Should religion and science be regarded as NOMA (non-overlapping magisteria)?

The center of the 3-D ball, is one point that is common to all the 2-D rational planes used to approximate the 3-D. In other words, no matter what your rational orientation there is one thing that is common to all.

This center point is associated with the feeling of conviction that our POV and support logic and data is valid. This feeling is the third dimension which connects and actives the right brain. The conviction is there because there is truth in what we say, but since we are only one rational plane in the 3-D ball approximation, this is not the entire truth. Alternate POV feel the very same conviction about this topic, because their plane also contain truth.

In forum topics, we focus on a common center based on the topic. Each person expresses their opinion and feels a sense of conviction. Together we fill in the 3-D ball, as a team, even when we disagree. I like the idea of sport since you can play hard but after all is said and done, you learn from each other and fill in the 3-D ball.

I generate a lot of scenarios and often change oars in midstream. This is because I work from the right brain and allow the 3-D to flex. There is a feeling of sorts and existing rational planes are moved. This deposits data, of sorts, in the space between established planes. From the conviction center I try to reverse engineer another plane. This allows a better approximation for the 3-D ball since logic and the new plane can add new data that was not there before. Then the 3-d will flex again but now from a ball that is denser aand which flexes differently.

One of the reasons the common center of conviction is a feeling is because of the speed at which 3-d data processing occurs in the right brain. As an analogy, say you recorded your voice. Next, you play it back in real time. This is what the left brain does. It is easy to understand. Next, we playback at 10X. Now it sounds like a higher pitch buzz where some words appear bended. If we go to 100X, all it blends into or tone that we can feel but can't always put into words or can only pick out some of the words.

The difference in speed, where right is fast, blurred into feeling that is hard to put into words, while left is slower, well defined in terms of premises and logic, it is natural to blend the two and assume one left plane is an integrated truth. That gets together so we can battle share planes.