
then which of the sentences i quoted myself saying in post #30 did you not understand?

What, did you read that in the bible or something? I'm sure it's easier to keep absurd ideas to yourself, their defense would require an aggravating amount of effort.
ok, i'll try to come over to this thread regularly to add shreds of evidence that support that god exists, of course they're debatable, but i ask you all to reply to them only when it's soo necessary, otherwise the thread will be crammed with commentary rather than what's being commented if the majority of the critical examination could be done between you and yourself, i'd appreciate it.

note; this is not because i'm afraid you'll "spoil" my evidence for me, i'd love you to do so, it's just i'm not ready to argue you all on them, at least not here..

so, let's start:

mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.

i've silently given the shred, so please examine it in silence too, and don't get too excited, there are more to come..
hahaha... this is so funny. Mohammad invented zero too? :p
Can't you support it in silence?
i've supplied it in silence.
i don't consider myself supported it, not yet.

I don't think you understand how an internet forum works. You want to create some kind of permanent reference thread, but this place is about debate. How can I make this clearer to you?
i don't think you understand how a biased internet forum works.
debate means BS when it's one to ten.
how can i make this clearer to you?

when the avalanche of your insulting criticisem comes, there's only me with a shovel to take it back up, plowing it off to the other side is normally out of the question.

and so, when i lay still and do nothing about it all, ecause it's too much, what would be the observer's impression? is that fair?
all of it?
What, did you read that in the bible or something? I'm sure it's easier to keep absurd ideas to yourself, their defense would require an aggravating amount of effort.
i've supplied it in silence.
i don't consider myself supported it, not yet.

Then I think it would be better to address the claims with whatever underlying synthesis connects them simultaneously, or instead support each claim with whatever support it has. I don't consider them supported either, as presented.

i don't think you understand how a biased internet forum works.
debate means BS when it's one to ten.
how can i make this clearer to you?

Bollocks: I've taken on those odds and triumphed. It's simple: if there's some astounding support for your claims, present it. Otherwise, you will go on posting shreds and having them shredded. Don't blame me for your choice of forum either: you knew perfectly well what your response would be when you started this thread of shreds.

Now: How can I make this clearer to you? :D
In this thread? Yes... :confused:
wonder if anyone else can muster getting boldly cheap like that..

Why do you ask? There is no evidence of any God in there.
reread post #27 and tell me if you still wanna go forward with this.
cuz i don't guarantee it'll end like your "yes" in the other thread..
Then I think it would be better to address the claims with whatever underlying synthesis connects them simultaneously, or instead support each claim with whatever support it has. I don't consider them supported either, as presented.

Bollocks: I've taken on those odds and triumphed. It's simple: if there's some astounding support for your claims, present it. Otherwise, you will go on posting shreds and having them shredded. Don't blame me for your choice of forum either: you knew perfectly well what your response would be when you started this thread of shreds.

Now: How can I make this clearer to you? :D
clear enough, i don't have the time to unscrew this screwed up reality, so i'm requesting a ban till i do have the time, to do so, and start some screwing of my own..
scifes said:
Why do you ask? There is no evidence of any God in there.

reread post #27 and tell me if you still wanna go forward with this.
cuz i don't guarantee it'll end like your "yes" in the other thread..
It's already ended. You asserted some nonsense about the Quran detailing stuff impossible to know without modern scientific gear, and I pointed out that there's no such stuff in it.

To repeat: nothing written, done, or created by humans in the course of human life and employing their human capabilities, is evidence of any deity. Humans are not gods.
I think what is being talked about here by the Pharoah is the one who drowned in the sea when he was following Moses with his troops...
Peace be unto you ;)
It's funny, very funny.

It should be noted that bones do NOT develop BEFORE flesh. That is, "BONES" real bones, do not develop BEFORE flesh. They develop within the "flesh". This of course proves the Qur'an is full of it. BUT of I'm sure after Muslims are done twisting and turning and reinterpreting every which way they can suddenly this is "Miraculous and "Proof of God" :p

But what can you expect? I mean the Qur'an is mainly plagiarized stories from the Bible of course mixing in some plagerized work based on Greek Physicians fits well within it's modus operandi.

Oh, did you also know Arabic is the Perfect language, the Kabaa is the Gods very bary berry specialist playth on earth and Mohammad "invented" Zero.
This reminds me of that quirky argument a lot of Muslims seem to make: "Mohammed was a simple nomad, how could he have known of such things?". Beyond arguing over whether details of the Quran are even accurate or not, what is the logical grounds for assuming there even was a guy named Mohammed as described? Why are we supposed to take this for granted as if it were proven fact? The truth is, the Quran, like all other books, is a book. None of you, Muslim, Jew, atheist, etc., have any real idea who actually wrote it, nor when it was actually written/finalized.
I've said exactly that many times in the past. The only contemporary evidence that can be construed of as Mohammad is Greek letter complaining about a Warlord spreading a corrupted form of Christianity.