Should atheists have Good Friday off?


Registered Senior Member
Tomorrow is Good Friday, which we all know is a religious holiday. Should atheists in good conscious take the holiday? Or does that make them hypocrites?
I guess that would depend on your viewpoint. Some atheists may say hey, day off, I'm not arguing with that...but others may say that since they don't follow the religion in correspondence with the holiday that they still want to go to work. Problem being, chances are the rest of their coworkers ARE off and there isn't work that day.
Religious holidays have lost their meaning to all but the most dedicated of religious people anyway (a minority in the UK). I don't think Jesus was anything like as important as myths and chinese whispers have made him out to be, but I'll take a few days off work thanks to those myths. :m:
Man I don't know where you work or go to school, but I've never had good friday off :/
What an absurd thing to propose. Who the hell would turn down a day off from work, whether it's a religious holiday or not?
QuarkMoon said:
What an absurd thing to propose. Who the hell would turn down a day off from work, whether it's a religious holiday or not?

Exactly, I mean I'm sure we've all feigned Judaism at one job or another - it's too tempting, look at their calendar, have you seen how many high holy days they have? In the Midwest(ern US) you can just make 'em up as it suits, you, too, no one knows enough about any of it to call you on it.

One has to wonder how they can supposidly rule the world in clandestine cabals of power when they take so much damn time off.
ggazoo said:
Tomorrow is Good Friday, which we all know is a religious holiday. Should atheists in good conscious take the holiday? Or does that make them hypocrites?
so everybody in all the countries that have good friday as a holiday, who are not xian should work, as it is'nt just atheist is it. what about all the foreign nationals who are resident in these countries or the ones of a different ethnic and religious background who where born there, it's a public holiday that also happens to be a religious one, I can bet you that only 20% of the 2 billion xain will actually, think of it as a xian holiday only.
Good Friday is a holy day and is a day of fasting for Christians.

So, when did Good Friday become a holiday, a day off work? The burning question is, what did Christians do before it became a holiday?
ggazoo said:
Tomorrow is Good Friday, which we all know is a religious holiday. Should atheists in good conscious take the holiday? Or does that make them hypocrites?

Take the holiday because you know the government would never ok an Atheist Day. Would a believer take the day off if there was an Atheist Day?
(Q) said:
Of course, there can be no such thing as an Atheist holiday.

We atheists do not have to feel ashamed to take a day off like the rest on 'Queensday'. She isn't a Deity. Just a ruler. I guess she might be Christian, but we are all her subjects. Long live the queen.
I agree Spurious. Not all national holidays are religious and an Atheist Day would be the least religious of all I suppose.
If New Year's Day can be a holiday then why can't there be an Atheist Day. A holiday for drunks and none for atheists? We are really at the low end of the totem pole.
Were I living in a nation celebrating "Zyzzk" (a local deity) day, and my place of employment was closed in honor thereof, I'd probably stay home and enjoy the day off. I probably would not go to any worship services, but if the job is closed, the job is closed.

There are British citizens living and working in the United States. They all get 4th July off as a holiday, just like the U. S. citizens. I don't know how many of them celebrate.
I celebrate Christmas even though i'm atheist...well I guess Christmas is a pagan holiday. Well, I figure that if everyone one else gets good friday off, I should get good friday off. What? Are you telling me that a white boss is gonna deny a Muslim the day off..and get his ass fired?
What's with this good friday business anyway. Jesus was crucified on Thursday. 3 days and nights. The traditional reason for Good Friday, was because the Bible says the next day was the Sabath, which is Saturday. Which makes sense to assume that He was crucified on Friday, but Sabaths weren't always on Saturday, there were special Sabaths as well, such as for the Passover, which the Pharasies say they didn't want to miss so they had to kill Jesus on that day. The Passover caused a special Sabath which was on Friday not Saturday, putting Jesus death on Thursday late in the day. Which agress with the ancient Jewish definition of three days as being both day and night. thursday Night and Friday Day (1) Friday night and saturday day (2) Saturday night and sunday day (3) That's 3 days and nights. So everyone should have Thursday off as well. And give the athiests a break, they might as well have a day off now, because they aren't going to get one in the next life, they need them more then us. Jk's

ANyway I think I've bored you all enough.

Didnt the christians steal most of their holy dates from pagans anyway? Im pretty sure christmas actually was a pagan holiday around the winter solstice and jesus wasnt born anywhere near the 25th of december, so do you think atheists shouldnt get days off there either? I mean really who cares? I dont think holy days ever had much meaning in the first place.
Maybe someone can explain this to me, if it was really a holy day, why is it on a different day each year? I think easter dates change each year due to the lunar calander but if jesus was crucified on a certain date, wouldnt we just celebrate that?