Should parents be allowed to raise their children religious or atheist?


Registered Senior Member
Not sure what section this goes in, but hell, this one seems just fine. Answer the question now, bitches.
I think parents should have the freedom to determine how they want to raise their children.
Can't. The question makes no sense.
Perhaps you meant to ask whether parents should be allowed to indoctrinate their children to be religious or atheist?

You'll find that some people will suggest that indoctrinating a child into atheism is impossible, because children are atheist by default. :rolleyes: It might be better to avoid that argument by instead asking:

"Should parents be allowed to raise their children to believe in the parents' dogmatic beliefs?", which would naturally include strong atheism.

Then, you'll find all sorts of interpretations. You might need to be more specific.
Do you mean a parent who lets a child know what that parent believes, and encouraging the child to share those beliefs?
Do you mean a parent who presents their beliefs to the child as unquestionable fact?

You might need to ask about specific actions involved in raising children.
For example, should parents be allowed to select or restrict their children's reading material?
Children as pete said are atheist by default, and as such should be allowed to be children, as babies they are inbuilt with ethics of reciprocity, thus they become the social animals they are.
The only possible thing a parent should do is teach them what is dangerous, and a little bit of education the basic 3 r's.
When they reach a age of discernment around 7-8 years, then and only then guided by their rules and their wishes, should they be taught anything else. you will find children will want to learn more if it is not forced on them.
They have very agile and open minds and are able to understand there environment very quickly, they are just not big enough and strong enough yet to defend themselves well.

So no religious beliefs are needed.
nah, you have to teach them how to live in society and all... they can't just run wild
you should leave ideology for them to construct though..
you know, meden agan
OP is an idiot. let me see, the choices are religious or atheist. Is there any other kind???

Yes, parents are allowed to raise their children religious or atheist. :)
Parents must raise their children.

Since there are parents still having trouble with that, let's get that fixed and then worry about the bells and whistles.
The question would appear to be, "Would you teach your children to believe in anything you tell them, uncritically, or teach your children to critically think for themselves?"
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Of course they should be allowed. The day someone comes to my door and tells me I have to raise my child as one thing or another, I'm blowing their fucking head off and running to Canada.
Yeah, even correctly phrased, it was a stupid question....
Of course they should be allowed. The day someone comes to my door and tells me I have to raise my child as one thing or another, I'm blowing their fucking head off and running to Canada.

Interesting, because that's exactly what JW's do, they come to your house and tell you how to live.
Of course they should be allowed. The day someone comes to my door and tells me I have to raise my child as one thing or another, I'm blowing their fucking head off and running to Canada.

No kidding.

Interesting, because that's exactly what JW's do, they come to your house and tell you how to live.

JW's don't have tanks and marines, though.
Unfortunately, there is no acceptable way to prevent religious indoctrination of children. It's tragic.
That they could grow up fearing hell, believing all kinds of stupid things about angels, demons, and sin.
That they could grow up fearing hell, believing all kinds of stupid things about angels, demons, and sin.

Yeah, and perhaps living as directed in The Ten Commandmants. Yeah, that would be pretty damned tragic, wouldn't it? Shouldn't teach little kids shit like that, that's for sure. Teach the little bastards to grab whatever they can out life, be as greedy as possible.

Baron Max
Yeah, and perhaps living as directed in The Ten Commandmants. Yeah, that would be pretty damned tragic, wouldn't it? Shouldn't teach little kids shit like that, that's for sure. Teach the little bastards to grab whatever they can out life, be as greedy as possible.

Baron Max

There's a difference between having a socially tenable moral philosophy and believing in Judeo-Pagan mythology, don't you think?

I mean, have you ever read Revelations? That shit is WHACK, yet people raise their kids that not only is it the truth, it's just around the corner!