

In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
ok, i'll try to come over to this thread regularly to add shreds of evidence that support that god exists, of course they're debatable, but i ask you all to reply to them only when it's soo necessary, otherwise the thread will be crammed with commentary rather than what's being commented if the majority of the critical examination could be done between you and yourself, i'd appreciate it.

note; this is not because i'm afraid you'll "spoil" my evidence for me, i'd love you to do so, it's just i'm not ready to argue you all on them, at least not here..

so, let's start:

mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.

i've silently given the shred, so please examine it in silence too, and don't get too excited, there are more to come..
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Hope this doesn't start a pile of clutter, but...

Pretty much every Pharaoh's body was preserved. That's what they did, it's one of the most famous of ancient Egyptian practices, right up there with the pyramids, which themselves were built primarily to stash the mummies of these afforementioned Pharaohs.
ok, i'll try to come over to this thread regularly to add shreds of evidence that support that god exists, of course they're debatable, but i ask you all to reply to them only when it's soo necessary, otherwise the thread will be crammed with commentary rather than what's being commented if the majority of the critical examination could be done between you and yourself, i'd appreciate it.

note; this is not because i'm afraid you'll "spoil" my evidence for me, i'd love you to do so, it's just i'm not ready to argue you all on them, at least not here..

so, let's start:

mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.

i've silently given the shred, so please examine it in silence too, and don't get too excited, there are more to come..
Aside from the tiny little fact that pharaoh's existed and were preserved in death and then entombed, and their graves robbed (ie. grave robbers and many others would have known that Egyptians preserved bodies.. lots of evidence existed prior to and after Mohammad was even born of how the ancient Egyptians buried their dead) and burial practices that was known to exist in the region even before the Quran was written and before Mohammad ever existed...?

Is that stating the obvious?:rolleyes:
Hope this doesn't start a pile of clutter, but...

Pretty much every Pharaoh's body was preserved. That's what they did, it's one of the most famous of ancient Egyptian practices, right up there with the pyramids, which themselves were built primarily to stash the mummies of these afforementioned Pharaohs.
well, you might be right, but i'll let people decide that on their own, they could also check up RamsesII and Dr. Maurice Bucaille for more info..
Hm, I think they're couldn't conserve their excitement. There's some excited peeps up in this piece.

I'm wanting for more shreds, by the way.
mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.
Pure nonsense.
If I write a book about WWII would you take that as a prophecy?
Rameses II was ~1500 years before Muhammad :rolleyes:
Bucaille? Crank...
mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.

Mummifying wasn't an unheard story for Mohammed's era. He also knew about this practice.

If you are going to show us this type of picture from British Museum and claim that "Mohammed was right", you must be really desperate:

Woah, crap, that's him?

And, while I'm trying to let you have an honest attempt, I have to admit that (even before others pounced on you), that's a weak start. Give a shred that really hits people in the face, then work your way down to the cannon fodder arguments.
lol, it's better to have your opponents put their gaurd down, to get a clear shot at the face.
but as you can see, that's not my goal here, i'm trying my best not to sound like the one giving the "for" and the rest of you reply with the "against", not only because i'm afraid of misrepresenting the side i'm taking, but because i'm not ready to get into the quarrel to begin with, not now at least:D..

so i repeat my humble request, of people measuring the for and against of each shred by themselves, so as not to affect or get affected by others, all what it takes is a couple of claps by some of you to start the blinding biased avalanche..

for example, while my first shred might be weak, it's DEFINITELY reduced to smaller than its real size and worth, thoughts are built upon, the first one doubts, the other one continues by showing disbelief, third one states a fact that it's none sense, what's left for the rest other than make fun of it?
Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who looked him up? a fellow scientist, no? a specialist in his field, closest one to the case, where's his side of the equation?
not to mention i can support my side on my own, so no need to remind me of "appeal to authority", but it's a fight that takes time, why write it all over again when a specialist has written a book about it?

so bottom line is, if we can only supply the shreds here, with some hints to research for those who don't know where to start, one may take an unbiased line of thought free of the influence of those around him(who are of one side), reaching a truer conclusion..

the quran gave details about embryos and fetuses and stuff impossible to know without modern medical equipment.

and for future reference; Mohammad is an illiterate desert nomad who lived 1400 years ago.

"hints":keith moore
mohammad's book of prophecy, the quran, mentioned that the pharaoh's body will be preserved so he will become a lesson to those after him.
and well, his body was found preserved alright.

i've silently given the shred, so please examine it in silence too, and don't get too excited, there are more to come..

One cannot silently give that which is not silent.

Anyway, I expect it was fairly well known that the Pharoahs (and which one did Mohammed mean?) were so preserved.

Also, in which part of the Quran is this prophesied?
the quran gave details about embryos and fetuses and stuff impossible to know without modern medical equipment.

and for future reference; Mohammad is an illiterate desert nomad who lived 1400 years ago.

"hints":keith moore

Keith Moore is a bit of a prat, really.

And the people of Mohammed's era knew all about the embryo's development in the uterus:

In the 2nd century A. D., Galen described the placenta and fetal membranes in his book "On The Formation of the Fetus." Consequently, doctors in the 7th century A. D. likely knew that the human embryo developed in the uterus. It is unlikely that they knew that it developed in stages, even though Aristotle had described the stages of development of the chick embryo in the 4th century B. C. The realization that the human embryo develops in stages was not discussed and illustrated until the 15th century.

The last part is nonsense, of course: it is extraordinarily likely that they also knew it developed in stages. I expect Mohammed had seen enough of agriculture to understand this.
Da Vinci learned many things about embryo development with nothing more sophisticated than a knife.
Indeed. In fact, what I have head before from Islamic apologists has been than the Quran mentions the embryo starting as a blood clot. While I'm sure it would resemble one, this would be scientifically inaccurate. It is not a clot of blood.
lol, it's better to have your opponents put their gaurd down, to get a clear shot at the face.
Drivel: if you had any solid evidence you'd present it, as opposed to these specious pieces of nonsense.
Presumably you entitled the thread "Shreds" because that's what's going to happen to everything you put up - it'll get shredded.

for example, while my first shred might be weak, it's DEFINITELY reduced to smaller than its real size and worth
What you call "weak" is actually non-existent.
It's been reduced to zero as evidence.

thoughts are built upon, the first one doubts, the other one continues by showing disbelief, third one states a fact that it's none sense, what's left for the rest other than make fun of it?
It was deserving of being made fun of from the start. The fact some posters were too polite to do so is probably more in the way of evidence of their good nature than any credibility to the posted "data".

not to mention i can support my side on my own
Then do so rather than putting up strawmen.

why write it all over again when a specialist has written a book about it?
Because if you'd bothered checking that "specialist" has already been refuted...
(As has Keith Moore - that's a hint not to allude to him any more).

one may take an unbiased line of thought free of the influence of those around him(who are of one side), reaching a truer conclusion..
Except that what you're presenting isn't unbiased - it presupposes that god exists.