Should adultery be a crime?

Is adultery a crime?

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In the U.S., if you get legally married you and your spouse get tax benefits that single people do not.

I don't think it's a crime worthy of imprisonment, but fines and the revocation of such benefits might be acceptable.
The roots of the cultural concept of 'adultery' are biological (determination of parentage) - Marx and Engels have covered this well.
In the U.S., if you get legally married you and your spouse get tax benefits that single people do not. I don't think it's a crime worthy of imprisonment, but fines and the revocation of such benefits might be acceptable.
I can tell you're not married. There is a whole lot more to the institution of marriage than sexual intercourse. Many people--and probably most parents--would argue that raising children together is a far more important part of marriage than sleeping together.

That one component of the marriage vows as they are customarily stated in the U.S., "forsaking all others," is probably the one most broken. The "for better or for worse" part is the most important. "For worse" includes the transgressions of the other party, including "adultery," a term so arcane that your use of it is a sign that you're probably not even an American, much less a married American. We call it "infidelity" in polite company and use far more colorful language among friends.

Lots of marriages survive infidelity.

So don't go prattling on about an institution you're clearly not familiar with in a country you're clearly not familiar with. I've lived here since I was born 63 years ago and I've been married for almost half that time so I know what I'm talking about.

If you're concerned about the inequities in the U.S. tax laws, there simply is no way to make our current confiscatory level of taxation fair to anyone. The income tax is unconstitutional anyway, and all government officials who enforce it should be imprisoned.

Not to mention that for a good many years the tax benefits worked the other way and only turned around about ten or fifteen years ago. The fact that you've never heard of the infamous "marriage penalty" is yet another signal that you're an outsider to both the U.S. and marriage.
Not sure whether the poll is supposed to be asking "IS adultery a crime?" or "SHOULD it be a crime?" but it doesn't really matter. My response in both cases is "No."

Adultery is a private matter to be sorted out among the parties involved. The government has no business butting its nose into such matters.
Not sure whether the poll is supposed to be asking "IS adultery a crime?" or "SHOULD it be a crime?" but it doesn't really matter. My response in both cases is "No."

Adultery is a private matter to be sorted out among the parties involved. The government has no business butting its nose into such matters.

Didn't mean to be equivocal there.

Just wondered if people think it is a crime with with people should be "charged" and expect accountability and why.
It is not crime but shame. If one commits adultery it is better for him/her get out of that marriage and pursue instead of remaining there willingly or unwillingly.
It is not crime but shame. If one commits adultery it is better for him/her get out of that marriage and pursue instead of remaining there willingly or unwillingly.

What if its a person who sleeps around on a regular basis but wishes to remain married to one person only?

Would you consider that to be a crime?

Would it make a difference if the person was a man or a woman?

If you knew of such a person, what would your opinion be of him/her?
What if its a person who sleeps around on a regular basis but wishes to remain married to one person only?

Would you consider that to be a crime?

outsourcing sex is a violation of commitment and trust in marriage.

Would it make a difference if the person was a man or a woman?


If you knew of such a person, what would your opinion be of him/her?

Not of high regard.
What kind of crime?

Felony? Misdemeanor? Infraction?

Do we need to hire sex police?
Adultery is a private matter to be sorted out among the parties involved. The government has no business butting its nose into such matters.

One could say the same thing about a lot of other things that we already have laws against.

I'm sure that there are some studies which show that childeren who have two parents do better in school, etc. Passing such a law may be good for the childeren.
A crime? No. I see no reason why it should be a criminal offence. It is of course a very valid reason to break up a marraige though and as such should weigh heavily in divorce cases(I'm not aware if it already does or not).
The reason I asked this question is because an Indian army captain told me that military personnel in India in adulterous relationships are prosecuted/discharged. Is this common in other countries?