Should gay marriage be legal?

Maybe today's environment is allowing you to open up that closet door a bit wider, but watch out it's a trick, that road doesn't lead to the twisted version of liberation you dream of, and soon enough, nature will kick you in the groin back to your closet as you should be.....AIDS and STD's are not the only weapons in mother's nature pocket for eliminating sexual perverts....

Pure assertion. "Mother nature" doesn't have any existence beyond fantasy, nor does "mother nature" have any likes or dislikes regarding "sexual perverts".

Historically, marriage is a commercial transaction. Nothing more, nothing less, and closely tied to the institution of slavery (witness events like the rape of the Sabines - you'll need to look this up, not being a very educated sort - or the Viking practice of marriage by abduction)

Marriage is romanticised involuntary domestic/sexual servitude. You want to keep that great tradition going, suit yourself.
Originally posted by Xev

Historically, marriage is a commercial transaction. Nothing more, nothing less, and closely tied to the institution of slavery (witness events like the rape of the Sabines - you'll need to look this up, not being a very educated sort - or the Viking practice of marriage by abduction)

Marriage is romanticised involuntary domestic/sexual servitude. You want to keep that great tradition going, suit yourself.

Not a very educated sort hmm? I'm 17 and in University, among other achievements, so if anything I'd say I'm quite the opposite.

Don't try to make me out to be an idiot because I advocate tradition. And for the record, I don't advocate this "slave marriage" crap, nor am I a religious zealot, I just believe in the union between a man and a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
Originally posted by xelius00
I have a donkey fetish ok? If two guys can legally get married, then I want to marry a donkey. It's not disgusting. Ideas like these have been keeping me from what is mine for too long... :bugeye:
hey, please don't get discouraged! i went through a donkey phase at one point too, and i know your views are simply based on your natural feelings of attraction to this beast of burden. i'm sure most people will accept you as easily as the average heterosexual white male... anyways, i really would like to see a type of legal union allowed for you and your ass, but i do ask that you leave my standard marriage definition alone! :D

(come on, i know you understand the difference between humans and animals. homosexuals are completely separate from people who enjoy that sick stuff.)

seriously though, i think the legalization of gay marriage is the next step in societal reformation. it doesn't matter what "standard marriage definition" our founding fathers believed in, because we already know they had a couple other beliefs that needed correction. (see also: slavery. see also: unequal rights for women.) the evolution of society thrives on changes, even fundamental changes, and our constitution allows for amendments when we feel the need. i think it's time to take the next step forward and move towards equal marriage rights for all sexual orientations.

note: my friend who wrote the paper is adamantly against gay marriage, and would align herself with the conservative points of view in this discussion. i helped her edit that paper to sound like a reasonable, unbiased analysis of the issue.

I respect your views on the subject, and I'm sure you would have chosen different wording had you been on this particular wavelength, but:
This is about defective people selfishly trying to usher in a society that works for them and in the process taking no note of the fact that they might be ruining it for other people.

You mean like when they put in craploads of handicapped parking spaces, all in the nice, shady (and usually safer) spots at the store while the rest of us have to cross frying-pan hot parking lots, and in the evening risk getting mugged walking out to our cars because we dare be healthy? There is an incident in my town right now where a particularly pleasant part of a downtown plaza is roped off to everybody because there is no wheelchair access? Or a bus taking extra long at the stop because the wheelchair ramp has to be deployed, lowered, the person has to be rolled onto the ramp, buckled in, rolled to a special place on the bus (and if any non-defective people are there, they have to give up the seat), strapped in, and then the ramp has to be tucked in before we can all go?

The handicapped people had no choice about there condition, and I don't believe homosexuality is a choice. any more than heterosexuality is a choice. It's a matter of what chemicals are firing in what amounts.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no flaming liberal. In fact, my husband and I are right-wing Republicans. (I describe myself as one part Joan Jett, one part June Cleaver.) It's just that I have met far too many cool people and upstanding citizens who are gay. They never preached to me about it or made me try to see it their way, they were just men and women who were gay.

(I also take the "Liberty and Justice for all" thing a little seriously, which is the only reason I hadn't joined the lynch mob outside the Modesto City Jail the night they brough Scott Peterson in. I think he did it, but he still deserves a fair trial.)
Originally posted by Flores
AIDS and STD's are not the only weapons in mother's nature pocket for eliminating sexual perverts....

I hate to break it to you, Flores, but missionary sex between a man and a woman with the intent of conceiving a child is just as likely to transmit disease as any other kind of "deviant" sex. Other sexual positions or the like do not create disease, they simply transmit it, and really any position, so long as fluids are being exchanged, is just as likely to allow the transmission of disease.

Oh, and one more thing, how do you explain the fact that AIDS is primarily a heterosexual problem, being that the vast majority of aids patients are heterosexual.

Originally posted by Flores
PS. Don't call me cruel and homophobic, nature is the cruel one that is homophobic.

How is this, again? You know, people often accuse others of displaying traits that they themselves posses and are insecure about.
Originally posted by xelius00
Gay people have been given everything, it's even illegal to refuse to hire a person because they're visibly gay. It's illegal to make fun of a gay person. Gay people can come out of the closet and continue living life as normally as a straight person. Gay people are a socially acceptable as your average heterosexual white male.

Well I had no idea that Canada was such a happy fantasy land, but even if you are correct (and not just blind to the truth of things which I feel is quite a bit more likely) these conditions do not exist everywhere.

Originally posted by xelius00
I have a donkey fetish ok? If two guys can legally get married, then I want to marry a donkey. It's not disgusting. Ideas like these have been keeping me from what is mine for too long... :bugeye:

If you can't see the difference between having a sexual fetish for animals (which are not sentient and are incapable of love like a human is, and which you simply can not have a relationship with) and two people falling in love with eachother and wanting to spend the rest of their lives together, then you are even more screwed up than I thought.

As I said before, this isn't just some sort of kinky sex thing, you jerk, this is what some people feel is a normal and natural kind of relationship, and the difference between it and a heterosexual union is quite marginal, and frankly irrelevant.

Your screwed up opinion of my life which you have absolutely no stake in, and no right to arbitrate, should not be taken into account when considering weather or not my rights should be denied.

you moron

have you ever herd of CONSENT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
btw, everyone ignore Flores. Her anti Semitism, anti gay hate, and insulting language show what kind of person "she" is. I highly doubt if she's a mother of two, as "she" claims to be (don't guys love to pretend to be women?). I suspect him (much more likely) of being one of Bin Laden's teen admirers. He probably thinks it is cool to bash Jews and gays, among other things/people.

Well guess what Flores, the Supreme Court is moving in a direction you don't want it to move. And guess what, Mr Flores, there is nothing you can do about it. And guess what, Mr Flores, in case you think it won't affect you since you're Arabic, the decisions made in the US impact the entire world.

Doesn't that just SUCK for you? Go back to the stinking hole from where all Arabs crawled from.
Originally posted by xelius00
Not a very educated sort hmm? I'm 17 and in University, among other achievements, so if anything I'd say I'm quite the opposite.

Don't try to make me out to be an idiot because I advocate tradition. And for the record, I don't advocate this "slave marriage" crap, nor am I a religious zealot, I just believe in the union between a man and a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.

That means nothing, xelius00. You're still obviously uneducated. You think you're so smart because you're in a "University" (ooo note the cap)? IF you knew how easy it is to get into any crap university in the US your brief bout of pride would get its ass frozen to its chair.

Firstly: racisium is in very poor taste and not really apropriate in a thread questioning others lack of tolerance

but more importantly how far can your high court go with a presidant like bush at the helm?

i mean those laws have been gone from australian books for god knows how long and the US is JUST catching up

actully they have been steaderly bringing in laws to protect gays and others in victoria but i belive little johnny controls births, deaths and marriges not the states

sad seing as john will bend over whenever bush LOOKS at him
I agree with Asguard.
Zero, you're right about Flores. But when you make comments about Arabs, you are only making yourself appear as intolerant and as Flores her/him self. It seems a bit hypocritical when you attack Flores for being a bigot, when you appear to be one yourself.

Do you really think our prime minister is a lap dog, Asguard? What do you base that claim on?
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Originally posted by Asguard
but more importantly how far can your high court go with a presidant like bush at the helm?

That’s "Supreme Court" actually, and they can go as far as they want regardless of the president, he doesn't have anything to do with the judicial branch. Only time he has anything to do with the Supreme Court is if we need some new justices, or if they want to shoot down some of the executive branch's ideas.

And Zero, I don't like Flores very much either, but where do you get off going on such a wildly accusatory and brainless rant like that? Do everyone a favor and keep your opinions to yourself.
Well first I'm a normal heterosexual man. Married for three years. And proud father of a beautiful blond baby boyof 15 months.

Half a year ago my brother-in-law married his friend. This was done in a joyess occation for lots of people.
My wife and I gave them a special gift. We prestented them with our will. Which states that should we come to die, they will get full custody of our childeren. I know that many of you people over the ocean would freak out about this. But I'm totally confident that my brothers-in-law would be the best parents of our child.
Because the are compassionate, wise, full of love, and secure in all aspects of their live.
So I sleep peacefully knowing that my son is wel taken care of should my wife and I meet an untimely demise.

Yeah , and know for you anti-persons. While reading your comments. I got a little scared. With all yours objections and explanetions. Just fill in your gay into black and you'll see how dicriminatory you are. All persons great or small, or something something..................... just a thought
Would could just attack Flores for being an ignorant fool.... who cares about what else she is. The ignorance is the most evident.
i'll say it again. they are not special rights! they are human rights owed to every single person living. gay people do not wish to be treated better, worse or any differently than anyone else. fill in the blank, whatever adjective might go in front of any person changes nothing. _______ deserves life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. _______ deserves the chance to fulfill the american dream. for many the american dream means working hard to earn a fulfilling career, sharing your life with a loving partner and raising a loving family. not everyone wants this but isn't mr./ms. fill-in-the-blank entitled to pursuing this if it will make them happy? now fill in the blank with gay, hispanic, arab, multiracial man/woman.

*i was going to add handicapped since it was mentioned, but they do deserve special rights as a means of obtaining equal rights because nature short-changed them and we are social creatures so it's our responsibility to take care of them.

end of rant

yes i do

just look at his actions when the US raised there steel tarifs, and everytime WE lower our tarifs and they refuse to

but thats not what this thread is about
In response to what zero said about the marraige not producing offspring therefore it being "useless", thats the same as suggesting that if a man or a woman is not physically able to reproduce, then their LIFE is useless, it makes no sense to make tis an argment of biological purposes
Originally posted by Asguard
i will lay down the gauntlet for the god knows how many time.

how does who i marry effect YOU?

in many marriages, there is a worker and a homemaker. the homemaker gets health benefits from the company the worker works at. currently, there is a health care crisis since there are a lot of wants and needs and not enough money to cover them all. if gays start to marry, their spouses get added into the mix. health care in this country will crumble. until the social services of this country is fixed, everything should stay on it's current path. there are far more pressing issues. in 20 years, 40% of our paychecks will go to the social security claims made today.

oh, flame me as much as you'd like, but all this was covered in my my economics 101 macroeconomics class.