should I preach atheism?


less hate, more science
Registered Senior Member
greetings all, (why do I always start threads like that? I need a new way to open a thread =/ )

a friend of mine is taking a world religions class, and that gave me an idea. should I volunteer to speak about what it means to be an atheist? I have never taken a religion class, so I don't really know how well they cover the topic, but considering that this area is pretty religious, they probably have few verbal atheists in the classes, and the teachers are probably all Christian, so I would like to spread the word that its not such a bad thing to be an Atheist.


if I do this, what do you think would be some good points to talk about? how anti-theist should I be?

let me know what you think of this idea.

greetings all, (why do I always start threads like that? I need a new way to open a thread =/ )

a friend of mine is taking a world religions class, and that gave me an idea. should I volunteer to speak about what it means to be an atheist? I have never taken a religion class, so I don't really know how well they cover the topic, but considering that this area is pretty religious, they probably have few verbal atheists in the classes, and the teachers are probably all Christian.


if I do this, what do you think would be some good points to talk about? how anti-theist should I be?

let me know what you think of this idea.

Seems like a good idea to me, I think you should talk about how atheists are really just like anyone else, they have morals, etc....and say that atheists just personally have come to conclusion that God does not exist, nothing less, nothing more....

As for being anti-theists, I don't think you should say that theists are a bunch of delusional fools (like atheists enjoy saying), or point out the many flaws in the Bible....that might offend a lot of people....
thats a good point, one of the common reasons atheists can't get elected to office is that people think that morality comes from religion, that is a myth I would like to dispel.
thats a good point, one of the common reasons atheists can't get elected to office is that people think that morality comes from religion, that is a myth I would like to dispel.

Yeah, I think you should point out that its really more psychology that determines if someone is good or bad, its their past experiences, the way they've been conditioned to act, not religion at all (which is why there are good and bad people of all religions, all races, etc...)
There is one little issue here that tends to niggle at me a bit.

One should never "preach" atheism because atheism is not a religion. Telling people that you are an atheist is one thing. But attempting to sell it or preach it as a means to convert others can make people wary as they will view it as being some form of alternative belief system when it is not. Atheism is simply not believing in God or any other deity.
greetings all, (why do I always start threads like that? I need a new way to open a thread =/ )

a friend of mine is taking a world religions class, and that gave me an idea. should I volunteer to speak about what it means to be an atheist? I have never taken a religion class, so I don't really know how well they cover the topic, but considering that this area is pretty religious, they probably have few verbal atheists in the classes, and the teachers are probably all Christian, so I would like to spread the word that its not such a bad thing to be an Atheist.


if I do this, what do you think would be some good points to talk about? how anti-theist should I be?

let me know what you think of this idea.


It's a WORLD RELIGION class isnt it? that meas teaching different cultures and religions, not just Christian.

What could you possibly teach about Atheism?

"OK boys and girls Cato is gonna teach everyone about Atheism, go ahead Cato begin:

Uh, hmmm uh......theres no god, monkeys have fingers...the end.:D
I know I should not preach, I was just trying to be witty. I don't really plan to convert anyone. though, they may cover atheism pretty well, I don't know, they may not need me.

if you guys think there are specific points I should make if I do talk to a class, I welcome your advice on how to convey atheism clearly.
Most people see Atheists as with head in sand.
You of course have proof that "most people" see atheists that way? Links?

Or are you equating yourself as being "most people" to make yourself sound that little bit more important and bigger than you actually are? Sadly for you, atheists don't really care how "most people" (ie you) see us.
It's a WORLD RELIGION class isnt it? that meas teaching different cultures and religions, not just Christian.
thats why I want to talk about atheism. the teacher may not explain atheism as anything more than "they don't believe in god."

What could you possibly teach about Atheism?
thats the ignorance I am trying to break. I would like a chance to explain how one comes to be an atheist, where they get their morality from, and the different types of atheists (strong/weak) and how they are often stereotyped as simply being godless people when, in fact, they simply used a more stringent method for differentiating truth from non.

"OK boys and girls Cato is gonna teach everyone about Atheism, go ahead Cato begin:

Uh, hmmm uh......theres no god, monkeys have fingers...the end.
if I do set something like this up, I would ask that the teacher give the students an assignment to come up with a few questions about atheism. I would like to make it a Q&A type thing.
thats why I want to talk about atheism. the teacher may not explain atheism as anything more than "they don't believe in god."
Correct the teacher and say no, atheists believe there is no God.

thats the ignorance I am trying to break. I would like a chance to explain how one comes to be an atheist, where they get their morality from, and the different types of atheists (strong/weak) and how they are often stereotyped as simply being godless people when, in fact, they simply used a more stringent method for differentiating truth from non.
This is where it could be tricky for you.

Each person arrives at atheism through different means or paths one could say. There is no set way.
Yes, you should preach atheism. We need someone who can talk about atheists here. Since this is a science forum with a search button I figure there would be plenty of material (joke).