should we teach kids to beilve in santa?

No Xev!

Originally posted by wet1

If we could return to topic...

I thought it was settled already...:D

Originally posted by Xev
Chosen: Good boy. Xevrathrusra's wisdom might be a bit beyond you....I don't think so though.

Good boy? You must not value your life Xev, ok good girl? :D
GB, nobody will ever reach 100% maturity, that is an immature statement. :p What most people will reach is however a more relaxed view of themselves, a wider perspective of life, which allows them to be silly without making fools of themselves. To have compassion for the ego's need to be reinforced, and meet it halfway without letting it have the upper hand of your personality. It's a pleasant feeling, wait and see....;)
Little like senility...:D

When I have children they will not be taught such lies as truth. regarding religions, fairy tales, and all such things, my kids will be taught the the various mythologies from around the world, just as they will be taught all other things. I would most likely tell my kids that Christmas is a tradition of people giving gifts each year to be nice to each other,a nd that's all the magic and mystery you really need in the world; and I'll tell them the rest is just fun stories and myths, which they might also enjoy.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Work with kids Agent@5, you're a teenager right? It'll be cool experience, plus women should love children. ;)

hehe I do, in fact I am second in charge of a child care centre while im at Uni... not studying childcare, but i deal with kids everyday. hehehehe
i can see good and bad about it.

Good where as when they grow up they will learn not to accpet everything as truth just becoz someone said it was.

Bad, becoz they will realise all the good things in life are fantasies, and that life without fanatsies is quite mundain. WHen in fact, it is not.
Originally posted by Agent@5

Bad, becoz they will realise all the good things in life are fantasies, and that life without fanatsies is quite mundain. WHen in fact, it is not.
I agree. The normal world around us is choc-full of weird and amazing stuff, but most people just don't see it.
What? It is absolutely necessary for kids to believe in Santa when they are young!! It is a major part of teachign them to dream. Pity the poor intellectual who does not know how to dream.

I tend to be a cold intellectual, but I do dream. I also have very high respect for poets.
Originally posted by Zero
What? It is absolutely necessary for kids to believe in Santa when they are young!! It is a major part of teachign them to dream. Pity the poor intellectual who does not know how to dream.

I tend to be a cold intellectual, but I do dream. I also have very high respect for poets.

I think imagination is a true sign of intellgence. And yes, santa claus is a magic that is created by big corporations, and kept going by advertising. As much as we wont want to admit it, Santa is in the shops to get you there, Santa is a big marketing gimmick and frankly I dont trust it. I think its saying, well the real world is fu.. screwd so lets just make up an imaganary world. When we need to teach our children to appreciate the greatness of the world that exists. And also the bad, so they know that they have the power to change it.....
You know, I think Karma is a adult version of the tooth fairy, a way of convincing us that if we do good things we will recieve good things. Thats bull shit, ive seen pretty horrible things happen to the best of people and pretty darn good things happen to those who dont deserve it. This world is not balanced. no matter how many ideals are tried to be enforced. Hehehe its funny, adults go, here here belive in santa claus and then they say, kay santa wasnt true but a guy who made EVERY single animal walk two by two onto one boat, and went round making everyone better, being the pinnicle of goodness, yeah belive in him, im not kidding you this time, this guy is real!

hehehehe people never grow up, they just get more dilluded.