Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

I find this rather naive. When people feel they are in genuine danger it is rather impressive what violence they can do in the name of self-preservation.
But then you would think it greedy to want to stay alive, no doubt?

There is use of force, and there is violence.

They are two very different things.
And apparently, many posters on this thread are not able to tell the difference.

An orthopedist has to use considerable force in order to put a dislocated shoulder back in place.
If you want to move furniture away from walls before you repaint the room, you have to use force.
A dentist has to use force when pulling a tooth.
The police has to use force when detaining a criminal that wants to escape.
Chopping wood requires the use of force.
Dog trainers sometimes have to use force.
Teachers sometimes have to use force both to discipline as well as to teach students.

All these are examples of the use of force, they are not violence.

Violence is when force (physical or psychological) is applied with greed, anger and delusion.

Can you provide any source that supports your definition?

Standard Buddhist doctrine.
Wait: are you saying you don't believe in the existence of motivation? My word. Well, how is this newfound perspective going to fit into your title? ("Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence"; my emphasis) How can there be religiously motivated violence if there is no such thing as motivation? And if not, are humans automatons, responding to any suggestion without discretion or discrimination, or completely immovable objects responding to no suggestion or motivation? Is it a mental free for all or a mental mountain? Your thoughts?

My thoughts on this is that you are shunning the topic.

Not true, since the act of religious slaughter is inherently cruel and violent. Cruelty does occur outside religious slaughter; however, this is invariably due to an oversight of law or the breaking of the law rather than the explicit requirement for such slaughtering methods.

Have you ever been to a commercial slaughterhouse, or seen footage from one?
Have you ever witnessed how animals are killed in private (not in a religious ritual), the way it has been done for centuries?
So says you.

If you want to play "But this is just your opinion (so it doesn't really matter)," then there is no point for you to continue discussing here.

While you state the ideal, or what one would expect, that is not always the case

What conclusion do you draw from that?

What greed?

Greed - as in demanding that things and people be precisely the way one wants them to be, come what may.

The man was a religious nut bag who murdered people and bombed abortion clinics because of his religious beliefs. He even admited he was motivated to act as he did because of his religious beliefs. So why is that a problem for you? Why do you deny what he admitted himself?

I suppose I operate out of a different understanding of religion than him - or you.

What stake do you have in this discussion?

Claiming that religion can motivate violence is like claiming that 2 + 2 = 5.

You mean like it is your understanding that all religious indviduals are above and beyond greed and anger?

If they are religious, then yes.

Obviously, being religious is not simply what irreligious people like Bells or the popular media think "religious" is.

Because obviously, reality is a foreign concept for you.

What do you gain from contempting others?

So a person comes out and says that they were motivated to commit an act of violence because of their religious beliefs and you say no, that it does not exist.

I replied to your example with the pointed gun above.
The act obviously exists.
I do not agree that the motivation is as stated.

If someone finds motivation to kill or commit violence from their interpretation of their religious beliefs, then it is religiously motivated violence..

An interpretation of a religious text is not automatically religious.
Oh dear god..

An interpretation of a scientific text is not automatically scientific.

Or do you think that an interpretation of something automatically places it into the same category as the interpreted thing?

Can you seriously troll more?

Can you seriously engage less in the topic?

He claimed that he was motivated to act as he did because of his religious beliefs. In other words, it was his religious beliefs that motivated him to commit those terrorist acts.

And you don't think that is religiously motivated violence?

Of course not. Something isn't something simply because someone claims it to be so.

If someone calls you an idiot - do you then consider yourself an idiot? No.

So the OT telling people when it is acceptable to kill one's children, you don't view that as violence?

Okay then..

It is certainly a case of use of force. It is not necessarily a case of violence.

The people on death row are someone's children - and the state believes that it is acceptable to kill them.

It's not like we nowadays have that different standards than several millenia back. It is just that the institutions and organizations that carry out the punishing are more elaborate, and the methods of punishment somewhat different, given what is affordable.

In times of natural catastrophe, revolution or war, martial law applies even in Western countries.
Martial law seems very cruel in comparison to ordinary law, yet given the circumstances, it is the only kind of law available.

And it is not like people in the OT are instructed to punish their children idly, just for the sake of it.

You want me to prove, that a priest/pastor performing an exorcism on a parishioner, who they believed was possessed by evil spirits/demons had something to do with religion?

Yes. Since you are in the camp who claim that it is possible that religion motivates people to violence.

No. If someone read what I wrote in here and used that as motivation, without my knowledge, then no, I would not be considered an accomplice.

If you admit to motivate (as you have), then you are an accomplice.

Can you see the difference?

Can you?

You can still strive towards that goal

Not with an outlook that disempowers you.
"Anything can motivate anyone to violence" is a disempowering outlook.

, but I can assure you, the range is huge. You will never be able to pin down the "culprit" because each person will be motivated by something different for the most part. Each person's anger will be motivated by something different. A guy coming home from work and beating up his wife one day because she didn't get dinner cooked on time and then the next night beating her because his dinner was cooked but had gone cold.. And the night after that because he just felt like hitting her.. You can't pin down the one motivation. Anything can motivate anyone to violence.

This is simply a way to avoid responsibility and to maintain the status quo.
"It's too varied, there's not much we can do."

No. It is not that varied.


Or are you going to ask me if I swing a chicken above my head before I slaughter it as a sacrificial offering?

Do you eat meat?

ope. The after effects are annoying and painful, but as violent as cutting my head with a knife over and over again or whipping my back until it bled? No.

You seem to presume that those people who flagellate themselves etc. do so idly.

I think they just lack the skill to achieve their goals (such as purification of one's mind) in some less hurtful way.
For example, a Buddhist may sit in breath meditation for a few months, several hours a day, to accomplish the same goal.

For a further example, a dog owner who isn't very skilled in training dogs, will apply considerable force, sometimes even violence, to get his dog to refrain from peeing on the rug - yelling and hitting are likely going to take place.

Someone more skilled in training dogs will use other methods, possibly such that do not involve yelling and hitting.

Delusion like acting on one's religious beliefs does not factor into it for you?

Do you believe that religion is nothing but delusion?

Why do you think they do it on that particular day for their particular religious belief? For fun? A family that whips a chicken around one's head and then kills it as a sacrificial offering is a family that has fun together?

A family that watches television together is a family that has fun together?
My thoughts on this is that you are shunning the topic.

I have rarely seen a more ironic statement.

Have you ever been to a commercial slaughterhouse, or seen footage from one?

Yup. Both, actually.

Have you ever witnessed how animals are killed in private (not in a religious ritual), the way it has been done for centuries?

I have seen the way it has been done in a religious ritual. The commercial way seems far more humane. The difference between these two procedures would then be "religiously-motivated violence". I'm not sure what your question as written would relate to. Could you clarify, or should I guess at the next evasion, which I can already see coming?
There is use of force, and there is violence.

They are two very different things.
And apparently, many posters on this thread are not able to tell the difference.

Violence is when force (physical or psychological) is applied with greed, anger and delusion.
Wow - I'm sure the irony is lost on you, but you surely didn't mean to show that you were among those who didn't know what violence was??

Violence is merely the application of force against the will of another.
In your example there are few cases where there is a contrary will... perhaps the dog has its own will, and yes, one can be violent in training a dog - although I don't condone it.

There is no need for it to be accompanied by anger, greed or delusion.

Unless, of course, you wish to define violence in your own way so that you feel you can win the argument by default? 'Cos that's all you seem to be doing here.

Can you support your definition of violence, specifically the need for it to be accompanied by greed, anger or delusion?
Standard Buddhist doctrine.
First show where it is stated - if it is standard doctrine then there should be ample examples?
Then show that it is the prevailing and/or correct definition, rather than a specific definition used only by certain people.

And even if you can show that it is a definition used by some people, surely you should appreciate by now that if you intend to use a rather specific definition that is not widely used, that you should state as much in the OP, or at least clarify the definition you're using?
But to not do so, and to claim other definitions as incorrect, is simply dishonest.
Why, violence is only greed.

Ergo there is no violence.

And greed is only action or thought. And neither of those have any physical form. Can action or thought make you do anything? Of course not. So they don't exist either. And planets. I mean, really: who has ever seen a planet? Of course you haven't. It's just too big; can you really say you've seen from one end of the horizon to the other? Of course not. They've only seen little parts of planets; but you can't say those things represent planet as a whole. Sure, some people say they've seen planets, but they've only seen light transmitted by the reflection from the planet (or other celestial body). And that just isn't the same thing. It's so obvious. Anyone deviating from this line is just avoiding the argument.
Two more cunt gargling pages of tripe, how much more do we have to put up with? All that happened in the last two pages was that Wynn and LG both merely went back to what they've been doing since page one. This thread is literally going nowhere.

@LG --

No one's raised any valid criticisms of my arguments, ergo they still stand.
Two more cunt gargling pages of tripe, how much more do we have to put up with? All that happened in the last two pages was that Wynn and LG both merely went back to what they've been doing since page one. This thread is literally going nowhere.

@LG --

No one's raised any valid criticisms of my arguments, ergo they still stand.
You threw the towel in and officially began trolling about 600 posts ago
I bet you can't even remember what your arguments were, much less what the obvious problems with them are ....

@LG --

It's not that I threw in the towel, it's that I got bored responding to the same arguments(almost verbatim sometimes) that were destroyed on the very first page of this thread. When something gets boring here I leave it alone, I'm under no obligation to spend my time here letting you, Wynn, and a few others bore me until my braincells start dying.

And no one has raised any valid counters to my arguments, not once in this entire thread. All you and Wynn have done is completely redefine several words and you took your arguments from there. I don't have time to babysit you lot and instruct you on how to properly construct a valid argument or criticism, though it's obvious that you guys are having some trouble with that, either change your argument and drop your completely asinine personal definitions or admit defeat right here and now. those are really your only options, other than continuing to troll that is.
@LG --

It's not that I threw in the towel, it's that I got bored responding to the same arguments(almost verbatim sometimes) that were destroyed on the very first page of this thread. When something gets boring here I leave it alone, I'm under no obligation to spend my time here letting you, Wynn, and a few others bore me until my braincells start dying.

And no one has raised any valid counters to my arguments, not once in this entire thread. All you and Wynn have done is completely redefine several words and you took your arguments from there. I don't have time to babysit you lot and instruct you on how to properly construct a valid argument or criticism, though it's obvious that you guys are having some trouble with that, either change your argument and drop your completely asinine personal definitions or admit defeat right here and now. those are really your only options, other than continuing to troll that is.
So what was your argument again?

Or do you also find it boring to sift through your waffle to find out when was the last time you had something coherent to say?

My argument is what it's always been, that your pontifications here about whether or not violence can be motivated by religion are moot because we have real world examples of religiously motivated violence.
My argument is what it's always been, that your pontifications here about whether or not violence can be motivated by religion are moot because we have real world examples of religiously motivated violence.

That is not the last argument you made in this thread (and I don't mean that in a snide way like "your argument is wrong nyaah nyaah coz I said so")

Continue the (arduous) task of sifting through your contributions to this thread and get back to us when you have something substantial to say.
@LG --

You know what, you're right, my first post here was about the fact that various religious holy texts call for violence, that they teach violence. My original argument, which was that you bullshit with definitions is meaningless in the face of a reality that disagrees with you, hearkens back to a previous thread about the same topic(or, that's what it devolved into). My underlying argument has always been the same, only the words used to express it.

However you are wrong about one thing, the onus of meaningful contribution is no longer on me. I already linked to one instance of religious violence and related a personal tale of another, now as the people arguing that religion doesn't cause violence the onus of meaningful contribution lies with you. Either prove that all of the examples of religious violence given were not motivated, in part or in whole, by religion(something that is impossible for either you or Wynn to do), or you can admit that your argument was invalid and start again.

Of course, I already know that you're going to do nothing but troll, that's all you and Wynn seem to be capable of.
@LG --

Not as long as you and those like you troll the internet without any restraint.

And I notice that you can't defend yourself against my argument that you and Wynn have contributed nothing of substance to this debate from post one.
@LG --

Not as long as you and those like you troll the internet without any restraint.

And I notice that you can't defend yourself against my argument that you and Wynn have contributed nothing of substance to this debate from post one.
Generally when a critique is bereft of any premises to back the opinion it is termed "wild accusation" and the like ....

If you go way back to when you were actually endeavoring to contribute to discussion (as opposed to simply extolling your own personal glories and ad homming your opposition) you can see where you fold under the pressure of having your premises examined

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@LG --

I elaborated my complaint more than well enough, on at least five occasions in this mammoth of a thread.

And by all means, point out where I fold under the pressure.
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