You make the perfect the enemy of the good, and spoil a good faith conversation on the flaws of religious thought. All religion is characterized by faith, beliefs without evidence, and this leads to bad ideas, like prayer can take the place of medical treatment. Yes, human problems would not all be solved by voluntarily abandoning faith, but many would. And mainstream religions form the opening that others exploit (sometimes with the best intentions).
Your opinion on this matter is no more or less valuable than mine. I've done nothing of the sort that you suggest. You portray your comments about religious people as fact based, but these are merely opinions, just like mine. I'm having a discussion, you are interested in baiting me, for whatever the reason. Because you assume I'm religious? I've stated that I'm not, but you continue to make false assumptions about me. Even though I'm not religious, I see no value in degrading and broad brushing people of particular beliefs, simply because I don't follow what they do. If you want to have a thoughtful, honest discussion without inserting non-truths into my statements that I've never stated, great. If not, I'm probably not going to reply much.
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