts of things concerning it. Try to be consistent.

Read what I wrote about it again in the previous post.

I am a mystery too you aren't I. If I had a group of people write a book about me and also if I sent my son to represent me to you, then you would start to understand who I am and what I represent to an extent. After all that , If my life were so infinite, then you still would not know all things about me. I know that is a poor illustration of God, but hopefully you know what I mean.

Look at this picture:
<img src="">

Now lets say that it one face. That seems logical and accurate. Then you look closer and see that it could be two faces. This is not to say that it is 2 halves making one whole. It is showing that It could be one whole entity and also be 2 whole entities. I hope you kindof see what I mean. It is a little bit tough to explain, but I do think it is a cool picture.

I only speak about the mystery of God from what I read in the bible and my personal experience with God.
God is one whole entity, but yet God is also 3, Yet each entity is not seperate from God like this 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 =1 God is 1 +1 +1 =3. I guess God exists in dimension that isn't restricted by math.
Originally posted by Flores
When I try to imagine this christian god of yours, all I see is a weak guy who is out of breath from breathing of his own soul to others and out of blood for bleeding of his own blood to save a bunch of morons.
Those who believe in Christ don't see a weakling; they see a guy who had control over natural elements like sea and wind but gave himself as a sacrificial lamb; a guy who talked to God and called as son and endorsed by Holy Spirit. People around that era and area started seeing the familiar God as not so wrathful God but merciful enough to send His beloved son to stir their conscience. No amount of your inappropriate application of math or contemptuous remarks on his non-violent ways is going to change this understanding.

Your scape goat, die for you god, is too damn convineant. Sometime I wonder if the christians are serving their god or if their god is the one serving on them hand and foot and neck on a cross.
Personally i don't think transfer of sins is possible but transfer of burden of sins seems to be the appropriate word in connection with forgiving aspect of Christ. Now, come on and spit fire.:cool: