Should teens be educated on sex?


is feeling caustic
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Pisciotta said the material he found there was "atrocious," "disgusting," "outrageously immoral" and "decadent." He distributed printed copies of several questions and answers he found objectionable, from oral and anal sex to pornography, abortion and "being prepared in case Prom Night is the night."

"This is health education?" he said. "This is not medically accurate information, it is marketing manipulation." Pisciotta and others locals who oppose abortion contend that Planned Parenthood wants teen-agers to be sexually active to generate business for the abortion clinic.

Smallwood said all students are encouraged to talk to their parents, who should be their primary sex educators. She said that research has shown that homes where children are provided medically-accurate information are households where teens delay intercourse. But homes where sex is equated with shame and guilt produce children afraid to go to their parents for information on puberty, and that ignorance has serious consequences, Smallwood added.

You had better read the whole thing to know what all the hubbub's about.

Should we keep out little teenie weenie's from knowing what goes on at night all together or is there a limit to what they should know?
If there is, who should determine this limit?

Is it at all the parent's right to infringe on the teenager's sexual education?

And finally should teens be allowed to have sex as long as they use a condom :D, as has been reported previously?

//My personal opinion:
The churches are there protesting this defilement of the teenagers because they know what's best for them. :)
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Jeanne Arnsman, a parishioner of St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Elk. A first-year protestor, the mother of eight and grandmother of 19 said Nobody's Fool offered only a dangerous degradation of the "God-given gift of human sexuality."

Yes, I'm sure that baby factory is sure to have a healthy attitude about sex! Don't worry SS, this sort of thing is required, thanks to Bush, to be all about abstinence, an approach that leads to more rampant sex (Oral doesn’t count does it? Oh wait, you mean I’m not allowed to ask? I’ll just do what I like then!) and by law they can't even mention homosexuality, so kids will still be confused uninformed and sexually aberrated. These protesters were probably just there because the education didn't involve enough condemnations to hell as they would like.
I've always loved the Christian fundamentalist opinion of sex education. I think that it's very much indicative of the way they view the world in general. The message that ignorance is strength characterizes their beliefs very well.
(Insert Title Here)

If you're kid's going to shoot a gun, do you teach him how?

Strangely, lots of parents don't want their kids to know how to handle themselves in other potentially lethal situations, such as getting laid.

The actual topic questions ... I'll have to think on a specific answer.

Right now I'm arguing with myself over when I changed from innocent-boy-playing-with-nifty-thing to innocent-boy-masturbating-for-sex-relief. In the meantime, I've already had the conversation where I've had to crouch on my hands and knees, stare straight at my daughter's anatomy and firmly correct her mother: "No, dear, she's not scratching." At the same time, I'm pretty sure my 20 month-old daughter isn't dreaming of getting banged on a public restroom floor. Eventually, though, my daughter is going to be dreaming of banging, so I have to figure out just what to tell her before that happens.
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I think kids need to be educated about these things otherwise they'll get themselves into all kinds of trouble, its just a question of at what age is best and nobody seems to know the answer.
§outh§tar said:
Should we keep out little teenie weenie's from knowing what goes on at night all together or is there a limit to what they should know?
If there is, who should determine this limit?
So you'd rather your child be completely unaware and blind to anything regarding sex? Let me guess, you're one of those people who'd lecture their children on the morning of their wedding about just where does junior come from. :rolleyes: Children are naturally curious and it would be best to teach our teenagers about 'what goes on at night' properly rather then have them hear it from other kids, possibly hearing the wrong information, leading to not only the chances of that child catching an STD but also becoming a parent. I watched this documentary about this very issue a couple of years ago and I was horrified at the attitudes of not only the parents but the children, although I shouldn't blame the kids as their stupidity was only compounded by the parents stupidity. The parents were teaching abstinence along with the teachings of the church and the children were saying that they weren't having sex until marriage, but they regularly had oral sex and sometimes anal sex without protection... because as they saw it, that wasn't sex. These poor children of stupid parents and religions just did not know that they could catch and STD from oral sex or anal sex... because to them, it was only sex when the penis goes into the vagina. So they just didn't use protection. Because they weren't taught to. Their parents only told them that sex is when the peepee goes into the woowoo and that should only happen when married and that's where babies come from. I would want to ensure that my children are not as stupid as these right wing Christian nuts and their children. My kids, if there ever are any, will be well informed to ensure their safety.

Is it at all the parent's right to infringe on the teenager's sexual education?
The parent has a right to decide what their child learns and doesn't learn. Or at least they should. However where we have a situation where the parents refuse to have their children learn anything in regards to sexual education and that child then puts other children in danger by not using protection due to their not having learned about them or learned about their necessity, and all because of their parent's small mindedness or stupidity, then the parents should also be held responsible and their children then forced to undergo sex education along with their parents.

And finally should teens be encouraged to have sex as long as they use a condom , as has been reported previously?
You've failed to see it properly yet again. Parents don't encourage their children to have sex if they use protection. Parents are encouraging their children to use protection if they have sex. There is a big difference South and hopefully one day you'll have managed to work it out... at least I hope this happens before you ever have children.

//My personal opinion:
The churches are there protesting this defilement of the teenagers because they know what's best for them.
Which is why you'd be one of the people with a placard screaming that teenagers should not be taught about contraception. Funny how you never see the church protesting on the streets outside courtrooms when one of their bretherens actually defiles a child themselves.

Sex education is not about the defilement of teenagers South. It's about teaching a teenager so that they know enough to allow them to make up their own minds and to ensure that if they do choose to practice in ANY sexual activity that they at the very least use protection. What I think is the defilement of a teenager is when the parents and church's stupidity lead to the child taking the oath of abstinence with their parents and church without any form of sexual education at all, but then going on to practice oral and anal sex without any form of protection whatsoever, leading to these children carrying STD's and passing it onto other people, all because they don't think that oral or anal sex is actually a sexual act.

Wouldn't you rather know then not know at all?
Being a teenager, I can say that it doesn't matter an anch if parents teach us about sex or not, because we're going to find out anyway from our friends. As someone has already pointed out, this is bad for our friends to tell us, as they probably dont know much. Sex education in schools is practically non-existent, so parents are the best people to tell their kids about sex
I think sex education is a good idea, and necessary. And preferably teenagers should also be teached about homosexuality. All this to make them aware of the danger involved in sexual intercourse, else they might find out the hard way...

And I have to say, the sex education in school (in elemantary school) was quite enlightening.
Reasons for Sex Ed

• A 19 year-old I knew at one time who eventually threw me out of her house because I didn't accept her assertion that you simply cannot contract HIV from fellatio.

Busting the myth: You can contract HIV. All you need is some virus and contact with the bloodstream. Lesson - don't perform oral sex if you've eaten potato chips (crisps) or popcorn that day. (Cuts in your gums and tongue.)

• A 32 year-old I know who refuses her partner fellatio on the grounds that she has an infected tooth and doesn't want to pass it along. A year after offering that reason, she has yet to see a doctor or dentist for either diagnosis or treatment. Yet she is, it turns out, perfectly willing to put that mouth she deems too foul for her life partner on a woman.

Busting the myth: Comparing disease-transmission rates between heterosexual and lesbian contact, one might come to believe in the safety of lesbianism. However, those stats usually account for a penis that first tears up the vaginal flesh and then deposits the virus. Oral sex transmission rates, however, are considerably closer to the point of the difference being inconsequential. (Just ask the four dancers I knew with herpes; one got it from a boyfriend, and the other three got it through a daisy-chain of events connected to her.)

• I have recently learned of a danger of fellatio I never imagined. So I have no myth to bust with this one. But ... how to put it? There are certain circumstances under which you can open a wound in your mouth while performing fellatio. In retrospect, it makes sense to me. Of course, that it took me this long to figure out says something, I'm sure.

As a parting word, the most effective subversive sex-education I can think of: When addressing the drawbacks of oral sex, make your students listen to interviews with Harvey Fierstein.

And no, that's not a joke.
sex education I think is fine as long as it is with out bias.
To me how ever what is more important is the teaching of self respect and emotional integrity along with the more physical aspects.

The first lesson is to teach that sex is an expression of who you are, an expression of your love for yourself and others.....and the rest will fall into place...
§outh§tar said:
Should we keep out little teenie weenie's from knowing what goes on at night all together or is there a limit to what they should know?
If there is, who should determine this limit?

Personally, I think teenagers should be taught everything, at an age before the large majority are likely to start doing it, which probably means a couple of years before the age of consent in your locale.

Is it at all the parent's right to infringe on the teenager's sexual education?

No, parents should have no say in the matter. Kids are only the parents' problem for the first 18 years of their life, and then they are their own, or society's problem thereafter. Letting a parent keep a kid ignorant of the facts, so they may fall pregnant, contract HIV or some other STD and have a problematic life would not be OK even if the parents were always going to be there to fix the mess they've created.

And finally should teens be encouraged to have sex as long as they use a condom :D, as has been reported previously?

I don't think anyone should be 'encouraged' to have sex. They should be educated so they are prepared when they are ready to start, and no more.

//My personal opinion:
The churches are there protesting this defilement of the teenagers because they know what's best for them. :)

Nope, churches have a vested interest in controlling as much about a person's life as possible. If they can convince people they need to be married before having sex, they get the business of marrying people. It's not about what's best for the individual, it's about what serves the church best.
I just want to say that what I put there as my "personal opinion" was sarcasm, quite evident just by reading it, but then some people have a difficult time..

I will also rephrase this question:

And finally should teens be encouraged to have sex as long as they use a condom , as has been reported previously?

to read

And finally should teens be allowed to have sex as long as they use a condom , as has been reported previously?

That's what I meant to say, sorry for the mix up. :)
tiassa said:
At the same time, I'm pretty sure my 20 month-old daughter isn't dreaming of getting banged on a public restroom floor. Eventually, though, my daughter is going to be dreaming of banging, so I have to figure out just what to tell her before that happens.

Like mother, like daughter. ;)
I also hear as a matter of fact that the parents actually become nervous and timid when it's time for "the talk" and therefore postpone it indefinitely.

Surely the parents are in a conundrum as to HOW to address the problem. I also hear boys are easier to talk to than girls. :) Maybe it's because boys don't have that monthly problem..
(Does a lack of a title make this titless?)

Like mother, like daughter

The Goddess herself will dance the Macarena before that happens.

I also hear as a matter of fact that the parents actually become nervous and timid when it's time for "the talk" and therefore postpone it indefinitely.

Aye; my own father chickened out. I acutally got the details from ... the World Book Encyclopedia, I think. An entry on the term "reproduction." That entry was a class scandal, but strangely nobody sought to remove the encyclopedia. Even more strangely, like the time they fired a teacher for smoking pot at school, they failed to take advantage of the natural opportunity to teach.

If it's any tougher to explain to girls, it's probably because it's more complicated. I mean, think of men. Culturally speaking, we haven't the brightest outlook on heterosexual intercourse. It may just be that in general, guys are given a quick rundown. With girls, there's freaking equipment involved (e.g. "that monthly problem" ... without which none of us would exist ;) ), and given that there are greater risks both traditional and real for women, perhaps the quick rundown isn't a good thing for our daughters.
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Yes well learning for myself was actually a good thing. Learning from my parents would have embarassed the life out of me. I would have had a lump in my throat the whole time and we would all probably be staring at the floor while the conversation was going on.

The human infant is born simply with the ability to respond sexually to tactile stimulation. It is only later and gradually that the individual learns or is conditioned to respond to other stimuli, to develop a sexual attraction to males or females or both, tointerpret some stimuli as sexual and others as nonsexual, and to control in some measure his or her sexual response. In other words, the general and diffuse sexuality of the infant becomes increasingly elaborated, differentiated, and specific.

The early years of life are, therefore, of paramount importance in the development of what ultimately becomes adult sexual orientation. There appears to be a reasonably fixed sequence of development. Before age five, the child develops a sense of gender identity, thinks of himself or herself as a boy or girl, and begins to relate to others differently according to their gender. Through experience the child learns what behaviour is rewarded and what is punished and what sorts of behaviour are expected of him or her. Parents, peers, and society in general teach and condition the child about sex not so much by direct informational statements and admonitions as by indirect and often unconscious communication. The child soon learns, for example, that he can touch any part of his body or someone else's body except the anal–genital region. The child rubbing its genitals finds that this quickly attracts adult attention and admonishment or that adults will divert him or her from this activity. It becomes clear that there is something peculiar and taboo about this area of the body. This “genital taboo” is reinforced by the great concern over the child's excretory behaviour: bladder and bowel control is praised; loss of control is met by disappointment, chiding, and expressions of disgust. Obviously, the anal–genital area is not only a taboo area but a very important one as well. It is almost inevitable that the genitalia become associated with anxiety and shame. It is noteworthy that this attitude finds expression in the language of Western civilizations, as in “privates” (something to be kept hidden) and the German word for the genitals, Scham (“shame”).

Around the age of puberty, parents and society, who more often than not refuse to recognize that children have sexual responses and capabilities, finally face the inescapable reality and consequently begin inculcating children with their attitudesand standards regarding sex. This campaign by adults is almost wholly negative—the child is told what not to do. While dating may be encouraged, no form of sexual activity is advocated or held up as model behaviour. The message usually is “be popular” (i.e., sexually attractive), but abstain from sexual activity. This antisexualism is particularly intense regarding young females and is reinforced by reference to pregnancy, venereal disease, and, most importantly, social disgrace. To this list religious families add the concept of the sinfulness of premarital sexual expression. With young males the double standard of morality still prevails. The youth receives a double message, “don't do it, but we expect that you will.” No such loophole in the prohibitions is offered young girls. Meanwhile, the young male's peer group is exerting a prosexual influence, and his social status is enhanced by his sexual exploits or by exaggerated reports thereof.

As a result of this double standard of sexual morality, the relationship between young males and females often becomes a ritualized contest, the male attempting to escalate the sexual activity and the female resisting his efforts. Instead of mutuality and respect, one often has a struggle in which the female is viewed as a reluctant sexual object to be exploited, and the male is viewed as a seducer and aggressor who must succeed in order to maintain his self-image and his status with his peers. This sort of pathological relationship causes a lasting attitude on the part of females: men are not to be trusted; they are interested only in sex; a girl dare not smile or be friendly lest males interpret it as a sign of sexual availability, and so forth. Such an aura of suspicion, hostility, and anxiety is scarcely conducive to the development of warm, trusting relationshipsbetween males and females. Fortunately, love or infatuation usually overcomes this negativism with regard to particular males, but the average female still maintains a defensive and skeptical attitude toward men.

Western society is replete with attitudes that impede the development of a healthy attitude toward sex. The free abandon so necessary to a full sexual relationship is, in the eyes of many, an unseemly loss of self-control, and self-control is something one is urged to maintain from infancy onward. Panting, sweating, and involuntary vocalization are incompatible with the image of dignity. Worse yet is any substance once it has left the body: it immediately becomes unclean. The male and female genital fluids are generally regarded with disgust—they are not only excretions but sexual excretions. Here again, societal concern over excretion is involved, for sexual organs are also urinary passages and are in close proximity to the “dirtiest” of all places—the anus. Lastly, many individuals in society regard menstrual fluid with disgust and abstain from sexual intercourse during the four to six days of flow. This attitude is formalized in Judaism, in which menstruating females are specifically labelled as ritually unclean.

In view of all these factors working against a healthy, rational attitude toward sex and in view of the inevitable disappointments, exploitations, and rejections that are involved in human relationships, one might wonder how anyone could reach adulthood without being seriously maladjusted. The sexual impulse, however, is sufficiently strong and persistent and repeated sexual activity gradually erodes the inhibitions and any sense of guilt or shame. Further, all humans have a deep need to be esteemed, wanted, and loved. Sexual activity with another is seen as proof that one is attractive, desired, valued, and possibly loved—a proof very necessary to self-esteem and happiness. Hence, even among the very inhibited or those with weak sex drive, there is this powerful motivation to engage in sociosexual activity.

Most persons ultimately achieve at least a tolerable sexual adjustment. Some unfortunates, nevertheless, remain permanently handicapped, and very few completely escape the effects of society's antisexual conditioning. While certain inhibitions and restraints are socially and psychologically useful—such as deferring gratification until circumstances are appropriate and modifying behaviour out of regard for the feelings of others—most people labour under an additional burden of useless and deleterious attitudes and restrictions.

One of the first articles I ever read about sex. :) From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
tiassa said:
The Goddess herself will dance the Macarena before that happens..

You mean you haven't dreamt of "being banged on a restroom floor"? :bugeye:

What kind of human being... :eek:

Actually, it's more appropriate to say that I didn't get chowed on a restroom floor this week.
Don't shudder. Do the Macarena. I prefer the Gore variant.