should my child be baptized?


God will not accept a baptism, which is symbolic of being reborn with the knowledge of God and making a change or dedicating your life, that isn't sincere.

Imagine dedicating your son or daughter to marry a person they don't love. The same is true of is the same. There is no dedication if a person doesn't know what's happening or doesn't wish to be marry or dedicated to a purpose. When this child becomes 18 years old and doesn't wish to acknowledge God as real, then what good was the baptism? It was false and therefore meaningless. He or she was merely taking a bath in public.

But note Jesus: When he was baptized at 30 his father granted him all the heavenly knowledge that he had when he was formerly in the heavens with his father. He became truely aware of who he was and what he was on Earth to do. While this doesn't happen with us it shows us there is an understanding of knowledge at baptism we must know why and for whom we're taking this symbolic display for.
That's excellent Saquist, I never thought that He came to full understanding when He was baptized, of course, He had not been "born again" before then, as He is God, but the symbolism is fascinating.
This is one of the reasons I would never marry an adherent, believing Christian.
If I were a Christian, I would not marry outside my faith.
At least not if I was planning on having children.

However that she could go behind your back and do it is probably more of a concern than the actual baptism itself. The word 'trust' screams to mind. I think you should be more worried that you do not trust her than her actually baptising the baby.
That was my first thought.
If my wife baptized our kid against my will, we would be divorced before she left the church.

i guess it doesent really matter that much if it is or isnt baptised, and yes me and my wife have very very different parenting views, she thinks i am part barbaric with some of my opinions on childcare, and i will raise him to be nothing short of an ancient warrior child, i think the opposite of her, that she will raise a little passive mommys boy, who will let people walk all over him and take his lunch money then go snitching to the teachers and getting beat up even worse for it.
I never understood how people with such distinctly opposing views on such important matters got along in a marriage.
Great for you, if you do, but I couldn't.

i said if she gets him baptized by a catholic church, then i will get him blessed by the muslim mosque, (i wouldent really) but it seemed like a good idea to say at the time,
For someone who is so focused on martial arts, honor, respect, etc... You can be awfully petty, spiteful and immature. :D

i dont think we need counciling, i think she needs to realise she is the woman and i am the man, and what the man says goes!.

im joking :)
Don't lie.
You're not joking.
You believe that, you just know she won't bend over for it. :D

maybe i will just let her get it baptised, but then she has won a good battleground position, i cannot let her take the elevated positional high ground.
Is that what marriage is to you?
A seried of battles to be won and lost and an attempt to gain an upper hand?
That explains a lot.
This is one of the reasons I would never marry an adherent, believing Christian.
If I were a Christian, I would not marry outside my faith.
At least not if I was planning on having children.

That is a really good idea..these kinds of situations can litteral deal breakers. Not everyone believes exactly the same...even if Christian.
Just let her do it, it's no skin off your ass and in marriage you gotta pick your battles. Only fight decisive ones.
raven i seriously was joking, i dont believe that. :)

and compromise is the way to go, but sometimes a relationship does seem like a battle to me honestly,

and i think you dont get my humour alot of the time, you take what i say too seriously at times, but its over the computer and it is hard to tell when some1 is serious joking or in between, maybe if you could see my facial expressions and tone of voice it would be easyer. :)

i can be petty sometimes, i admit this in all honesty, but i think its because i see it as a challenge alot of the time and i love to win challenges :)

50% of my posts are jokes, i dont know why i joke about serious things at innapropriate times, maybe its my way of dealing with important issues sometimes, im not sure i havent really thought about it before.

i dont have anything against my wife and her opinions directly, we get along great even though we are completely opposite, its fun to talk to somebody who has a completely different view of things than ones self, i guess if we were the same things would get boring. opposites attract in some cases..

its more of the fact that her family are catholic, but she denounced her faith as a young teenager, and i think she is doing it more for her family than for her or the child, thats why i am opposed to it. i am a taoist and do not believe cults like the church should be growing with future generations, especialy with my child. mainstream religion in my eyes does nothing but start wars conflicts and arguments, preaching acceptance peace and love but showing very little to outsiders of different belief systems.

bad santa and his little dwarf are thiefs and they disguise themselves and pose as santa and his little helper to rob things from shopping malls and stuff like that,

santa is a peverted alcoholic bum.
