Show Yourself!

or perhaps wal-mart. aliens IM SURE enjoy low low prices as well.
also, they would be satisfied to know where "long lost smiling cousin bernard" went.
Gustav said:
very true and quite an interesting angle at that. i bet it is imperative from their pov to offer up an explanation. any explanation. one that will keep the masses mollified and off the streets.

govts are probably like us watching helplessly and speculating wildly while et calmly holds their 50th annual airshow over the planet earth


:) ... Yeah, that's pretty much been my take on the thing - whenever anything happens, be it ET's, Terrorists, the price of beer... it's the Governments job really to have some sort of a handle on the situation, no matter how ludicrous the situation that manifests itself - if its part and parcel of the public domain (ie, reported upon) the onus falls to the Government to demonstrate some form of awareness concerning what's actually going on.

When they haven't a clue - the incident either didn't take place or becomes the product of over reaction on the part of the press and all along the line suddenly whoevers speaking on the part of the authorities suddenly gets extraordinarily pedantic with regards to the meanings of specific words associated with specific (ie awkward to answer) questions.

These days of course the chaps and chapesses they put up to do the talking bits are trained and it shows, but back in the day of course things were very, very different and pretty ad hoc in comparison.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certain there's a hell of a lot more confirmatory evidence regarding sightings and so forth governments both sides of the pond could release were the inclination there to do so - but given the way the subject was dealt with from the 40's onwards I'd be more inclined the lack of forthcomingness on the part of both the military and government exists solely to cover up the lack of both actual answers and even tenable idea's with regards to the subject, rather than any form of shadowy uber conspiracy to hide "the truth"....

Whatever it is that has happened, and I more than suspect a good fair many unusual things genuinely have over the years, it caught the powers that be with their pants down and never did hang around long enough for anyone to really come up with much in the way of the concrete - except what the eye may inconveniently see, what the camera may occasional conspire capture.

Well, like I say. My take on things at anyrate.
Qorl said:
When it will happen you will not believe to your eyes.
Do you realise this is the sad consequence of movie special effects now being so good? Since there's practically nothing that cannot be achieved in a visual medium, the aliens landing at the Olympic opening ceremony would be dismissed by me, for one, as a "Hollywood stunt".

Oh, and one more thing - please, please, please, when the aliens come, please let them look absotively nothing whatsoever like Roswell "grays". CE3K has a hell of a lot to answer for....
-I'm sure people will dismissed God Alien Gray, but they will not dismissed his son Jesus Christ, he was born again in this time. When this happens people will ask themselves. Will we chose eternal life and absolute freedom, or will we be under constant attack of governments and unjustice. Will we be slaves forever?... I'm sure that a rich or famous people that God give them a power or knowledge will not agree, because they will be equal to a Holmes man. But believe me, there is more pore and smart people than rich. So money will lose the battle with Jesus Christ, he will be a money in the future.

-By the way Roswell Grays (God's) faked a crash just for you to think. Is something out there? So what they archive with a fake crash? Lets say the world with full of gray faces. I will mentioned just one company logo, Alien Ware.

Remember, rebellion could not exist because people will piss in their panties when they will saw a real power of God. Even the real power already exists - creation. This will happened, What will you chose?
Mr Anonymous said:
Actually the Washington DC bit apparently did happen, or many somethings did a splendidly fine impression. Back in the 50's the capitol was buzzed over the course of one weekend by very bright, apparently intelligently guided objects, dozens of the things apparently. Thousands of people witnessed them, Eisenhower even went on record acknowledging the incident during the course of a press conference, made the headlines all over the country.

They came, they caused enormous speculation... they buggered off again.

A rather similar incident took place over the capital of New Zealand circa 1976/77. Latterly they seem to favour Phoenix for some ungodly reason.

These places are merely favorite vacationing spots for large electric geese.
Scientists simply have yet to identify them properly. People should stop calling them UFOs, because they most certainly have been identified.

I'm so smart!
btimsah said:
No seriously.. in this day and age, I would stay away from America. President Bush (after 9-11) would fear their spacecraft was a terrorist ploy. :p

HARDLY! Bush would more likely see it as a family reunion! Especially if these are the SCALY ones! Hee hee! ;)
Giambattista said:
These places are merely favorite vacationing spots for large electric geese.
Scientists simply have yet to identify them properly. People should stop calling them UFOs, because they most certainly have been identified.

I'm so smart!

:) ... Well, indeed you are and how extraordinarily true - indeed, Mount Rainier, the area where Kenneth Arnold first sighted the incident which sparked the entire Flying Saucer era is located within the state of Washington and, as we all know, as the official enquiry into the incident was able to establish with unsurpassed insight that what the gentleman in question actually saw that day were infact shiny, metallic, electrically powered migrating wild geese which patently Arnold merely mistook for regular, common or garden Flying Saucers.

Being on the same flightpath, obviously, these loose bowled little buggers can often be seen on any given day, buzzing over the capitol as they busy themselves ferrying members of the Senate too an fro on important government business and pooing on the cities more popular land marks.

The swines. The swines. The tiny, electrically powered little swines.

The electrically powered migrating geese aren't much better either...
Qorl said:
When it will happen you will not believe to your eyes.

Oh, dear Qorl, I will believe to my eyes.

I believe your eyes are large and slanted. Am I right?
(Q) said:
I would venture a guess that a large mothership should plop itself down right in the middle of Hajj in Mecca.

Worst. Idea. Ever.

They should first send a message saying they are coming, and offer the world the power to choose where they should reveal themselves. The aliens, with their superior intellect and technology would than find out if there is any chance for attack. If not, than they will land and reveal themselves. The World would be ready for it and the shock won't be as great than a sudden grand showing over Mecca which would probably cause mass suicide and people worshipping the aliens.