Should Atheists ...

Ethics relate to each one of us when our views match, a truly ethical belief in anything is when that belief coincides with your and mine and most of others beliefs.

So ethics is just a popularity contest?
If Obama prays to God because of his victory should atheists believe in him as their president?

Should they believe anyone, including themselves, if they lack a belief of the majority of the planet, a belief in God.

Personally I tend to avoid believing in things. If they aren't self evident what point is there in pretending otherwise. But if there turns out to be a justifiable reason, I'm open to at least considering the matter.
Bush's intelligence was a stone God could not lift.

Or not find...

One can test the implied hypothesis - that believing things has nothing to do with ethics by disbelieving everything one's spouse/partner says and see if one does not get judged in ethical, rather than simply intelligence, terms.

Well it seems to make you intelligent around atheists and immoral around xtians.