Should I get this gun?

Swords aren't heavy. most weigh 2-3 lbs. and 2-handers only wheigh up to 6. Secondly, they are balanced, so you could throw them, but then you would lose a big sharp sword:( throwing knives (which I own and can use well) are usually either all metal, or have a cord wrapped grip, the end left exposed. third, there are double ended throwers you can get, and there are some very large ones to boot (2 pounders!) and last but not least, throwing stars will veer off to the sides at any distance greater than about 5 meters unless they are weightedand you are damn good with them. I think a large (12 inch blade) fixed bladed knife that's well balanced would be the best bet if you don't want to lug a gun around in plain view.
This is the best


Don't forget to set it to stunt.
"Don't forget to set it to stunt"

It shrinks them?!?!? :eek:

lol!! "And with my large boot, I shall crush thee into smithereens!" *evil laugh* "Die, midget men, die!" :D

Yeah, ok, I'm okay :D I think the worst weapon is the human tongue. Nooo...not to lick them to death, but words hurt a lot more than any gun, sword, or knife will. See, a shot to the head will put them out of their misery too quickly, it would be the coward's way out for them. But a few well-placed words, some clever roleplaying, and you could drive a man insane, until he'll just beg to be killed. Depression works well too. Make a man feel worthless, and he'll be like putty in your hands. Plus, it won't cost a lot, and you don't have to get a license, or have to conceal it. :D
Maybe so, but that won't save you from being attacked by a crazed maniac out to rifle your wallet. Maybe you can insult them after you blow their arms and legs off first... "Now, Torso Boy...":D
lol :D I guess.....but how many crazed maniacs do you know? Maybe it's the air, maybe it's the water, but we don't get many around here.

What about pepper spray? Give'em a good spray of the stuff, I bet they'll leave you alone after that. :)
lol! :D Let me guess: then you walk away, stay away for some 15 minutes, take a back alley route, sneak up behind him, and whack him on the back of the head! Then run away giggling! :D
I was thinking: walk away about 15 paces, aim the gun at their head for a while while they plead for it, then run straight at them and punt their head like a football while they're kneeling there in agony. I just wouldn't be able to control myself if someone tried to hurt me. really. But this is very amusing anyway!:D :D :D
BlueSoul, you've been playing too much Duke Nukem

Get a FN P90, they are so cool. If you don't, I'll get one on your behalf
Methinks it depends on what you need the gun for.
Target practice?
Shooting squirrels?
Starting a race?
Robbing a store?
Or real stopping power when an attacker is within 20 feet?
target practice, small game hunting, and something that can do modest damage when fired at close range. Preferably non lethal, as I would rather seriously hurt someone than kill them. that way I could insult them and laugh at them before calling the cops and have them lock the guy up for some time.:) I think this could do that.
Originally posted by Lesion42
"Don't forget to set it to stunt"

It shrinks them?!?!?:eek:

No. Those are phasers. You either set it to stunt or set it to kill. You can evaporate someone if you set it to maximum.
*Rolls eyes*

Joeman, you are confusing tazers and phasors.

Now check the taser out, soooooo sweet: Stun.htm

(Okay, not top of the line, I admit, but hey, you get what you pay for)

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Ugh, I accidentally zapped myself with one once. That is not pleasent. My arm was tingling for the rest of the day.