Should Jewish State express regrets over


Valued Senior Member
genocides as described in their Holy Books? How Jews can demand reparations and condolences from Germans without condemning the ancient Genocides their ancestors (as Bible claims) committed?
genocides as described in their Holy Books? How Jews can demand reparations and condolences from Germans without condemning the ancient Genocides their ancestors (as Bible claims) committed?

I don't think the Jewish people care about the Bibles claims. Isn't the bible for christians?

And I think survivors can always claim and hopefully get reparations. I don't think your descendants can.
I don't think the Jewish people care about the Bibles claims. Isn't the bible for christians?

And I think survivors can always claim and hopefully get reparations. I don't think your descendants can.

Old testament books of the Bible are for Jews (religious Jews) too. However, even non religious Jewish people should say that genocide by the Chosen, genocide glorified in Sacred Books (of whomever) is just as evil as Hitler' final solution. BTW, it appears that Hitler perceive himself as "hand of God". Claiming divinity on one's side is universal tendency.
Googling "Genocide + Bible" - 1,000,000 hits.

The fact is that the Bible promotes genocide, the systematic destruction of entire populations of human beings. If that's Christian compassion, then I'm the Pope.

Don't believe that the Bible teaches genocide? Check out the following verses, just two of the many from the Bible that suggest that God himself thinks that genocide is a wonderful idea:

Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite. Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.)

Exodus, Chapter 34, verses 11-14

You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you. For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you. You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.

Leviticus, Chapter 26, verses 7-9

So this is God's love: if he looks favorably upon you, he'll help you go out and slaughter ten thousand people just because they belong to another ethic group and are already living on the land you want for yourself. Furthermore, the Bible says that he wants you to go out and commit cultural genocide, destroying the religious buildings and holy objects of rival religions. So come on, Christians! Hop to it! Surely you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, don't you? I'll bet you can find some non-Christian temple and start your pillage today!
Googling "Genocide + Bible" - 1,000,000 hits.

The fact is that the Bible promotes genocide, the systematic destruction of entire populations of human beings. If that's Christian compassion, then I'm the Pope....

Christian?? I thought we were talking about Jews. Who did the Jews wipe out?
Here is one more,

Using his interpretation of Old Testament texts to arrive at his "legal" opinion, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordecai Eliyahu ruled that there is no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Gaza. The judgment, which many Israelis consider the truth, was sent in the form of a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in 2007, was then published in "Olam Katan" and widely distributed the same week to congregations in synagogues throughout Israel.
Isn't his statement a quintessential definition for terrorism?
Below is a quote from the report posted to
"According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.
The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza."
Christian?? I thought we were talking about Jews. Who did the Jews wipe out?

that was copy paste but Christians should also say in no uncertain terms "What Genocide is good Genocide". Is hearing voices in ones head (after reading Holly Books) sufficient reason for "good" genocide by the chosen? Are there any guarantees that Hitler did not hear voices in his head he interpreted as those of Jehovah?
Should Jewish State express regrets over ...
genocides as described in their Holy Books? How Jews can demand reparations and condolences from Germans without condemning the ancient Genocides their ancestors (as Bible claims) committed?

sorry, kinda thick here. Where are the jewish people practicing genocide in biblical times?
Should Jewish State express regrets over ...

sorry, kinda thick here. Where are the jewish people practicing genocide in biblical times?

In the same place most nazi concentration camp guards are. Besides, according to international law there is NO statute of limitation for the crimes of genocides.

Since Jews (and Christians) accept Old Testament as a guide and moral beacon they should be hold responsible for the ancient crimes.
In the same place most nazi concentration camp guards are. Besides, according to international law there is NO statute of limitation for the crimes of genocides.

Since Jews (and Christians) accept Old Testament as a guide and moral beacon they should be hold responsible for the ancient crimes.

the Jewish people were practicing genocide in Europe during biblical times? :bugeye:

And no, there isn't a statute of limitations on genocide. Feel free to dig up the perpetrators and take them to court. Its beyond ridiculous, but....
Should Jewish State express regrets over ...

sorry, kinda thick here. Where are the jewish people practicing genocide in biblical times?

In the same place most nazi concentration camp guards are. Besides, according to international law there is NO statute of limitation for the crimes of genocides.

Since Jews (and Christians) accept Old Testament as a guide and moral beacon they should be hold responsible for the ancient crimes.
And no, there isn't a statute of limitations on genocide. Feel free to dig up the perpetrators and take them to court. Its beyond ridiculous, but....

Using your logic, it's OK to allow national socialist party to reemerge in Germany since ideologues of the movement are dead. It's was ridiculous for Jews to ask Germans to pay for the crimes they did not commit. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Since Christians, Jews and Muslims did not condemn ideology of holy genocide (written in their books) these organization should be treated as neo nazis in Germany IF "What's good for the goose is good for the gander".
Using your logic, it's OK to allow national socialist party to reemerge in Germany since ideologues of the movement are dead. It's was ridiculous for Jews to ask Germans to pay for the crimes they did not commit. ....

Yes, I have no problem with the party reemerging. As long as they follow teh law, they can have all the free speech they want.

And Jewish survivors can ask Germany to pay them. Germany profited from their slave labour.
Yes, I have no problem with the party reemerging. As long as they follow teh law, they can have all the free speech they want.

And Jewish survivors can ask Germany to pay them. Germany profited from their slave labour.

Wow, you actually think that the goal of a party (movement) is to speak their guts out while changing nothing more to their liking?

Germany did NOT profited from Jewish slave labor, since there was no such a thing. Concentration camp is not a labor camp. (Non Jewish) people who DID slave labor got squat from Germany. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, huh?