Should children be allowed to be parented by dangerous people?

Should children be allowed to be parented by dangerous people?

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parenting is more than just feeding, housing. it is instilling values. indoctrination to beliefs. hopefully, teaching them to think independently.
im actually a manditory reporter for suspected child abuse, so i do know a little about the system. When you report a case you give the reasons why you suspect child abuse or neglect, who you suspect and an urgency rating (imidiate, with in a day, with in a week and i think there is one more). Other people will also report it (for instance in my case i would report it because of what i have either seen in the home or in treating the child and then the nurses and doctors might suspect because of a more thougher clincial assesment and also put in there complaints) and then the case workers will start an investigation.

Now in neglect cases this may well be that the solution is more finatial surport or a break away from the kids, or a house cleaner or pre prepared meals from an organisation like meals on wheels or a different house from the housing trust or symple for the house to be modifide

None of these would involve removal of the children because thats not in the childs best interests. Its the surport that is nessary not punishment

That all sounds wonderful. Here, you live in fear of CPS. They come get your kids. Then you get to go to court. At court the judge may grant your children back to you, but CPS gets the right to pop by at any time to 'check on the children'. There was recently a big hullabaloo about a sect of Mormons in Texas called FLDS. One report that there MIGHT be abuse, in went CPS, rounded up a couple of hundred(not kidding!) kids, and the families had to go to court to try to get their kids back, who were scattered liberally throughout the foster care system.

Australia and the US are NOTHING alike. Unless a kid is OBVIOUSLY being abused here, nobody says a word. Some suggest this is due to apathy. It is because everyone is afraid of CPS and social services. Their power is pretty much unchecked. If CPS makes a mistake, it doesn't matter. Your kids are still gone.
as bells has said previously there can be up to three concurent investigations with child abuse cases

the police will invesitgate for criminal behavor under all the normal rules of evidence
DOCS will investigate under its own rules which DO alow hearsay and rely on there own evidence and the evidence given by manditory reporters (anyone in health, politics, education, the law or religion basically) but we dont have to back up our reports to the levels that the police expect.

Futher more if it comes out in a divorse case then the family court itself can investigate
Mentally Ill?
People who use recreational drugs?

Should children be allowed near these people, much less be parented by them?

Different people find different things dangerous.

Convicted of what, how many times, when? Remember that we are living in a society that tries to rehabilitate criminals and considers sex with a 14 year old rape.

What kind of mental illness? Neurosis? If the person is not placed into a hospital, he is clearly not considered dangerous to himself or society. If he is placed into a hospital, he is not in charge of children.

What kind of recreational drugs? :)