She is both a sex offender AND victim

You're right, Mountainhare. Also, as I mentioned, the boy was prosecuted for being with an older woman.
"South Park" really got that one right. Anyone who believes that any woman should be punished for initiating sex with any man should be quietly escorted out of town. We are not injured by it. There really is a Venus/Mars thing. Men and women really are different.

Yes indeed, men and women really are different, which is why it is not just about the "have" of the sex, but also about the desire to possess.

The older women causes the injury not by having the sex but rather by not having it, because of the cat and mouse toying at the expense of the naivety of the younger person without the experience to deal with that but with testosterone enough to ruin his life in the mean time.

Well said about men not being traumatized by having sex with older women as teenagers. No man in the world would not want to bed a beautiful older woman as a teen. In fact, it is an -obsession- of many boys at the age.

And what about that then James, the trauma of not having sex, the sderenzi syndrome?

Which is the more attractive, the beauty of the dirty deed, or the unavailability, the never been kissed, the greener grass on the far side of the fence?

Which is the more attractive, the beauty of the dirty deed, or the unavailability, the never been kissed, the greener grass on the far side of the fence?

COnsidering the psychological impact of constant rejection and inferiority, it would seem it is far preferable to bed the older woman, rather then end up in a Sederenzi-esque sex craze.
COnsidering the psychological impact of constant rejection and inferiority, it would seem it is far preferable to bed the older woman, rather then end up in a Sederenzi-esque sex craze.

But what if the older woman wants because of her own Sederenzi-esque sex craze, or fails to want all the way, for fear of it?

How attractive is that?

The Paedophilic motive is much the same you know, the need for control to compensate for insecurity, the incompetence to compete with equals. Women are not immune from that, nor from the failure to act their age.
Using the laws to punish any female for "taking advantage" of any male is preposterous and is simply a tool for enforcing one social group's idea of morality. Only an insignificant percentage of boys of any age will actually be emotionally scarred by the experience of having sex with an older women. Boys are simply not wired like girls. Most of us would love it and it would become one of our most cherished memories of our youth.

Are you advocating different laws for the sexes? Doesn't matter though, it's already like that.

Teenagers have historically been involved in sexual relationships with older people. This is not "pedophilic" (the word does not even apply).

Moreover, I can hardly see how it would be damaging to have sex with someone who was older, attractive, and wasn't forcing one, even if they never had sex, either.