Sightings - nonfiction please


Nerd Overlord - we(s):1 of N
Valued Senior Member
Inspired by the testimony of M7, I would like to hear anyone's story if you've really seen a unexplainable craft of some sort. Having you seen a UFO? Tell your story please. Should we explore explanations?

Please, tell us your story.
The intent of this thread is to collect these stories in one place, so please at least link to it if not cut and paste.
You ask, “Should we explore explanations?”
Yes, I would like the propulsion unit explained to me that can allow a craft to change directions at speeds that would make any human spam in a can?
OK, Wes, here goes. I have not mentioned this experience on any forum
before now. It is just another 'anecdotal' account with no evidence to
back it up, therefore my reluctance to post it. I know some will question
my honesty or propose I don't know a 'cloud' or something when I see one.
I swear I am not making it up and will do my best to give accurate details.

It happened last September. I was taking my dog for a walk. She had indicated to me that she needed to take a leak. And, yes, she lets me
know by her actions and which door she goes to, what she wants to do.
Her normal place to take a leak is at the end of my driveway, on the lawn.
I walk her to that spot, she does her thing, no fuss, no walking for several
minutes. I heard the noise of a jet to the west, to my left. When I looked,
I saw this delta-winged jet diving below this 'cloud' about a mile away. The
cloud was not high, and it had a very defined, symmetrical shape. I laughed
to myself and thought 'ha, someone has seen a lenticular cloud and called
the Air Force, thinking it was a UFO!' The 'cloud' was luminous, almost like
a neon light in the sky. Not enough to hurt my eyes, but a lot brighter than
a daytime moon, for instance, more like the moon would appear at night. I
kept looking, thinking 'waite a minute, aren't lenticular clouds supposed to
be around mountains or something?' No mountains where I live, just some small, rolling hills. About that time, less than a minute after the first, I saw
another swept-winged jet dive under the 'cloud'. The 'cloud' really did not
look like a cloud that much, more like a well-defined plasma in the air. It was
motionless and the outline along the top and bottom was very straight and
parallel, not thicker on one end than the other. The ends were rounded, the
same on both ends. The intensity of the light it gave off was exactly the
same over its entire surface, not brighter nor dimmer towards the edges.
I could make out no structure or unevenness in the surface, no waves or
movement in the composition of whatever it was at all. A couple more passes
by the jets were made while I am trying to figure out what I am looking at.
I still did not think it was a 'real' UFO, I was just trying to identify what I was
seeing. I thought it might be a contrail in the distance, illuminated by the
setting sun, and the jets just happened to be flying and diving between me
and it. Then, one of the jets dove straight at it, or so it seemed. I thought
that looks dangerious because the thing looks like it is some form of energy.
As the jet got closer, the cloud moved higher in the air, and the plane went
under it. 'Woops, what just happened' I thought. Then my mouth really flew open. The 'cloud' started to move from a horizontal position to a vertical one.
It was a slow and very mechanical movement, an even rotational speed until
it reached an exact vertical orentation, then stopped. It took about a minute
or so. As soon as it reached the verticle position, it started moving toward
due west from me, not fast but again kind of slow. One of the jets passed
over me at low altitude, low enough and close enough for me to see the pilot's head clearly. The plane was an F-16, single seat, and it was a dark
grey or flat black with no markings that I could see, at least they were not
white or much different in color from the plane, as I examined the jet very
closely to make sure it was an F-16 and not an F-15 or something like that.
There were still two identical jets crisscrossing back and forth behind the
luminous 'cloud'. I tied my dog to a stake in the front yard because she was
getting restless and jerking the lease, and I kept watching. The F-16's are
about 50 ft. long and the 'cloud' was several times their length, I estimated
about 400 ft long and about 90 ft thick. The planes always kept behind the
direction of movement of the 'cloud', now crossing in the air directly behind
it, about 100-200 ft behind it. My speculation was they were taking some
kind of instrumental reading of the air the 'cloud' passed through. I had checked the wind when I saw the 'cloud' move to the west, and the wind
was from the northwest, probably around 5 miles an hour or so. The cloud
DID NOT gain in altitude as it moved to the west and its speed seemed steady. I lined up a telephone pole beside the 'cloud' as it was moving west
to see if it wavered from side to side in its movement and it did not. I watched both the 'cloud' and the two jets until they were nearly out of sight.
I could still see the 'cloud' easily until it appeared not much larger than Venus
would above the horizon. At the beginning, the 'cloud' would have been about
4 inches or better in length as measured from my outstretched arm and fingers. From the tiny size at the end of the sighting, I speculated that it
must have travelled at least 10 to 20 miles to the west while I watched it.
I am not sure of the time involved during its movement to the west, but
probably around 10 to 15 minutes, no more. That would mean it was moving
at about 60 to 120 miles an hour. I could also see the jets as they crisscrossed north and south behind the 'cloud' for a long time because their
exhaust was lighted by the setting sun and their dark color also stood out
against the sunset. The day was a beautiful, cloudless blue sky day and it
was kind of cool as a high pressure front must have been passing through
my area at the time. The sun had not set when the sighting took place, but
was low in the sky and there are trees in my subdivision to block it out. The
street in front of my house runs slightly south of due west and there are no
trees in the street to block my view of due west as long as I stayed near the
street. The color of the 'cloud' was something I have never seen before, a
kind of beige with a slight silver-blue tinge to it is the best I can describe it.
I don't know what it was. I saw no metallic structure and the plasma or
whatever it was, was very dense, I could not see beyond the very outside of it, almost like light enclosed inside a glass structure with none leaking out.
All edges were very defined with no blur to them, and the 'cloud' did not
change shape as it rotated to the vertical position, keeping its straight
lines along the top and bottom. That was what really shocked me, when it
began to move from the horizontal to the verticle position. Why would it
stand on its end to move off? It did not make sense then and it does not
make sense now. It has me completely baffled as to what it could have
been. I can think of no logical explaination of what I saw, only that it could
have been some kind of controlled energy in the air. For about a week and
a half after the incident, I could not concentrate on anything else for
any length of time, my thoughts would always drift to the event. They still
do at quite times, I still try to find an explaination. For the next week and
a half after the sighting, jets would come from the east and circle over
my small town at different times of the day and night, then return back to
the east. I wondered if someone was spooked and calling their base or if
they were responding to a possible radar return that was unexplained. I
would go outside and look each time they came over, but I never saw anything unexplained again. The nearest Air Force base with F-16s stationed
at it is over 300 miles from me to the East. I looked it up on the internet
after the sighting. There is an Air Force training base about 90 miles to my
south, but they only have the straight-winged trainers there, no F-16s.
So, I personally know SOMETHING is going on and the Air Force is aware
of it, but I don't know what. This report by me is no evidence for anyone
else, of course, but it is to me because I SAW it happen. I just don't know
what it was that I saw. It was totally different from what I expected a
'real' UFO to look like if they existed, based on previous reading and pictures.
I had thought they should be metallic with 'fuzzy' edges caused from the
energy they were emitting. That was not what I saw. Maybe it was some
kind of new technology being tested by the Air Force, but it does seem
strange they would do it over my small town. I saw nothing on the news
or in the newspapers about the incident.
I know myself responding is going to make you think that I'm just writing to cast doubt, I don't mean to do so but I question things based on my background which you would probably be skeptical of (I play too many computer games based on military strategies etc)

What I prepose you might of seen is a "Blimp", They are currently in use instead of taking IL-76 Mainstay or Hercules aircraft up for Radar reconnaissance. Namely if there isn't a radar station within distance of the area of operation, they take one of these craft into the vicinity.

However you can probably cast doubt as to how a "Cigar shaped" object can appear "Gaseous", although a point there is it might be a new way of remaining hidden from "ground forces" if they see a "Cloud", afterall can you imagine in a battle field every cloud being shot at? I doubt it. (It wouldn't take much to create vapour considering if you had a refridgeration engine for storing the gas used in the "Blimp" in liquid form, you could take vapour from air from outside of the "Blimp" freeze that down and then release it to create the cloud)

This could tie in with Black F-16's, Let's say there is a training run where the airbase needs some boggies, then the blacked out ones are most likely to be used to identify them from the rest of the squadron. If you say an Airbase exists 300 miles to the East, it could be assumed that a Boggie control station (The Blimp) and two boggies were sent out to the west to wait for a specific time before starting their war games.

The reason for having a seperate base of operation could be that the very operation staff conducting the training from the base probably were in training too, this meant that they couldn't have the "Orders" given to the boggies through the same chain of command.

Admittedly I know this is all speculation, and you don't have to believe it or even evaluate if you what you saw doesn't match this.
No, Stryder, being skeptical of report does not make me angry. I honestly cannot
believe it was a blimp, though. I have thought of that and everything else common
and uncommon that I can think of. To start with, the top and bottom surfaces were
perfectly straight and flat. No bumps on the top or bottom, no 'gondala' or whatever
the thing on the bottom of a blimp is called, and no 'dome' on the top. I could see
this very clearly. I assumed it was disk shaped during the sighting and I was looking
at it 'edge-on'. Thinking of it later, I could not remember seeing any surface area of
the bottom or top during the whole event, which lasted at least 15-20 minutes. It
could have been disk or triangle shaped and I saw it edge-on the whole time, or more
likely it was cigar-shaped. Again, it was horizontal and motionless for the first few
minutes. I didn't know how many planes there were at first, just that I saw them
approaching the thing comming from the north and the south, sometimes two in view
at once comming from opposite directions. The jet that looked like it was headed straight for the thing came from the south, they were all diving at a fairly shallow
angle as the thing was probably about 1/2 mile or a little more from the ground. The
one that was headed for the thing didn't alter its course, and as the plane got closer,
the thing made a smooth, but fairly quick ascent so the plane passed under it. I can't
say if the jet was positively headed straight of it, but it appeared that way. The jet
continued on northwards, and within a couple of minutes, what I assumed was the
same jet, came from the north making a fairly wide turn to the east. That was when
it came close to me, and the jet was still banking to the east and a little south of me
when it passed. I was looking up at about a 45 degree angle when it passed and was
probably much less than a thousand feet from me. That jet kept going to the east
and did not return. There was still two more jets flying back and forth past the object,
so I know there were three to begin with. I thought about it, and my 'speculation'
is that the pilot that seemingly tried to ram the object was recalled to his base
possibly for being too 'aggressive.' The other planes stayed a little farther away from
the thing after that also, still flying by it, but keeping maybe a couple hundered feet
behind it. Something I left out of my first statement was, after the plane flew close
to the object, it seemed to begin to get dimmer, looking something like a 'fadeaway'
screen shot of a movie. Before it lost all its glow, it began to increase in brightness
again until it was back to its former brightness. Then was when it began to rotate
in one spot until it reached the verticle position, straight up and down. The movement
was very precise and even. I have never heard of a blimp that could do that, or anything else in the air. That really shocked me, I actually felt a little unsteady, and
cold chills ran up and down my spine. I instantly knew that this thing was not a cloud,
blimp, balloon or anything else I could think of. My actual thoughts were "My God, if
that thing really is alien technology, they are so far advanced beyond us that it is
unimaginable." I also thought "Now I know why they are not revealed by the Air Force.
It may actually be the right decision." I don't shock easily. But seeing that thing,
whatever it was, rotate in mid-air sent chills through me. Sorry, but no, it was not
a blimp.
Sure Wes.
This took place in Kelowna B.C., Canada.
We were situated up on the outskirts of the city, this part of the suburbs rises quite high over the city itself giving a very nice view of the city in general.
It was aproxmately 11:30 am, beutiful bright sunny day, cloudless, when myself and my freind John.D were walking back from a convienence store with our soon to be lunch (Kraft Dinner, mmm).
The store was only aprox 2 blocks away from my freinds house that we were visiting at the time(Chris.K).
Anyways, we were walking along, talking about whatever, when we were about 60 feet from the walkway to our place of destination, I looked up to see up and to my left aprox 11:00 and up 40 degrees.....
Now here's the situation, the walkway to Chriss' house is now about 50 feet ahead and to the left, we are on the same side of the street. About 80 feet ahead and to the right on the other side of the street is two kids playing at the base of a street light.

Now this is where I look up and see bubbles.
Yep, my first association to what I saw were bubbles.
Thats what they looked like in the first second I saw them periferally and also because there were kids nearby......anyways....
It wasn't until I looked directly at these bubbles, took a few more steps,when suddenly *snap*.
The first charactersitic about these bubbles that gave me an intense double take was that they were not moving naturally.
Everyone knows how bubbles move, freely,bouncing on the air...etc
Not here. This was extreme mechanical motion.
Here was aprox 25-30 of these objects moving in complete syncronicity, independant of each other but moving in a mechanical formation of drawing a number eight,or more specifically, an old hour glass shape, sideways slowly and continuosly.
Without taking my eyes off of the objects I reached out and grabbed John and said "What the hell is that!?".
We stopped, and he said"I don't know, a bunch of aliens smaller than us?"
We stood there for for a few seconds more, then John just made a B line for the house.
I continued to be dumbfounded at these crafts still in part amazement, part denial of what I was actually looking at.
I looked over at the two kids playing at the base of a street lamp up ahead, oblivious to anything but their toys, I looked back up, taking it all in for at least 5-8 seconds,"What......the...fuck!"
I was now at the walkway to my destination, when for some reason, I am still as yet unclear why, but I just turned my head down, and made my own B-line for the door, saying "no fucking way, no fucking way, Thers just NO FUCKING WAY!".
I got to the door, put my hand on the knob,..........I turned around quickly still thinking" no fucking way" and ran back up to the top of the walkway.
And of course, and I mean the BIGGEST OF COURSE,....they were gone.
And this might sound strange, but that is probly what weirds me out the most,for several reasons.

Anyways, describing the crafts, they were definitely a bright mettalic, the conventional disc shape, and I could see that they all had a perfectly round sheild or force feild around each of them.
This is why I thought they were bubbles at first.
You know how bubbles in sunlight reflect a shiny reflection on the top half, well that was what I thought I was seeing, for the first millisecond.
Bubbles with the top half filled with shiny mettalic crafts.
All moving in an eerily mechanistic motion in perfect sync with one another.
Putting your arm out, each of the crafts including the sheilds were aproximately a centimeter in size.
And using my own ability for depth perception relative to everything else, I would have to say they were at least the size of automobiles.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Am I any luckier or better off for having seen this, I don't know, but I am now on the other side of the line, and it is a very strange place to be.
Espeacially when you have seen something like this, which I consider to be pretty dang important for one reason or another, but being on this other side of the curtain, discussing it, I am also equally intrigued at he way many people deal with this.
I honestly understand how it is just not possible for some one to come to a conviction for themselves of the reality of this phenomena, until they themselves experience something firsthand.
No stories, internet pictures, dialogue, or discussion will allow for a conviction. Thats just being reasonable.
It may strengthen beleif to one level or the next,but conviction can only come through first hand experience.
Thanks for asking.
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wesmorris said:
Inspired by the testimony of M7, I would like to hear anyone's story if you've really seen a unexplainable craft of some sort. Having you seen a UFO? Tell your story please. Should we explore explanations?
Please, tell us your story.

Yes I have. I've seen orange ball. You can imagine it as a red-orange ball, falling from the sky and then hoping back up and then down behind the hill. All thing lasted for about few seconds as I wasnt looking it that direction...
So heres the short story. Three of us (I'm not going into much of a details here) were coming back home from fishing one night, time about 2.00-3.00 AM. I was on the 'helm' and we were all looking at some boat on the south. As I had to look where I was stearing, I looked to the east and saw this ball, and I was the only one to see it. Distance was roughly about 1-2km or about a mile, cant tell for sure. It might have been maximum 1 meter in diameter, and again I 'm not too sure about that either.
And btw it was clear sky and the weather was fine :)
I admit to being an extreme skeptic, but I don't want to kick dirt on anybody's experiences. Having said that, a few observations:

1. The descriptions are all well-detailed, but the details tend to focus on the witness' feelings. Details of what they actually saw are sketchy.
2. Terms such as "real UFO" and "craft" suggest a predisposition to interpret the sightings as extraterrestrial objects.
3. Again, not to belittle anybody's experience, but what was described really doesn't sound very unusual.

In a similar situation (which I have experienced), I would probably say, "Hmm, look at that." and move on.
Hey Bob,
No man, you would not just say hmm, and move on with what I saw.
Unless of course you see flying saucers all the time moving in a formation.
You don't know me, so I know that you can't really trust me.
This was in plain daylight, no squinting of the eyes were neccessary, they were each a centimeter big when holding your arm out at length.
Two of us saw it.
I watched it for over 30 seconds.

Yah there was a lot of emotion described in what I saw, holy shit Bob.
If you saw what I saw, you would not have just gone,hmm and carry on.
These were not lights, these were mettalic discs with clear sheilds around them, moving in such syncronicity to one another in their pattern of movement as to look like a machine.
Anyways, again, there is nothing I or anyone can say,show, prove to you over the internet. You will indeed have to see a event of somekind yourself.
I just hope you may be more ready than myself if an event like this happens to you.
If I was more ready last time I would have made a huge commotion, niot taking my eyes of these crafts. Until people came out of their houses. Seriously.
I lost it, I couldn't handle the seriousness of what I saw.
I had to walk away.
To recollect myself.
Next time, no way.
If there is a next time.

P.S. You comment of having a similar experience?
Maybe I was a bit flippant with my "Hmm, look at that." I did not intend to diminish the impact of your experience.

And, now that you mention it, it doesn't quite fit one of my own experiences:
(It isn't an "unidentified" flying object story, per se.)

This also happened in broad daylight, not a cloud in the sky, etc.
I was walking down a busy city street when I heard aircraft engines in the distance. I looked up to see a 1940's-era four-engine aircraft (which is not something you see every day). I have some interest in such aircraft, and some limited knowledge, so I watched it. I couldn't identify it, but it definitely had four piston engines. It was flying at about 1000 feet (assuming a 100-odd foot wingspan), heading west-southwest (in the direction of the airport). I was walking south, facing the sun, but the glare wasn't so bright as to interfere with my vision. The aircraft was to the southeast of me.
Suddenly, I heard an engine sputter and/or cough and almost immediately the aircraft nosed over and began to fall. It plunged almost to ground level, then recovered and climbed to almost it's original height.
For a second, I thought it would be all right, but then it lost control again. It began to cartwheel across the sky, it climbed abruptly, stalled and plummeted again.
Finally, it went straight down into the ground, no more than a mile away, and exploded in a ball of fire.

It was not a pleasant sight to see and not as ho-hum as I suggested.
At the time.

The kicker is, it never happened.
I didn't make it up. I saw it as plain as you saw what you saw.
But it didn't happen.
No wreckage, no crater where it crashed (in the heart of the city). Nothing on the news.
It never happened.
But I saw it.

I have no explanation, other than that it could have been a dream (yet I didn't wake up from it). It wasn't drug-induced. I'm not insane (as far as I know).
The main difference (as I see it) between my experience and yours, is that I saw something I was familiar with and, therefore, didn't have to put an "extraterrestrial" explanation on it.

I have had other experiences of a more mundane nature, but I won't elaborate unless you're interested.
by sideshowbob:
"Terms such as "real UFO" and "craft" suggest a predisposition to interpret the sightings as extraterrestrial objects."

Since I am the only person to use the words "real UFO" in a post in this thread, I
will assume you are suggesting I am 'predisposed' to interpret 'sightings' as
'extraterrestrial objects.' First, I stated I did not believe (at this stage of the experience) I was seeing a 'real' UFO. Read slowly and pay attention to the post.
Second, A 'real' UFO does not mean it is extraterrestrial, it simply means what it
says 'an Unidentified Flying Object'. I still had hopes of identifying the UAP. If it
remains unidentified, then it is correct to refer to the object as a UAP or UFO. It
indicates a lack of knowledge to postulate 'UFO' equates to extraterrestrial craft.
By the way, sideshowbob, is it possible a strawman could have been flying your
cartwheeling plane???
2inquisitive said:
... is it possible a strawman could have been flying your
cartwheeling plane???

As I said, no wreckage was found and therefore no bodies, so I don't care to speculate on the pilot's identity.

I apologize for misconstruing your use of the word "real". I incorrectly assumed that you meant a "real flying saucer", or something of that ilk. Thank you for pointing that out.
Now that I've resisted the urge to "strike back", I have something to add:

The term "real UFO" is sloppy terminology.

As long as an object is unidentified, it is a real UFO. Using the modifier "real" suggests that you are modifying the meaning of "unidentified".
In future, if you just use the term "UFO", you will avoid confusing those of us whose intelligence is not as lofty as yours.

Your sloppy terminology does not, however, excuse my incorrect assumption.
As I said, I did not in any way intend to belittle the reality of your experience. I only meant to suggest that a real experience does not always imply a real event.
Sideshowbob, I did not state my intelligence was greater than yours. I stated that
to equate 'UFO' with 'extraterrestrial craft' indicated a lack of knowledge of the
true definition of 'UFO', not a lack of intelligence.
"We stopped, and he said"I don't know, a bunch of aliens smaller than us?"
We stood there for for a few seconds more, then John just made a B line for the house."

Moementum, that is hard for EVEN ME to swallow. Your friend must have had to use the bathroom real bad or something to not run for a camera or at least yell out the sky is falling!
I know unknown.
I cannot speak for him, we never really talked about it.
2 or 3 times maybe.
And definitely not to any great depth.
This happened about 4 years ago now.
It is only in the last year or so since I have been a member of sciforms that I have really talked about it at length with anyone.
I so wish I would have just started sceaming to get someones attention.
Getting more people out of their houses to see it.
But I have to tell you, I was not ready to see something like that at the time.

My brain just froze.
My brain had no references at all for what I saw.
I don't know if I can even describe how I felt at the time.
Bigger than life.
Here were these crafts that have always been possible in the imagination, movies, the whole social whatever, walking along...and having THE MOST furthest thing away from my mind just BAM!!!!
Speachless, numbness of thought, and emotions that I can still not clearly identify.
And I consider myself to be an rationaly open minded individual.
My freind John was always the loud mouth at parties, always having a good time.
I cannot speak for him.
He lives in a different city now, but we do keep in touch every so often.
I will ask him more about his thoughts and feelings about it.

I am begining to beleive that this may be the only and best value coming from forums allowing us to talk about this.
Just to get people ready for such an event when it happens.
To not freeze up, or avoid the reality of what they may be seeing.

Its easy to say that having such an experience like the one I had, you would be able to keep your calm and think about getting everyone elses attention.

Maybe if there was only one, it may have been different, or further away as to be maybe even a little uncertain of what I was seeing so that I would have had to get somebody elses oipinion.

But this was close, real close, and 25-30 of them at least.
Anyways, whatever.
It's not my job to convince anybody, but I am glad I can share.
Peace Out
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