Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

Jan - The religious motivation was, in part, that Osama's particular brand of Islam had a gripe against the Jews, many of which reside in New York, and their general dislike of "western" culture with all its corruption and blasphemies.

You need to show the actual ''religion'' within this ''religious motivation''.

Bin Laden exploited religious passion. The religion does not teach mass murder and destruction.

I would give as a less polarizing example the sacrifice of a living animal which can be interpreted as something violent.

Kill the Kafirs is a [i.e. one of the] clear message in the Quran.
I'll take these further ad hominems as your inability to raise a coherent counter.
I'd have thought you'd have something better, but I overestimated. Me bad.

Now - how about picking up your toys, eh? ;)
What is the context?


This is:
The Quran (2:216) clearly says fighting in jihad war is ordained for Muslims.

Fighting jihad (and killing kuffar) for Allah is ordained for you. It is in your best interest even if you hate it.

Any Muslim disobeying this order of Allah for waging jihad against the kafirs is to be punished because he is a kafir.

Quran 9.38:

You who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth for jihad for Allah, you cling heavily to the earth?

Quran 9.39:

If you will not go forth to fight in the cause of ALLAH, you will be given a painful punishment.

It is the duty of a Muslim to kill kuffar:

9.5 Kill kuffar wherever you find them.

More gems:
Jan - The religious motivation was, in part, that Osama's particular brand of Islam had a gripe against the Jews, many of which reside in New York, and their general dislike of "western" culture with all its corruption and blasphemies.

GeoffP - One political motivation was that, in Osama's own words, America was funding and providing weapons to Israel. This money came from tax payers, so Osama did not distinguish between soldiers and civilians, making civilians fair game for attack.

Actually, it was more than that alone:

Bin Laden interpreted the Prophet Muhammad as having banned the "permanent presence of infidels in Arabia".[123] In 1996, bin Laden issued a fatwā calling for American troops to get out of Saudi Arabia. In 1998, Al-Qaeda wrote, "for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples."[124] In a December 1999, interview, bin Laden said he felt that Americans were "too near to Mecca", and considered this a provocation to the entire Muslim world.[125]

How can you say that, if you don't have a definition of religion?

I don't?

If you have one, it appears to be one that no person who considers themselves "religious" agrees with.

If biologists demanded that they have the upper hand in definining what sociology is about - would you see no problem with that?

Let's deal with the quoted stuff for now.

That is not the context, or what is meant by ''context''.


Oh you mean "The set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event".
Ok. Lets see -
The context is this:

This is a religion based on the alleged teachings of a prophet around 700 CE and it promises its followers the best lands and life [not to mention, also a similiarly good afterlife]. It also demands that it be spread and all people either taken in or killed.

So you have a bunch of third world theocracies filled with poor, angry people burdened by a hard life, and they see the non-believers promote blasphemy, science and immorality. They, whose women "dress like whores", whose intelligencia reject God and whose people dont care much about social systems and the proper place of men and women as dictated by the [Muslim] God; and yet these infidels, these godless, souless heretics not only posess a threat to the spread of the god's word and world domination of Islam, they actually are much better off than the muslim nations.

How dare they, when the chosen people are forced to live in poverty, be allowed to binge on burgers and build shiny tall buildings.
And so, what does someone like Osama do - he puts those blasphemous bastards in their place with the help of young 'soldiers' who are enticed by the "love of martyrdom".

So there. Religiously motivated violence. Yes there is. Take out the religion and you have got a country like India, third world but developing fast, modernising and secularising quickly. Keep it in and you get a bunch of people motivated by religiously preached violence and hate - like Afghanistan or Iran.
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I'll take these further ad hominems as your inability to raise a coherent counter.
I'd have thought you'd have something better, but I overestimated. Me bad.

Now - how about picking up your toys, eh? ;)
its quite simple :

whatever arguments you have for religion motivating violence one can attribute to atheism (ie it all arises out of core values in a political background)


whatever arguments you have for atheism not motivating violence can be applied to religion (the core values are not sufficiently homogeneous enough to act as umbrella for the attributed acts of violence)

If you have one, it appears to be one that no person who considers themselves "religious" agrees with.

Oh. You don't know what it is, but you know religious people disagree with it. I see.

If biologists demanded that they have the upper hand in definining what sociology is about - would you see no problem with that?

I think it would help if the sociologists offered some kind of opinion, rather than saying nothing so as to confuse the people they debate a sociological issue with.
Actually, it was more than that alone:

Actually, I didn't say it was that alone. Jan asked for an example of religious motivation, so I gave one. You asked for an example of a political motivation, so I gave one. We could spend months talking about this and not cover all the factors over decades that culminated in 9/11.