Should child pornography be a concern in child custody hearings?

And what about my parenting style or myself would have you prevent me from being a parent?

You work outside the home ...and thus giving the raising of your kid(s) to someone else.

On the contrary. I am just curious as to how naive you can actually be. After all, we all know you love playing the devil's advocate in everything.

Then hereafter, I won't bother to respond to anything that you post.

Baron Max
You work outside the home ...and thus giving the raising of your kid(s) to someone else.
Do I?

How do you figure that out?

Are you imagining this or do you know this for a fact? You have become very good at accusing people of things you know nothing about. So how do you know, or what makes you think that I work outside the home, allowing someone else to raise my child? Proof Baron?

Then hereafter, I won't bother to respond to anything that you post.
Of course not.:rolleyes:
I don't think it's fair to assume that merely because a man (or woman, for that matter) looks at child pornography, they are likely to rape their own child. There's no conclusive evidence to demonstrate that such an assertion is valid.