Should animals be treated as property?

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You've made a simple mistake. I don't agree with your views in that post.
Bullshit. Link me to a single news story about an animal rights activist burning somebody's house down because of animal-related issues. If you can.

Well, the ALF has committed numerous acts of arson over the past few decades, although none of them targetted homes, AFAIK. Metakron is probably referring to the ELF, an offshoot group that is oriented more towards environmental issues than animal rights per-se, and which has conducted a number of home arsons in recent years (the largest being the burning of a condominium complex in San Diego in 2003). Whether they qualify as "animal rights activists" I can't say, although issues pertaining to habitat destruction and wildlife displacement due to sprawl figure highly in their manifestos, and are the apparent motivation for the numerous residential arsons they have carried out.

As far as links go, type "Animal Liberation Front" or "Earth Liberation Front" into Google and you should find plenty. Their respective Wikipedia pages are probably good places to start.
Quad, several homes have been targeted by the ALF. Check the links in message #110. They've been doing this every once in a while for over twenty years.

It's kind of easy to forget that what is recent history to me is before a lot of the people here were born.
Quad, several homes have been targeted by the ALF. Check the links in message #110. They've been doing this every once in a while for over twenty years.

It's kind of easy to forget that what is recent history to me is before a lot of the people here were born.

Yeah, I just noticed the links you included. Moreover, the ELF stuff was all very recent and ongoing, so ignorance of it amounts to ignorance of current events, let alone "recent history."

It would behoove certain posters who argue animal-right positions to simply aknowledge and disclaim this stuff when it is brought up, rather than trying to browbeat people who mention it. 30 seconds on Google and a quick "I don't support those actions" goes a lot farther than all the hollow bluster in the world. But, hey, reasonable, intelligent people who prefer informed, civil discussion/debate to vapid invective wouldn't get into debates on SciForums in the first place...
Yeah, I just noticed the links you included.

It would behoove certain posters who argue animal-right positions to simply aknowledge and disclaim this stuff when it is brought up, rather than trying to browbeat people who mention it. 30 seconds on Google and a quick "I don't support those actions" goes a lot farther than all the hollow bluster in the world.

That will help. I would like to see them find a way to refrain from benefiting from those actions. It's not actually possible. There is a lot of silence because people are afraid. My own family has attempted to pressure me.
Even worse, the terrorists end up damaging the legitimate environmental movement. Since the ELF arson in San Diego, you can't go to a meeting of any environmental group in the area without an FBI spook monitoring you. Not to mention that releasing an entire condo complex worth of ash and construction chemicals into the waterways isn't exactly great for the surrounding habitats in the first place...
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