Should we be afraid?

I am stating in no uncertain terms that nuclear warhead proliferation is scrutinized (at least in intelligent circles) in terms of national political ideology/stability (since its generally the nature that such devices are acquired by nationally endorsed bodies) and not religion

I'm pretty sure the conflict between India/Pakistan will turn nuclear, basis of which will be terrorism, basis of which is religion.
This is a serious issue guys, delusions won't help anyone. And how do theists propose to face this rather stern problem?


Be more coherent.

I'm not sure why it would be the responsibility of one theist to prevent terrorist attacks by another theist. That sounds like a problem for us all.
Belief in ancient myths joins with other negative forces in our society to keep most of the world from advancing scientifically, economically, and socially at a time when a rapid advancement in these areas and others is absolutely essential for the survival of humanity. We are now probably only about a generation or two away from the catastrophic problems that are anticipated from global warming, pollution, and overpopulation: flooded coastal areas, severe climatic changes, epidemics caused by overcrowding, and starvation for much of humanity. Such disasters are predicted to generate worldwide conflict on a scale that could exceed that of the great twentieth century wars, with nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable nations and terrorist groups.

Sam Harris asks:
Why did nineteen well-educated, middle class men trade their lives in this world for the privilege of killing thousands of our neighbors? Because they believed that they would go straight to paradise for doing so. Could anything have been more irrational, other than the responses of some Christian leaders that September 11 was God’s punishment or the work of the devil?
I'm not sure why it would be the responsibility of one theist to prevent terrorist attacks by another theist. That sounds like a problem for us all.

If theists see future in religion, this crisis needs a solution because it is based on religion.
And of course it's a problem for all, I wanted to know how the supernaturalists look at it.
Sam Harris asks:
Why did nineteen well-educated, middle class men trade their lives in this world for the privilege of killing thousands of our neighbors? Because they believed that they would go straight to paradise for doing so. Could anything have been more irrational, other than the responses of some Christian leaders that September 11 was God’s punishment or the work of the devil?

Jerry Falwell, for instance, said that while people were being rescued out from the rubble.
With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?


No we are not safe in a physical sense of the word. And the person who builds the bomb does not need to be the one pressing the button.

The scientists who built the first bomb petitioned the president of the USA to detonate the first one just off the coast of Japan so as to demonstrate it without killing thousands. The gullible naive scientists actually thought they could exert control over there evil inventions use. LOL They had an ocean of intelligence but not one drop of wisdom.

People who believe they are called upon to conquer the world for a religion will seek to do so at any cost. the goal of islam is a global islamic empire through jihad.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i can believe extreme religionist trying to encourage end times..

Indeed there are.

i can believe extreme religionist trying to take over the world..

Yes again i agree. They do indeed exist.

by default most all religions have an end time scenario.

Not sure about this one. But yes most popular religions have end time teachings.

so it isn't a problem to be solved but to accept..


i also believe that there are extreme religionist that are trying to solve/prevent/delay end times..

They may be. But to me they are like the ones trying to accelerate the end times. Both a engaged in a waste of time. I believe it will happen when it will happen. God knows when.

so to address theist with this question, the question becomes;
which group would you be with? (delay vs help end times)


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If theists see future in religion, this crisis needs a solution because it is based on religion.
And of course it's a problem for all, I wanted to know how the supernaturalists look at it.

as a christian, i don't see a future in religion at all. that's ironically what the bible teaches, that when communion is restored with god, religion will be made obsolete. that's my interpretation of it anyway.

now then, consider how many of us, religious and atheist alike, want absolutely nothing to do with communion with god (and each other). it's obvious. seriously, what would it take to get everyone on the same page? what would it take for everyone to really give a crap about the greater good?

divine intervention, that's what. religion obviously won't do it, nor will politics, nor the "good intentions" in our human hearts.
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I'm pretty sure the conflict between India/Pakistan will turn nuclear, basis of which will be terrorism, basis of which is religion.

I am pretty sure these... terrorists and jehadis that are guided by personal interest guided religious(muslim) leaders won't try nuclear option in reality for it can result in their nest(pakistan) getting nuked. :) One thing more real religion has nothing to do here it is just used to brainwash innocent minds to be used by religious leaders. They coin their own term of religious texts to suit their financial and power gaining interests. Terror has evolved as a industry in many muslim belts around the world. The fundamentally area gets developed into the more such business flourishes there.
So how do you really know if God is with you? How can you tell if God is on your side or already not anymore? If God is offended and angry with you and is not with you anymore how can you realize that?
With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?

The only real solution that I can think of is Scientology.


In all seriousness, yes, we're probably f*cked. Not by a nuke, but more than likely by an infectious agent of some sorts.
So how do you really know if God is with you? How can you tell if God is on your side or already not anymore? If God is offended and angry with you and is not with you anymore how can you realize that?

Well that’s a hard question. I guess you would not know if God did not want you to know. But if God wanted you to know He would find a way of letting you know.

It would have to really hit ones conscience really hard.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?


Apocalyptic ideologies combined with nuclear weapons will mean the end of the human race. Sorry. Theists pave the road to this end, there is nothing they can do about it.
Apocalyptic ideologies combined with nuclear weapons will mean the end of the human race. Sorry. Theists pave the road to this end, there is nothing they can do about it.

you're too smart to be this full of shit spidergoat.
So how do you really know if God is with you?
you don't think,feel,and believe
How can you tell if God is on your side or already not anymore?
its not really about 'God is on my side',
that is the opposite of being 'afraid of hell' its more of a 'God as wish granter'

If God is offended and angry with you and is not with you anymore how can you realize that?
God has a sense of humor..

and i would think its more of a;
when God wants you to learn something, you will learn it, no matter what he has to do to make you learn it..some perceive this as anger, i don't think it is..

what offends God? we don't know..
and you are assuming God is an angry and easily offended God, reeks of catholic teachings..