Shooting alcohol straight in the blood?

You wouldn't believe some of the things I have seen and heard...

At all the treatment centers that I have worked at, we have to keep alcohol wipes away from clients, and monitor their use of it. Cause they have been known to horde them and suck on them.
Other things we have to monitor:
Various extracts/ Vanilla extract, peppermint extract etc.
Mouth wash
butane lighters
Ping pong bals
hair spray
cough syrup
various glues
The list goes on and on...

I saw a client once roll up tobacco, drano, and coffee grains into a cigarette and smoke it.

Vanilla extract?


I know there is some shit in it that releases adrenaline, but is it that powerful you can get addicted to it???
Some one asks you:
Fancy coming down the pub for a few pints of Guinness?
About Eight?
United are playing Chelsea on SKY TV.
We're all going

To which you reply:
No Way. That's not the best way to take alcohol.
I've got a syringe full of meths, and I'm going to shoot it up my arse.
Then I'm going to lay in a corner,
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Interestingly enough, shooting Jack Daniels straight in the vein hits about 10 times harder than a good dose of Heroin. Give it a try if you're that curious. Otherwise, I'd suggest hitting a few 12 step meetings.
The advantage of taking alcohol via the ass or injection is that you dont get the vomit response. Most people get very sick and throw up if they have to much alcohol. This is because the stomach tells the brain that the is something wrong and please get rid of anything in it. Hence the feeling of nausea and the emptying of the stomach via the mouth.. Not pleasant..

But then alcoholics have high tolerance for this response and generally dont have to consume it via these desperate techniques.

Just say no to drugs... he he he....;):m:
The sale of Lysol and other aerosol, alcohol-based cleaners is a cottage industry on Indian reservations.

The stuff is bought by the pallet and taken on to reservations, they put the stuff in containers, hubcaps, bowls, etc, let the ammonia and other ingredients evaporate off a little and drink it.

Wreaks havoc on the body.
Sorry if the following repeats some previous post. I have not read all of the posts to this thread.

Most of the food & non-food items that your digestive system can handle safely would kill you or make you seriously sick if injected directly into your blood.
Careful all, not exactly sure how dead a thread has to be before one is accused of necromancy - but they do start to putrefy at about 6 months...

Anyway, if one is going to go to the trouble of intravenous injection to get high, don't you think a more interesting substance than alcohol could be be found? I mean, how pedestrian.
I was wondering if someone wants to get drunk really fast and cheap and specially if doesn't like the taste of alcohol, would shooting up in the arm clean alcohol get the drunk feeling much faster than drinking lots of beer???

Would that be a safe way to do it and if so, why nobody is doing it??

Yes, it would take very little and might kill you.
It takes time for the carbonation to dissipate. I drink beer from the night before, and it's the same.
It's not the same as fresh, but it's still fizzy. Not the crappy stuff in a can of course, but the real thing.
I was wondering if someone wants to get drunk really fast and cheap and specially if doesn't like the taste of alcohol, would shooting up in the arm clean alcohol get the drunk feeling much faster than drinking lots of beer???

Would that be a safe way to do it and if so, why nobody is doing it??
Injecting stuff into your veins is much less safe then swallowing stuff.

It would have a faster onset, but not that much faster. By the time you set up your gear and find a vein, you'd probably be already drunk if you'd just slammed a few JDs to start with.

You wouldn't need much - 10cc pure alchohol injected would give you a BAC of about 0.2% (four times the legal limit in Australia).
You also can't just squirt it in - that would sting like a mofo and scar up your veins. You would need to either dilute it well, or trickle it in over a minute or two.

IV ethanol can actually be used medically, specifically to treat methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning. The target BAC is around 0.1%.
Do get that, they start with a dose of 800mg/kg in a 10% solution (that's 6 ml alcohol for a 75kg person, diluted in 60 ml normal saline or 5% dextrose), then set up a slow maintenance infusion.

Side effects of that treatment are what you'd expect. :)

Careful all, not exactly sure how dead a thread has to be before one is accused of necromancy - but they do start to putrefy at about 6 months...

A good topic of conversation never dies!