Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

I don't deny that this is possible, but there are numerous incidents that do not fit, such as the persecution of Roman citizens for being Christians.
Then what occurred to end this conflict (since we have Romans and Christians today that are not engaged in the same practice)?

Not even sure what that means.
It means that you are not willing to let anything float in the name of atheism so its kind of hypocritical for you to criticize the religious for pursuing the same agenda

Hey wow, you took what I said and said the opposite to me! I never saw that coming!
Standard response to tentative arguments. Copy/paste is a wonderful tool when the premises of an argument are flexible.

But you also successfully ignored an important point, which is that religious beliefs are defined by the individual, not by any religious authority. Anyone can claim to be a religious authority. Bin Laden can be considered religious because he claimed to be. You can't say he wasn't religious just because he didn't represent mainstream Islamic beliefs.
No more than you can say Pol Pot et al aren't acting in accordance with atheist beliefs

IOW critiques combine with issues of literacy to demand categories for what they are talking about.

Doesn't matter whether we are discussing atheists, theists or jelly beans
But you also successfully ignored an important point, which is that religious beliefs are defined by the individual, not by any religious authority. Anyone can claim to be a religious authority. Bin Laden can be considered religious because he claimed to be. You can't say he wasn't religious just because he didn't represent mainstream Islamic beliefs.

We're going to need to define what a religion is because apparently you're saying whatever Bin Laden was doing was religious whether it represented mainstream Islam or not simply because he claimed it to be Islam:

a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

What kind of values did Bin Laden's and his follower's actions have, what kind of usefulness did his beliefs have to mankind in general?
@lightgigantic --

But that is just the point, we're talking about the religion islam, not countries with a majority muslim population.
So you wouldn't expect a majority muslim country to be knowledgeable about islam?

There's a huge difference between the two and it's obvious that you have no idea what the koran or the hadith actually say do you?
I am sure that the majority muslim countries with secular governments know more about it than both of us ...

The problem is that you are saying islam promotes violence yet we have vast swaths of populated geography to suggest otherwise (with the obvious missing ingredient being a schema of conflicting politics to illustrate what you are trying to flog this dead horse towards)
...apparently you're saying whatever Bin Laden was doing was religious whether it represented mainstream Islam or not...

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Protestantism didn't represent mainstream Christianity at one point. Mormonism doesn't represent mainstream Christianity now. The Shia and Sunni don't agree on how Islam should be practiced.

Religious beliefs don't have to be useful or follow any institution or historical precedent.
@lightgigantic --

So you wouldn't expect a majority muslim country to be knowledgeable about islam?

Not really. Majority christian countries aren't all that knowledgeable about the bible, why should we expect majority muslim countries to differ in that regard?

Besides, you're forgetting that there are majority muslim countries that do have sharia law, islamic law. And according to the ones that do maintain islamic law, there is to be no peace with the enemies of Allah.

I am sure that the majority muslim countries with secular governments know more about it than both of us ...

And I doubt that the majority of them could pass a religious knowledge test with a higher score than any of the atheists on here.

The problem is that you are saying islam promotes violence yet we have vast swaths of populated geography to suggest otherwise

Nice straw man argument, but that's not what I'm arguing at all. What I'm arguing overall is that religion can, and often does, motivate violence. What I'm arguing specifically at the moment is that islam, with it's dual metaphysical features of a war-like god and martyrdom, is more prone to motivating violent behavior than many other religions are.

(with the obvious missing ingredient being a schema of conflicting politics to illustrate what you are trying to flog this dead horse towards)

Then why aren't the Tibetan buddhists strapping bombs to themselves and obliterating their Chinese oppressors? Here we have conflicting politics, poverty, and truly awful oppression which goes well beyond what the Israelis could ever get away with doing to the Palestinians. According to you we have all of the ingredients necessary for people to blow themselves up in the middle of populated areas, killing innocent people. But that's not happening is it? Why isn't it happening? What's different between them and the Palestinians?
@lightgigantic --

Putting aside that this is a red herring, no it hasn't been given the all clear in my books. While religion and faith may have been given the all clear by the various governments who have political and cultural reasons to do so, but not by me or many others.
must be due to your differing political view ... fancy that, eh?

What were the nineteen hijackers instructed to do? They were instructed to strike at an enemy of Allah and were even instructed to be praying at the last second so as to earn their way to heaven through martyrdom. That behavior sounds pretty religiously motivated to me.
And I guess its just a coincidence that the organization that headed the attacks arose out of the espionage/counter-diplomacy of the cold war in the late 80's, eh?

Would an attack have happened anyways? Perhaps, but not likely taking the same form. While we find suicide bombers throughout the world, the overwhelming majority of them, at least in the past fifty years or so, have been muslim. Why? Because the metaphysics of martyrdom, which islam explicitly endorses, lend themselves so well to that particular form of terrorism.
Since it arose out of the conflict in the Afghan region it would be more surprising if they were Tamil Tigers

So the group of christians, including the town's only priest, who ran me out at gunpoint weren't exhibiting the same paranoid, hostile, and pious behavior?
I can't help but wonder if there is another half to the story that you are omitting ....
Or are you arguing that they weren't "twu christians". This is laughable. We see the same sort of behavior all of the time, or have you forgotten about the WBC? Or the various gay people who have been beaten to death by religious fanatics because of the way they were born. My, how quickly we forget the victims when we seek to protect our religion.
I am suggesting that you might have simply been acting like an asshole and that might be the local standard for dealing with such scenarios.

Thanks for proving my point that religion sometimes causes violence, this was most unexpected. Usually you just waste time by not posting any links at all and relying exclusively on logical fallacies.
That's funny - all I see is the persecution of persons they consider to be assholes , eg : horse smugglers, foreigners, since the link goes on to say that there really wasn't much opportunity for religious persecution since the population was more or less religiously uniform.

Of course, how could eight hundred years of institutionalized torture for purely religious crimes be anything other than religiously motivated violence?
Pffft! Purely Religious?
IOts quite clear that they were acting purely int he national interests of Spain, unless you have some wacky angle to explain horse smuggling as a religious crime.

What history have you been reading? American history obviously, which explains why you've got it so assbackwards. Most of the concentration camps, indeed much of the fighting period, was done by Anglicans and Soviets most of whom were atheists. So it was, at best, a rescue by mixed religions, but, of course, that's hardly the point now is it?
You are trying to establish Catholicism as supporting nazi germany but you also had Catholics in the allies forces (even 30 years afterwards you had an american president who was a catholic).
Its really a desperate argument

Oh really? You must have had your head under a rock in history class. Why, then, did all of the German catholic churches open up their records, including genealogical records, to the Nazis without even having to be asked? Why was the official church policy towards the Nazi party and towards Hitler one of support? Why didn't the RCC protest when the extent of the "final solution" was discovered(of course, Hitler's defense of only doing what the church has done for centuries didn't help their case)?
You are simply imaging stuff

The attitude of the Nazi party to the Catholic Church ranged from tolerance to outright aggression in service of their covert plan to near total renunciation.[67] Many Nazis were anti-clerical in both private and public life.[68]

So religion is wiped clean in your eyes then? Sorry, but that doesn't fit the facts.

Of course different people are going to take different things from religions, that's what happens when your entire worldview is built on the subjective. That's why we have to look for trends, and what we see when we look at the world around us is that religion is a great motivator for violence. Here's a few examples of the current day.

There's four, do you want more, I know that you do, but not because you're actually trying to argue my point, but because you'll say anything if you think it will prove me wrong and thus, in your mind, prove you right.
as I just said, the problem with your examples is that there are equally religious peers of the said advocates minus the nefarious political agenda that dismiss your suggestions that its all simply derived from religion

Not by your logic, no. If we apply your and Wynn's logic to this it was not done for religious reasons and therefore they were not "true atheists". Of course, that's all beside the point.

This sort of persecution came about not because of their atheism but because of their communism, and I know that I don't have to remind you that the two are different things(contrary to what you might have been taught). Come on, how about trying a hard one on me, what's with these softball questions?
So the political platform that atheism was pursued on is the culprit, eh?

Actually this is irrelevant. I already quoted several suras which command violence and/or hatred against unbelievers, that some people ignore or choose to reinterpret these commands does not mean that they aren't there.
Its entirely relevant that you have persons of the same religious community that are not only at odds with your run down of "essential" prescribed religious tenets but protesting against the very candidates you declare as typical.

Fair enough if you want to argue with me about what constitutes a religious principle but its kind of lame when there are vast swaths of geography that totally negate your caricatured renditions of the religious.

Not in the way that they have, not with the reasons that they've given. Unless you're saying that Bin Laden was lying and he wasn't religious at all, but that would be ridiculous even for you.
So you don't think the schmozzle of post cold war Afghanistan had any unfettered ends that could have violent consequences?

Ah, so prosperity and solitude are the keys to preventing violence?

What a quaint, and ignorant, view of the world. I suggest that you pick up The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom. While his views on evolutionary theory are somewhat biased and naive, he writes quite well when it comes down to this subject. You may want to pick it up and learn a thing or two.
I wasn't really talking about preventing violence but I think a good starter might be to not have two super powers use your resource laden back yard as playground for armed conflict.
What do you think?

So you've found many fundamentalist muslims who don't advocate or support religious violence? Again, you don't read very much do you?
You mean in Indonesia or Bangladesh or Malaysia when I was there?
You don't get out much, do you?

The simple truth is that most people, religious or otherwise, have their needs, interests and concerns governed by family affairs.

Your rants about the religious being blood thirsty fundamentalists is simply a delusional consequence of hyperbolic journalism

This, like all of your posts, is absolute tripe on a bike. By the way, I'm still waiting for you to support your claim that religious belief never causes violence. I've gone out of my way, against my better judgment, to address your non-sequiturs and your red herrings, the least you could do is answer just one of my questions and support your claims.
Still waiting for you to provide an example that isn't precluded by reams of political intrigue
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List the atheist beliefs, please.
take your pick

Practical atheism

In practical or pragmatic atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine. The existence of gods is not rejected, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.[56] A form of practical atheism with implications for the scientific community is methodological naturalism—the "tacit adoption or assumption of philosophical naturalism within scientific method with or without fully accepting or believing it."[57]

Theoretical atheism (Broad category for several varieties - see link for more)

Theoretical (or theoric) atheism explicitly posits arguments against the existence of gods, responding to common theistic arguments such as the argument from design or Pascal's Wager. Actually the theoretical atheism is mainly an ontology, precisely a physical ontology.
@lightgigantic --

Still waiting for you to provide an example that isn't precluded by reams of political intrigue

1. This is completely irrelevant and is an attempt to shift the burden of proof from yourself to me. I didn't make your claim, it is not on me to prove or disprove it until you support it. You are the sole bearer of the burden of proof for your claim.

2. I already gave you an example(two really) of religiously motivated violence in this very thread.
@lightgigantic --

Not really. Majority christian countries aren't all that knowledgeable about the bible, why should we expect majority muslim countries to differ in that regard?
So when it comes to how a muslim should live in accordance with the Koran they should inquire from you?
How quaint ...
Besides, you're forgetting that there are majority muslim countries that do have sharia law, islamic law. And according to the ones that do maintain islamic law, there is to be no peace with the enemies of Allah.
not really
also for your edification

And I doubt that the majority of them could pass a religious knowledge test with a higher score than any of the atheists on here.
Given that an atheist, by definition, fails at the point of practice, its hardly a concern

Nice straw man argument, but that's not what I'm arguing at all. What I'm arguing overall is that religion can, and often does, motivate violence. What I'm arguing specifically at the moment is that islam, with it's dual metaphysical features of a war-like god and martyrdom, is more prone to motivating violent behavior than many other religions are.
The problem is that the key examples in your "overall" picture are cherry picked from political hotspots

Then why aren't the Tibetan buddhists strapping bombs to themselves and obliterating their Chinese oppressors? Here we have conflicting politics, poverty, and truly awful oppression which goes well beyond what the Israelis could ever get away with doing to the Palestinians. According to you we have all of the ingredients necessary for people to blow themselves up in the middle of populated areas, killing innocent people. But that's not happening is it? Why isn't it happening? What's different between them and the Palestinians?
turn the clock back 60 years and do some research on tibet
@lightgigantic --

1. This is completely irrelevant and is an attempt to shift the burden of proof from yourself to me. I didn't make your claim, it is not on me to prove or disprove it until you support it. You are the sole bearer of the burden of proof for your claim.
I don't think you can take a breath in this thread without saying "religion causes violence"

2. I already gave you an example(two really) of religiously motivated violence in this very thread.
hence the "... that isn't precluded by reams of political intrigue "
@lightgigantic --

I already have. How is a christian blowing away his atheist roommate because he was an atheist "political intrigue"?

How is me getting run out of town by an armed mob which included the town's only priest because I'm an atheist "political intrigue"?

They're not, these acts of violence were inspired directly by religious belief.

Now you can't support your argument, I've just shredded it.
In practical or pragmatic atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

Hehe...I'm a Pagan figures!:p
A man was peacefully boiled alive for his faith:

Bhai Dayala was one of the Sikhs who accompanied Guru Tegh Bahadur when the latter left Anandpur on 11 July 1675 to court martyrdom at Delhi, the other two were brothers---Bhai Mati Das, a Dewan and Bhai Sati Das, a Scribe at Guru’s court. Along with Ninth Guru ji, they were arrested under orders from Emperor Aurangzeb at Agra. On 9 November 1675 A.D, the Qazi pronounced his religious order that Bhai Dayala must either accept Islam or be prepared to embrace death by being boiled in a cauldron. Bhai Dayala heroically accepted the latter alternative and asked leave of the Guru. The Guru graced Bhai Dayala for his lifelong devotion as a true and dedicated Sikh and blessed him with glory and success. Bhai Dayala was put into a big cauldron full of water which was later heated to the boiling point. Bhai Dayala continued to his last breath to recite the Japji of Guru Nanak and the Sukhmani of Guru Arjan.

A quadruple martyrdom:

Mati Das while standing erect was tied between two posts. He was asked if he had any parting words, to which Mati Das answered, "I request only that my head be turned toward my Guru as I am executed." Two executioners placed a double-handed saw on his head. Mati Das serenely uttered "Ek Onkar" and started reciting the Japji Sahib, the great morning prayer of the Sikhs. He was sawn across from head to loins. It is said that even as the body was being sawn into two, the Japji continued to reverberate from each part until it was all over.

[edit] Dyal Das and Sati DasDyal Das abused the Emperor and his courtiers for this infernal act. He was tied up like a round bundle and thrown into a huge cauldron of boiling oil. He was roasted alive into a block of charcoal. Sati Das condemned these brutalities. He was hacked to pieces limb by limb. The Guru witnessed all this savagery with divine calm.

[edit] Guru Teg Bahadur's Martyrdom
Mati Das, Dyal Das and Sati Das were tortured and executed on three consecutive days.

Guru Teg Bahadur was beheaded by an executioner called Jalal-ud-din Jallad, who belonged to the town of Samana in present-day Haryana. The spot of the execution was under a banyan tree (the trunk of the tree and well near-by where he took a bath are still preserved), opposite the Sunheri Masjid near the Kotwali in Chandni Chowk where he was lodged as a prisoner, on November 11, 1675.

So, they refused to convert to Islam and were horribly tortured to death. Although...having read further...they were attacking Muslims in the area. But that again...violence inspired by religion?
I have only to prove that it happens, I give examples.
Arioch has already done it neatly anyway.

People are always going to be complicated...The Crusades were partly motivated by religious fervor, partly due to desire to loot on the part of the European powerful, possibly even population pressures... The Native Americans were killed primarily for being on land the white people wanted, but it did not hurt that they were not Christian...

Aurangzeb agreed to send forces to assist them in besieging Govind Singh in his stronghold at Anandpur. The guru himself escaped, but his children were executed. As he fed from the pursuing Mughal Army, Guru Govind Singh addressed their Emperor, Aurangzeb in a long Persian poem, known as Zafarnama. The poem complained against the Mughal Emperor Aurnagzeb, but appealed for peace in the name of humanity and of Islam and its teachings. According to certain Sikh accounts, Aurangzeb invited the guru to visit him in the Deccan and thereafter allowed Guru Govind Singh to live in peace.[73]

The history of this fellow is quite interesting:
(And really makes me hate my absolutely wretched history education...I have never heard of one of the most powerful emperors in history...)
And who exactly started the religious oppression in the first place here?
...He practiced a much more orthodox, even fundamentalist version of Islam, going so far as to outlaw music and other performances in 1668. Both Muslims and Hindus were forbidden to sing, play musical instruments or to dance - a serious damper on the traditions of both faiths in India.

Aurangzeb also ordered the destruction of Hindu temples, although the exact number is not known. Estimates range from under 100 to tens of thousands. In addition, he ordered the enslavement of Christian missionaries.

Aurangzeb expanded Mughal rule both north and south, but his constant military campaigns and religious intolerance rankled many of his subjects. He did not hesitate to torture and kill prisoners of war, political prisoners, and anyone he considered unIslamic. To make matters worse, the empire became over-extended, and Aurangzeb imposed ever-higher taxes in order to pay for his wars.
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@lightgigantic and wynn --

How about this, why don't you show me that religion inspires good deeds(helping the needy and whatnot). Remember not to make the assumption that people don't make!
As editor of the largest newspaper in West Virginia, I scan hundreds of reports daily and I am amazed by the frequency with which religion causes people to kill each other. It is a nearly universal pattern, undercutting the common assumption that religion makes people kind and tolerant.

- James Haught