Should atheists have Good Friday off?

There is no certain date, just a certain day. Don't know how they work it out other then that, don't think it matters. Christmas was the pagan winter solstice, hence why J.W's draw the hard line and don't celebrate it at all. But us Prodestants celebrate it because it's not a pagan holliday to us, and that's what makes the difference. I celebrate it all the more because it shows that God can turn something that celebrated evil, into something that celebrated good. Much like what He has done to all those people who were in darkness but now have seen the light, sorry about sounding dramatic, but I think it's pretty cool.

Oh there is a line though. Catholics basically took all the pagan Idols and converted them into Saints, something that the Bible forbids yet the Catholics did anyway. They tend to ignore the bible a lot though. Go into a confessional, tell a sinner your sins! Pergatory! Where the heck did they find this stuff? It's not in the Bible. So you've got J.W's at one extreme, and Catholics at the other. That's why I like Calvinistic Evangelical Prodestantism, not only do we have a long name but they make sense (even if the name doesn't :p) - by the way Calvinistic Evangelical Prodestants are actually just the Christians who actually read and believe the bible. lol
answers said:
Oh there is a line though. Catholics basically took all the pagan Idols and converted them into Saints, something that the Bible forbids yet the Catholics did anyway. They tend to ignore the bible a lot though. Go into a confessional, tell a sinner your sins! Pergatory! Where the heck did they find this stuff? It's not in the Bible. So you've got J.W's at one extreme, and Catholics at the other. That's why I like Calvinistic Evangelical Prodestantism, not only do we have a long name but they make sense (even if the name doesn't :p) - by the way Calvinistic Evangelical Prodestants are actually just the Christians who actually read and believe the bible. lol

M*W: And you claim to have "answers!" What is a "Prodestant?" Did they prod the Roman Catholic Church or what? Do they stick a prod up the asses of Catholics?
Any good Catholic would protest a prod up the ass... they would then create a new cult called Protestants.
"M*W: And you claim to have "answers!" What is a "Prodestant?" Did they prod the Roman Catholic Church or what? Do they stick a prod up the asses of Catholics? "

Mate you certainly show your intelligence when you can turn a discussion about theology into a discussion about sticking something up your ass. And why would you do that to a donkey anyway? Are you into beastiality? Poor poor donkey.

"Methinks answers doth protest too much. "

Cotton I protest of your use of Elizabethian language in the 21st century!
do you realize that if they went from thursday which was the actual day of crucifixion, we would get 2 days off work! Just another reason why Biblical teaching should be compolsory for everyone! I have to work an extra day each year because of people's ignorance! It's sinful I tell you!
Easter is based on the first Sunday following the first full-moon following the Spring Equinox (21 March).
So it moves.

Yet people in the UK want to fix the date of the public holidays - 'cos they obviously have difficulty looking up the date of Easter on a calendar!

And yes, the date was stolen from the Pagans - but only 'cos I think the dates were fairly close - plus they needed to make the conversion that much easier.

And it's also quite bizarre that Western Christians celebrated Easter this past weekend, and in the Eastern side of Europe I think it's this coming weekend! How bizarre is that!

Anyhoo - Good Friday is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY - not just a Religious holiday.

I care not for the reason - just for the lie-in! :D
It always amazes me to watch these people celebrate Easter. I wonder if a voice in their head ever goes "Come on, you must be an idiot to think that this guy (if he existed in the first place) came back from the dead then ascended up to heaven, WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOT!!"...

But no... stubborn traditions and far fetched myths control the human mind as usual.

Then we have some guy in the Church preaching about how humans are easily seduced by fairy tales and conspiracy theories that contradict the Bible? HOW ABOUT READING THE BIBLE ITSELF YOU DOZEY PLONKER!