Should we be afraid?


Registered Member
With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?

Yes, you should be afraid! And in order to deal with that fear, you should come up with imaginary solutions, like an angry skydaddy!

you should come up with imaginary solutions, like an angry skydaddy!

Actually you can come up with some very good solutions that can help you to overcome fear. Since there are many types of fear you need to just try to put a solution to each of them as you encounter them along lifes highway. As an example if you are afraid of being arrested you should find a good attorney to ask questions to if you ever need one that way you'll have one solution as to how to alleviate this fear. Then you could just try to avoid being incarcerated to prevent that fear from happening to begin with. Familiarizing yourself with the laws where you live and how the court system works is always enlightening to resolve fear about jail. What your rights are is important as well so remember that you have certain rights that can be invoked to help you if you need them. So by understanding something about what you fear and finding out ways to get over those fears will lead you to a healthier way of life. :)

"The only thing to fear, is fear itself."
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With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?

I think your belief is more dangerous if you think nuclear warhead manufacture is safe on the proviso that the peak body doesn't entertain the notion of getting 72 virgins
This is a serious issue guys, delusions won't help anyone. And how do theists propose to face this rather stern problem?


Be more coherent.
This is a serious issue guys, delusions won't help anyone.

How would you know?
According to you, they've helped people deal with difficult things (such a fear of death) for millenia, so why not continue?

And how do theists propose to face this rather stern problem?

That's easy: They will put their faith in God.

Be more coherent.

You mean less coherent?
This is a serious issue guys, delusions won't help anyone. And how do theists propose to face this rather stern problem?


Be more coherent.
If you think that the main problem with the proliferation of nuclear warheads is that they may fall into the hands of the religious, I don't think you have seriously thought about the nature of nuclear warhead proliferation
With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?


i can believe extreme religionist trying to encourage end times..
i can believe extreme religionist trying to take over the world..

by default most all religions have an end time scenario.

so it isn't a problem to be solved but to accept..

i also believe that there are extreme religionist that are trying to solve/prevent/delay end times..

so to address theist with this question, the question becomes;
which group would you be with? (delay vs help end times)


Even as we speak, kills are routinely approved each and every day by the CIA, DIA, WIA, and MI7, stabbing terrorist in their heart and heartlands everywhere. This has much increased since 9/11 but was always going on in the military, as back in 1970 when I worked for the DIA as a soldier-operative in the Indochina era, my base in Hawaii but the field in Cambodia where we went after the Klemmer Rouge who were killing all the doctors and professionals. Of course no one knew about this or Nixon’s bombing of Cambodia and Laos that he kept secret from Congress.

And yet, nowadays, a nuke could still slip through, and that’s what this story is about:

Forgiveness through understanding the nature of belief can happen even while the clash is being dealt with. In the U.S. we have freedom of religion and worship and yet church and state are separate. The believers will still lobby the government, regardless, and that is even expected, but they may not get far, although they could, via the Republican party, by installing more believers into the government. Other governments, like Iran’s have the clergy and the rulers being one and the same.
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With the broad spectrum of behaviors displayed by different religions, with Amish on one end and Islamic extremists on the other, how safe are we?

It ain't difficult to foresee a scenario where a scientist has an ability to built a nuclear warhead and the belief that he'll get 72 virgins. How do theists propose to solve this, and also the widespread Christians vs Jews vs Muslims conflict, if they wish religion to benefit and not destroy the world?


Excuse me what do you mean Jews Vs Muslims, It's Zionist Edomites and convert Gentiles Vs Islam.

How would you know?
According to you, they've helped people deal with difficult things (such a fear of death) for millenia, so why not continue?

Will they(delusions) help the jihad promoters and suicide bombers not to destroy the only planet we know that can harbor life?

That's easy: They will put their faith in God.

And destroy the future. When was the last time god did something helpful for humanity?

You mean less coherent?

i can believe extreme religionist trying to encourage end times..
i can believe extreme religionist trying to take over the world..

by default most all religions have an end time scenario.

so it isn't a problem to be solved but to accept..

i also believe that there are extreme religionist that are trying to solve/prevent/delay end times..

so to address theist with this question, the question becomes;
which group would you be with? (delay vs help end times)

It can't be accepted by the group which believes that civilization is the real deal, we are insulted by slaughter and barbarism everyday.

So, no theist ever envisions a future for our planet with humanity on it?
This is something new to me, thanks for this.
If you think that the main problem with the proliferation of nuclear warheads is that they may fall into the hands of the religious, I don't think you have seriously thought about the nature of nuclear warhead proliferation.

So you are implying it'll never happen?
Will they(delusions) help the jihad promoters and suicide bombers not to destroy the only planet we know that can harbor life?

I don't know. You are the expert on the utility of delusion. :p

That's easy: They will put their faith in God.

And destroy the future. When was the last time god did something helpful for humanity?

Given that God is defined as that very being who creates, controls and maintains everything, He is by definition in the position to "do something helpful for humanity".
…expert on the utility of delusion. :p

Given that God is defined as that very being who creates, controls and maintains everything, He is by definition in the position to "do something helpful for humanity".

Not a given at all, but a delusion.
Not a given at all, but a delusion.
then praty is also partaking of the delusion when he comments that god is not in position to benefit humanity ... or alternatively, all parties involved except you understand that the argument, both for and against, revolves around definitions.
So you are implying it'll never happen?
I am stating in no uncertain terms that nuclear warhead proliferation is scrutinized (at least in intelligent circles) in terms of national political ideology/stability (since its generally the nature that such devices are acquired by nationally endorsed bodies) and not religion