Should christians be banned from a science forum?

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Was Newton also the guy that thought Greek/ Roman mythology was a secret code for alchemy? I saw a show on one of the greats, think it was Newton, that thought greek/roman mythology was a code for alchemy. And some modern day scientist duplicated one of the alchemical experiments he did and showed how it related to greek mythology. It was fucking bizarre. It's weird if you think about it since science came from alchemy, maybe these myths that are constantly being given shit as worthless delusions are really ultimately where science came from.

Yes, he was certainly empassioned. Possibly even derived from the fact that he had virtually no sex-drive at all. He funnelled all that Freudian libido into his mathematical, scientific, and religious studies.

Well considering modern chemistry is directly a result of alchemy, it is certainly the case that alchemy is the ancestor of much of modern science. The difference, obviously, is that we no longer are seeking the Elixir of Life, or its solid cousin, the Philosopher's Stone.

It was quite intriguing that Newton was right about at least one of those chemical compounds relating back to a Greco-Roman myth about Venus (I also saw that documentary).

Yes, he was certainly empassioned. Possibly even derived from the fact that he had virtually no sex-drive at all. He funnelled all that Freudian libido into his mathematical, scientific, and religious studies.

M*W: I'm not surprised. When one stifles their passion (i.e. sex drive), it will ALWAYS come out of them in a perverse way. Roman Catholic priests, for example, have stifled their sexual nature and drive for centuries, and look what happened to the weakest of their fold.

I didn't know that about Newton, although as I recall, he never married(?).

I stated in an earlier post, probably in the Religion Forum, that all passionate projects, like those of the greatwar artists of our history, were creating from deep within their sexual nature. Can you only imagine how sexually repressed the greatest artists were? How sexually repressed all those priests were? How sexually repressed Newton was?

Take for example, christians, and how sexually repressed their religion encourages them to be. Could that be why the evils of christianity are finally coming out? It is a basic human drive and should be expressed at it's own level, but then, where would all the greatest creative lust be?
Hey, i'm a christian and a scientist. I'm training with every fiber of my being to get my master's in Chemical engineering after all. I'm also a christian and a wannabe physicist. I don't argue a LOT here but when I do it is with an open mind and I treat it as more of a debate. We [christians] arent all stupid people.

Nevertheless I do see your point, but know that I won't be one to attack a thread on evolutional theory just because its there and someone posted it.
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It's not about ignoring Christians - it's about ignoring fanboys who happen to have 'imprinted' Christianity as their porthole of hope.

Very much like baby ducks imprint an image they assume to be their mother, some people need something to follow and nothing will ever deviate from whatever they have imprinted. Their interpretations and perspectives will even warp to ensure their chosen path seems completely correct.

It's probably a natural feature of the mind used to improve synergy in caveman societies.
There's an entire universe out there that we could be discussing. The silly one-liner garbage is of no use to anyone... not even to their own peers. That's my opinion. Hate me or love me... I don't care.

But I am <i>God curious.</i> And those silly one-liners often make sense. :D
hell no, some christians have made brilliant scientists and brilliant philosophers.
And im not a chrsitian or religious to make that clear.

Well considering modern chemistry is directly a result of alchemy, it is certainly the case that alchemy is the ancestor of much of modern science. The difference, obviously, is that we no longer are seeking the Elixir of Life, or its solid cousin, the Philosopher's Stone.

Aren't we still looking for the Elixer of Life? We are looking for that Panacea that will cure all our ills and extend our life. We just call it by different names now. We also are still in search of the Philosopher's Stone, though now it is more to find cheap abundant energy. We're still looking for the same things Health, Wealth and Power, they just have different names.
M*W: It is never-ending circular reasoning. We get nowhere. We don't learn anything new. It is a total waste of time trying to elicit communication from them. Why is that... since they claim to have all the answers that we don't have? It's getting boring. It's getting old and tiring. Either make them talk with some level of intelligence or ban them because they cannot communicate on this level. There's an entire universe out there that we could be discussing. The silly one-liner garbage is of no use to anyone... not even to their own peers. That's my opinion. Hate me or love me... I don't care.

No, Christians shouldn't be banned...thats just discrimination....

Evangelical atheists have the same intolerant attitude as the fundementalist Christians that they so hate...
M*W: You can't be serious! If those "silly one-liners" make "sense" to you, then you have a serious problem.

Someone here once said that language is not a science. Maybe it is in the way we read the words that gives them meaning. :shrug: So, maybe the magic of turning water into wine is nothing more than seeing the miracle in what we have. :D
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Most, if not all, Christian forums will ban those who disagree with them. If we do the same, we'll be lowering ourselves to their level of ignorance.
Most, if not all, Christian forums will ban those who disagree with them. If we do the same, we'll be lowering ourselves to their level of ignorance.

People aren't banned because of disagreements. Most Christians sites that I'm aware of are there to spread the word of God, not argue about it. However, there are those who have apologetic forums. If you get banned from those, then you have a point.
People aren't banned because of disagreements. Most Christians sites that I'm aware of are there to spread the word of God, not argue about it.

Hence the main reason an atheist is not welcomed and usually gets banned!
It's a science forum first, with a sub-forum on religion! No doubt that many people here would be agnostic/atheists. Even though IAC I've been in many forums, atheist forums and they always welcome theist to debate. However try posting as an atheist in one of these Christian forums and the first thing will happen is people with opposing views usually get banned! Now I'm not foolish enough to join such a sites, I have enough here and with various other forums atheistic to keep entertained!.

That is what we mainly come here for, it's entertainment.

It isn't a science forum. If anything, it is a general discussion/humanities forum first, a science forum a distant second. Considering the science forums have few threads and posts compared to every other area...
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