Should teens be educated on sex?

You mean the guy who invented the internet? Nah, I heard Bush is coming out with a remix this summer.

You don't seem like the type to use sexual innuendo. Not the traditional parent?

In contrast to my family, where a reference to sausages results in a good thrashing. :eek: Must be why I ended up this way..
Dreamwalker said:
I think sex education is a good idea, and necessary. And preferably teenagers should also be teached about homosexuality. All this to make them aware of the danger involved in sexual intercourse, else they might find out the hard way...

And I have to say, the sex education in school (in elemantary school) was quite enlightening.

Sex education in elementary school? Man, kids probably known more than I do these days.

Next thing we'll be having sex education in preschool!
tiassa said:
• I have recently learned of a danger of fellatio I never imagined. So I have no myth to bust with this one. But ... how to put it? There are certain circumstances under which you can open a wound in your mouth while performing fellatio. In retrospect, it makes sense to me. Of course, that it took me this long to figure out says something, I'm sure.

As a parting word, the most effective subversive sex-education I can think of: When addressing the drawbacks of oral sex, make your students listen to interviews with Harvey Fierstein.

And no, that's not a joke.

You talk to your kids about oral sex? I don't know of any people, heck, even Hulk Hogan would pee in his pants before telling little Molly about...

Shudders again..
phlogistician said:
Nope, churches have a vested interest in controlling as much about a person's life as possible. If they can convince people they need to be married before having sex, they get the business of marrying people. It's not about what's best for the individual, it's about what serves the church best.

It's not like they're making money or any tangible benefit from weddings, how could it serve the church best?
Chocha fresca?

Nah, I heard Bush is coming out with a remix this summer.

He'd be better off doing Da Butt. He might pick up some of the gay vote.

You don't seem like the type to use sexual innuendo. Not the traditional parent?

Nor do I use all proper terms. Cunt is an insult, pussy is acceptable because its prevalence in the culture has disarmed it as a foul word, vagina still sounds like a celestial body ... shit comes out of your ass. It's just that fellatio is about the only word I can stand to use converationally. When I use "blowjob," I'm usually making a specific point. (e.g. "I can't believe Congress spent forty-million on a blowjob. Hugh Grant only spent sixty bucks!") That and it goes better in the Vonnegut-inspired (and perhaps archaic) phrase, "The world is run on yen and fellatio." Hummer, on the other hand, used to be a blinding fastball. Now it's a gas-guzzling piece of poopadelica.

I am firmly against what I consider the demonization of sexuality. The first test has already arrived, and I've alluded to it already. My daughter discovered her clitoris at 18 months. What the hell am I going to do? I just make a practical issue out of it. It's hard enough to keep her hands away if there's shit to wipe away--and certainly my partner's no real help unless I ask her thrice--so once she's clean enough I just go about putting her diaper on and move her hand as a matter of utility. I refuse to condition her against this behavior; besides, the only conditioning option at this point is Pavlovian, which can have unpredictable results in a developing psyche.

"Disarmament," is the working name of my sex-ed theory.

No woman should ever be frightened of her chocha. No man should ever be so proud of his cock. And no, I haven't settled on a "family" word for "cock." Then again, I let her watch Family Guy (she likes the musical numbers, would you believe?) so "cock" is probably going to be one of her first dirty words. Hopefully, I'll be able to use the "Cock Awareness Week" gag to disarm the word.

You talk to your kids about oral sex?

Not at present, but Alex Doonesbury will be my savior when the time comes.

heck, even Hulk Hogan would pee in his pants before telling little Molly about...

To clarify the preceding one-liner, there was a period during the Zippergate scandal when Trudeau's Doonesbury examined the sudden necessity of explaining fellatio to children, as the news tended to be about blowjobs in those days. There's a great daily four-framer in which Mike tries to have that part of the talk with his daughter Alex, who, after listening to him fumble and stutter for a couple frames, lets him off the hook. She knows what it is. And, as a sublimated side commentary, Mike is so relieved that he doesn't have to have the talk that it doesn't seem to alarm him right away that she's a step ahead of him on that count. Although I do remember he had a grave discussion with Kim about something related to Alex during that time, and it's unlike Mike to let such a point sit unturned.

My daughter will learn much from Doonesbury. And hey, they say comic books are great reading tools.

I'm not panicking yet about snap bracelets, and I should take comfort from the fact that I never got to play those reindeer games, but I'd like to put off her first, "Bitch, you like that, don't'cha," experience as long as possible.

If she ever asks me so directly, I'll simply endorse lesbianism as the physically and emotionally-healthier route. If she asks.

Don't shudder. Dance.
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tiassa said:
He'd be better off doing Da Butt. He might pick up some of the gay vote.

Nor do I use all proper terms. Cunt is an insult, pussy is acceptable because its prevalence in the culture has disarmed it as a foul word, vagina still sounds like a celestial body ... shit comes out of your ass. It's just that fellatio is about the only word I can stand to use converationally. When I use "blowjob," I'm usually making a specific point. (e.g. "I can't believe Congress spent forty-million on a blowjob. Hugh Grant only spent sixty bucks!") That and it goes better in the Vonnegut-inspired (and perhaps archaic) phrase, "The world is run on yen and fellatio." Hummer, on the other hand, used to be a blinding fastball. Now it's a gas-guzzling piece of poopadelica.

:eek: No less than twenty hail-mary's to clean out that tongue, mister! Faeces comes out of your anus. Pussy refers to a kitten and blowjob refers to a .... blowjob.

I am firmly against what I consider the demonization of sexuality. The first test has already arrived, and I've alluded to it already. My daughter discovered her clitoris at 18 months. What the hell am I going to do? I just make a practical issue out of it. It's hard enough to keep her hands away if there's shit to wipe away--and certainly my partner's no real help unless I ask her thrice--so once she's clean enough I just go about putting her diaper on and move her hand as a matter of utility. I refuse to condition her against this behavior; besides, the only conditioning option at this point is Pavlovian, which can have unpredictable results in a developing psyche.

"Disarmament," is the working name of my sex-ed theory.

Well don't you want your daughter to grow up with some innocence?

The child rubbing its genitals finds that this quickly attracts adult attention and admonishment or that adults will divert him or her from this activity. It becomes clear that there is something peculiar and taboo about this area of the body. This “genital taboo” is reinforced by the great concern over the child's excretory behaviour: bladder and bowel control is praised; loss of control is met by disappointment, chiding, and expressions of disgust. Obviously, the anal–genital area is not only a taboo area but a very important one as well. It is almost inevitable that the genitalia become associated with anxiety and shame. It is noteworthy that this attitude finds expression in the language of Western civilizations, as in “privates” (something to be kept hidden) and the German word for the genitals, Scham (“shame”).

Nevertheless, the writer concludes:
n view of all these factors working against a healthy, rational attitude toward sex and in view of the inevitable disappointments, exploitations, and rejections that are involved in human relationships, one might wonder how anyone could reach adulthood without being seriously maladjusted. The sexual impulse, however, is sufficiently strong and persistent and repeated sexual activity gradually erodes the inhibitions and any sense of guilt or shame.

No need to abandon what has worked so well in the past, right? After all, it says right here that there's no harm. However it doesn't guarantee that supporting such, um, an acceptance of one's body parts, would lead to such complacence that gangbanging and rape will be seen as norms. :rolleyes:

No woman should ever be frightened of her chocha. No man should ever be so proud of his cock. And no, I haven't settled on a "family" word for "cock." Then again, I let her watch Family Guy (she likes the musical numbers, would you believe?) so "cock" is probably going to be one of her first dirty words. Hopefully, I'll be able to use the "Cock Awareness Week" gag to disarm the word.

As someone mentioned earlier, peepee works just as well. You shouldn't confuse your daughter by referring to a bird. Tell her to cover her eyes whenever she sees it, as there is no benefit to looking at it. It is shameful to expose private parts to public scrutiny.

To clarify the preceding one-liner, there was a period during the Zippergate scandal when Trudeau's Doonesbury examined the sudden necessity of explaining fellatio to children, as the news tended to be about blowjobs in those days. There's a great daily four-framer in which Mike tries to have that part of the talk with his daughter Alex, who, after listening to him fumble and stutter for a couple frames, lets him off the hook. She knows what it is. And, as a sublimated side commentary, Mike is so relieved that he doesn't have to have the talk that it doesn't seem to alarm him right away that she's a step ahead of him on that count. Although I do remember he had a grave discussion with Kim about something related to Alex during that time, and it's unlike Mike to let such a point sit unturned.

My daughter will learn much from Doonesbury. And hey, they say comic books are great reading tools.

I'm not panicking yet about snap bracelets, and I should take comfort from the fact that I never got to play those reindeer games, but I'd like to put off her first, "Bitch, you like that, don't'cha," experience as long as possible.

If that is your fear, you should think about investing in chastity belts. They are all the rage these days.

If she ever asks me so directly, I'll simply endorse lesbianism as the physically and emotionally-healthier route. If she asks.

Don't shudder. Dance.

You're going to advice your daughter to be a lesbian? :confused: Don't you want your daughter to grow up like all the other kids? What would Jesus do?

Note: All my above comments are meant to be satirical (in a way).

And oh yes, I'm doing the macarena. But at least I have my clothes on.
Concentrated evil, indeed ....

No less than twenty hail-mary's to clean out that tongue, mister! Faeces comes out of your anus.


Peter Griffin: I'm looking for some toilet training books.
Salesman: We have the popular Everybody Poops, or the less popular Nobody Poops But You.
Peter Griffin: Well, you see, we're Catholic...
Salesman: Ah, then you'll want You're A Naughty, Naughty Boy, and That's Concentrated Evil Coming Out the Back of You.

(Family Guy, FG201, "Brian in Love")

Er ... yeah. :cool:

Pussy refers to a kitten and blowjob refers to a .... blowjob.

Strange, then, that I should choose fellatio, eh?

As with drugs, reality ought to be scary enough. I'm not sure it's ever been tried at the cultural level in the United States.

The clock ticks away, though. I'll either figure it out in time or wing it.

Sadly, that's not exactly a joke. And by, "not exactly," I mean, "Not at all." But I really, really don't want to wing it; the strategy has worked well for me in the short-term through history, but the long-term result has been ... disappointing.

I'll try the other points when I'm not chuckling at Family Guy.

Quote Reference -

• Internet Movie Database. "Memorable Quotes from 'Family Guy' (1999)." See

See Also -

Family Guy - see
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I support sexual education beginning at the age where puberty occurs - in the later years of elementary school.
Speaking of sexual innuendoes...

.. this is coming from a guy whose name is facial.. :eek:


I began puberty even during my formation. Outward signs began later on in my life.


Just wanted to bring this up as well:

Different kids have different times when they will be "ready" for this. It seems like a forceful thing to do, educating them in a public institution instead of letting the parents decide when is the right time. Which of course will amount to never... but the point is, either way there is a problem of when is a good time for the individual?
I don't particularly see what the big deal with educating children about the functioning of their own bodies is. It seems to me that some adults still have a lot of growing up to do when it comes to this subject.

There's no harm in teaching kids about this stuff, especially at an age where once it all starts to become relevant to them they already know what's going on. In fact it occurs to me that there is really quite a bit of harm in not teaching them, it would be negligent to keep them in the dark at their own risk. I believe that Tiassa’s fire-arm analogy is quite appropriate. All this talk about “When it’s their time” amounts to little more than an excuse for holding off on a very necessary imparting of information.
Lemme see if I got this right ... according to the fundamentalist swine currently inhabiting the White House ... talking to your kids about drugs will make them less likely to do drugs, but mention sex even once, and they'll end up like a bad Cinemax flick starring Drew Barrymore?

Oh, and here's what happens when fundamentalists are taken seriously:

"Of the four state high school health textbooks under consideration in Texas this summer, one says teenagers should 'get plenty of rest' if they want to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. It also suggests students can help prevent pregnancies by respecting themselves."
I think that teens SHOULD be taught about sex. Why? Because if they know about how to do it properly, then they have a lower chance of contracting diseases because they didn't know. There was a thread in Biology with someone asking about if you can get STDs from a blow job. Many teens do not know the answer. THey should be told. It will also limit the experimentation process where many "dangerous" things can happen. The kids will do it anyway. Myself and most other people had sexual experiences at young ages, we knoew all about everything mostly from watching porn (hey, we were young and curious), but we weren't fully educated about the disease part at the time. I cound have gotten a disease without even knowing why or how. The protection aspect should also be enforced at a high degree. If everyone knows the best protection methods and that a girl can get pregnant even if it isn't "time", then hopefually, teens will always use protection. I think contraceptives shoul be handed out free. It's just my opinion from reading stories and my personal experience and my friends' personal experiences.
Oh, I gorgot to add the respect issue. Part of sex is respect to one another. If you actually respect eachother, then there are less chances of something going wrong.
I agree on most parts with ILikeSalt. Sexual education ... hmmm I think I was educated quite well in these areas, because the curriculum emphasized the scientific aspects of reproduction, case studies for pregnant teens, STDs, and abstinence. I was NOT educated on how to use a condom or contraceptives etc. since the dissemination thereof implies the wrong message, that it is okay to try to have sex and such. The proper emphasis goes where it is needed - preventing teenage pregnancy, and there is only one certain way, through abstinence.

I also agree with Salt's interpretation of sex as respect. The male indeed must not be jealous of the female's longer orgasm, or the female envious of the sausage.
Anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and homosexuality are all just as effective as abstinence as regards to preventing pregnancy. Saying that abstinence is the only effective method is a prudish fallacy that we only agree to because it is generally something that is told to children, who we are squeamish about informing about those other things. Probably that is the half truth we should tell children, but if we are going to talk about it here, why not be realistic?
Anal sex should be preached as a "just as effective" method of preventing pregnancy? Tell that to a 12 year old. :bugeye:

Do you really think the issue is preventing pregnancy? It is about safeguarding sex from abuse.
vslayer... I see that more in reality when I'm around young people.

Should kids have to learn about sex from internet porn? Sources on the internet can easily misinform curious young people.

SouthStar, I agree with you in a way. Many 12-year olds would be kind of confused if you told the, that anal sex was a contraceptive. Anal sex can also cause disease. Like I said earlier, I think that there ahould be a range of teachings from protection to disease. I also thing it should be taught how one becomes pregnant and how certain contraceptives may not work. Respect was one thing in my not-so-good sex education at school they they never mentioned. I think that sex is all about respect and what you will share with someone. It's not all about is you will get pregnant or not. I believe that they should tell the children about sex in a realistic way using all the proper and slang terminology so that there is no confusion.