Sightings - nonfiction please

My grandfather (who was a B2-bomber belly gunner in WWII) said he saw a cigar-shaped object cross the sky methodically. My grandmother confirms that she saw it, too.

I was walking with a highschool friend (weird mofo) out in the desert at night quite a long time ago. This was in southern California (Mojave desert area) and it was after getting out of the movie theater and heading home (shortcuts and all). While he was looking down to take a piss, I stood and looked up at the cloudy sky. A bright white object dipped beneath the clouds and then went back up into it. By the time I had told him to look, it was gone. He was under the impression that we had some missing time between us (about 2 hours--although I think he was out of his gourd). Also, the very same night, not an hour later no less, he claims to have seen a UFO while I was preoccupied with something else. Also, the guy once insisted the neighbors across the street had a red demon camping out in their tree in the front yard. I was there at the time he said this and so was another guy. He and the other guy couldn't agree to what color the amulet around the demon's neck was. Of course I couldn't see a thing.

Perhaps my UFO experience was severely biased (in my mind at the time) due to the fact that I read voraciously on the subject as a teenager and willfully sought out such encounters. Even if it was ball-lightning, it was pretty impressive.
The Kecksburg object passed over my parent’s house traveling North to South at a low speed & altitude. It looked like a plane going down in flames.

The object was tracked on radar and observed making turns – the speed was calculated to be 1,600 km/h. It wasn’t a Meteor – they don’t go that slow or navigate in any way.

“A theory has been proposed that the object was a crashed Russian satellite (Cosmos 96). However, NASA has released data that say that Cosmos 96 reentered Earth's orbit on December 9, 3.15 a.m. The crash took place 13 hours later.”

I subscribe to the theory mentioned above regardless of what NASA claims.

Come to your own conclusion:
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