Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

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Jolly Rodger

In Australia the government is trying to pass a law making it legal for gay couples to adopt children. I think this is wrong. I think a child should be brought up in natural surroundings.
What are your thoughts?
Personally, I'm with Plato and Pollux all the way. Parenting is barbaric; I think the government or community should raise children.
Originally posted by Redoubtable
Personally, I'm with Plato and Pollux all the way. Parenting is barbaric; I think the government or community should raise children.
i am glad i didn't have the same parents as you
Originally posted by DeeCee
I agree.
We should burn alive any kids born in cities!
Dee Cee
yeah burn them
that would be smart?

Are you sugesting that having gay parents is as natural as living in the city, once again i am glad i didnt get brought up in your home!

Do you really think a little kid would know what was going on if he/she had two dads or two mums, when everyone eles at school had the NATURAL situation at home, meaning man + woman + sex + 9 months.

try and be funny again
Are you sugesting that having gay parents is as natural as living in the city?
How natural is your city?
Full of trees and cows and stuff is it?
I wish I lived there:cool:
My city is full of graffiti and cars and little girls who try to dress like pop stars.

I hate cities they're not natural.:mad:
Keep kids out of cities!
Dee Cee
Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopted children?

Originally posted by Jolly Rodger
In Australia the government is trying to pass a law making it legal for gay couples to adopt children. I think this is wrong. I think a child should be brought up in natural surroundings.
What are your thoughts?

really? If I was a starving child that lived on the streets of a big city in Brazil I'd rather choose to be adopted by a gay couple than dying on the streets.. I think that a "natural" surrounding would be best but the next best thing isnt all to bad if you consider the options..
Re: Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopted children?

Originally posted by sisay
really? If I was a starving child that lived on the streets of a big city in Brazil I'd rather choose to be adopted by a gay couple than dying on the streets..

I would personally choose the street, at least I have a chance to escape the filth by getting an education and a job.

I hear now a days college students working as prostitue and stripping to pay for tuition. They say that's much better, easier, and brings more money than washing dishes for $5.00 an hour...Perhaps those same students would agree that living with a gay couple is better than the streets.
I would personally choose the street, at least I have a chance to escape the filth by getting an education and a job.
Work hard and you could even become a gay Bishop!

Bishops are not natural:(
Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee
Work hard and you could even become a gay Bishop!

Damn Decee, that kid's alternatives are pretty bad. Either live with the gay couples or escape and work hard and grow up to be a gay bishop

I'm not telling the kid to "WORK IT WORK IT BABY". I'm telling the kid to just work.
Originally posted by Jolly Rodger
Do you really think a little kid would know what was going on if he/she had two dads or two mums, when everyone eles at school had the NATURAL situation at home, meaning man + woman + sex + 9 months.
I guess this means that all adoption is wrong then. Or are you more concerned with the 'natural' situation of 'man + woman' and don't really care about the '+ sex + 9 months' part? What about children who only have a mother or a father but not both? What about children who are orphaned but live with their grandparents? Heck, what about orphanages?

Why not just admit to your prejudice instead of making up silly notions about 'natural' situations? Then we can get to the heart of the matter.

Originally posted by Flores
I would personally choose the street, at least I have a chance to escape the filth by getting an education and a job.
Would you want that for your children as well; for them to be living on the streets rather than being raised by a caring gay couple?

Originally posted by Redoubtable
Personally, I'm with Plato and Pollux all the way. Parenting is barbaric; I think the government or community should raise children.
I agree partially : that there is indeed a problem revolving barbarism and that indeed it has founding in parenting and that indeed community/government (assuming capability) should take certain tasks on .

But Plato neglects the care-ethics that provide emotional development that mothers can and do provide , I think it is the role of the father that should be questioned and considered replaced by community/government . The problem is that the overal fatherfigure in most occasions fails to provide encouragement and role-model for intellegent development . 9/10 fathers are simply barbaric cave-dwellers , and can no longer be tolerated as to be assumed suitable enough to educate children , such position for them needs to be aquird through analysis of their capabilities , and based on that they can have a role within the communal educational system .

There are quite some socio-psychological implications that would affect both mother and fathers but it is something they ought to get over for the benefit of their children .
Originally posted by Flores
I would personally choose the street, at least I have a chance to escape the filth by getting an education and a job
I do not think you represent the suffering child . Why are you so against gays raising children ? Why are you not able to apply your understanding of relativity as you shown in the Hijab issue , to these matters ? I understand that gay raising is not perfection and against our Deen , but letting children suffer in starvation as Ethiopia , war as Liberia or neglection and poverty as in the sewers of Moscow just so that they dont have to suffer being raised by gays contradicts everything Deen stands for , dont you think ?

I probably have more problems with the peoples that would adopt those children then you do (gay) , but why let ideological issues get in the way of that what is better for those children ? Perfection is not manifested anyways , and priorities should be set : do we care for a child that would starve or do we care for gays raising children ?
Originally posted by Jolly Rodger
In Australia the government is trying to pass a law making it legal for gay couples to adopt children. I think this is wrong. I think a child should be brought up in natural surroundings.
What are your thoughts?
1) Surroundings are not natural anyways as DeeCee showed you .
2) Do you prioritize your ideals above saving childrens lives , if this would be the consequence of the gay marriage ?
3) Is gayness the worst quality that adoptive parents can have ? Do you prefer abuse , for instance , over this ?

I really do not think it matters , I do not agree with homosexuality I think it is imperfect human behaviour comparable to a handicap . But in compare to all the other handicaps that adoptive (or natural for that matter) that nobody even thinks to choose as qualification-standards , it means very little .

Most importantly however is the horrific situation that children can be in today , even to live with monkey-adoptive parents in a western zoo is better than the hell they go through if they are lucky enough not to starve too soon .

Anyhow I like family-gays much better than sodomic psychos , so if the kids end up with gays better be these ones than the ones on the streets .
Originally posted by Raithere
Would you want that for your children as well; for them to be living on the streets rather than being raised by a caring gay couple?


I'm afraid so Raithere. A too good and comfortable fake environment will confuse the kids and spoil them....Their left and right side of the brain would explode due to the contradictions that they will be experiencing. This will burn out the fighter spirit in our children so fast and disorient the coordinate system of their morals. If my kids intuition led them to disagree with the style of their parents life, and it will, because that is the natural correct thought process for any human, they would need plenty of pretty good therapy or Raithere's meditation sessions to recover, understand. and staighten the contradictions in their life..
Or are you more concerned with the 'natural' situation of 'man + woman' and don't really care about the '+ sex + 9 months' part?
Of course he cares!
This is all about sex.
Thats why gay bishops stay in the closet or pretend to be celibate.
and why we feel uncomfortable when we sit next to gay men on the bus.
It's not about kiddies.
It's about sex.

It's the sex that makes them different
Dee Cee
Ghassan Kanafani:

Aside from your opinion about gays themselves and a concern over your suggestion regarding the replacement of fathers, I think you put the matter into very clear perspective.

A too good and comfortable fake environment will confuse the kids and spoil them....
You must live in a city too Flores ;)

Cities are evil!:mad:
Keep kiddies out of cities!
Dee Cee
Originally posted by Flores
A too good and comfortable fake environment will confuse the kids and spoil them....
But does this stand against hardly any chance to survive in sewers sniffing glue , starving or being shot dead/raped by rebels ? Spoil is good in relation to death/destruction .
Their left and right side of the brain would explode due to the contradictions that they will be experiencing.
And the glue would do good ? No food would do good ?
my kids intuition led them to disagree with the style of their parents life, and it will, because that is the natural correct thought process for any human, they would need plenty of pretty good therapy or Raithere's meditation sessions to recover, understand. and staighten the contradictions in their life..
I think they need lots more meditation and therapy after being gangraped at the age of ten in some refugeecamp , that is if the child would survive ......

I wonder weither you have ever experienced or observed how things can go within such family , have you ? Or do you simply assume that it can never be other than a psychological chaos ? I am curious because I have and I could not detect essential problems/errors as you mention based on this issue .
Originally posted by Flores
A too good and comfortable fake environment will confuse the kids and spoil them.
Can you quantify this though? You're making a blanket assertion here when, as Ghassan stated, we're dealing with relative values. Even accepting (which I personally do not) that homosexuality is morally wrong aren't there worse situations in which to place a child?

This will burn out the fighter spirit in our children so fast and disorient the coordinate system of their morals.
What you mean to say is that is would disorient them from your system of morals. Theirs are still in development. And although they will surely be heavily influenced by the morals that you teach them they will not duplicate them exactly.

If my kids intuition led them to disagree with the style of their parents life, and it will, because that is the natural correct thought process for any human, they would need plenty of pretty good therapy
And how much more therapy would it take to straighten them out if they had to prostitute themselves on the streets when they were 10? What if they die from exposure?

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
But does this stand against hardly any chance to survive in sewers sniffing glue , starving or being shot dead/raped by rebels ? Spoil is good in relation to death/destruction . And the glue would do good ? No food would do good ? I think they need lots more meditation and therapy after being gangraped at the age of ten in some refugeecamp , that is if the child would survive ......

Perhaps you are correct, but not at first glance. I may be confusing too issues here...What is good for the children and the morality of being gay. I guess even from the religious prespective, since god judges us all individually, then an adopted child will not carry the burden of guilt of a gay parent. I need to think more about that...

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Why are you so against gays raising children ? Why are you not able to apply your understanding of relativity as you shown in the Hijab issue , to these matters ? I understand that gay raising is not perfection and against our Deen , but letting children suffer in starvation as Ethiopia , war as Liberia or neglection and poverty as in the sewers of Moscow just so that they dont have to suffer being raised by gays contradicts everything Deen stands for , dont you think ?

Aside for religion, I view gay adoption as proposal or a solution to the orphanage and unattended kids problem. I don't like the solution, because it brings on various other problems that counteracts the benefits.

For example, you are presenting us witih vivid gloom and doom episode of the kids. There is no doubt that orphans and neglected children suffer, but then you flash the gay solution as if it's the only solution to the problem. This is not correct. We must view the gay solution in comparison to other solutions and not in comparison to the magnitude of the kids problems....that's false advertising.

To me, It's merely a society cost benefit ratio that I don't feel is met in either gay marriages or gay adoptions. Again, we are clouding the problem and using existing problems of our society to create new ones. I'm not saying that kids should stay on the street, but the option presented sucks, why don't we come up with better alternatives for our children for god sake.
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