Sharia Law in the West?


Valued Senior Member
I see no harm in it, providing people aren't cutting off hands or throwing people off rooftops. It's like any other organization that has its own rules and procedures. Am I wrong for not being concerned about Muslims practicing Sharia Law in the West?
You can practice whatever law you want on your own, as long as it doesn't conflict with your nation's laws. It's not like Christians don't reinforce their own religious law in some towns.
Is that the fear? That Muslims will grow in influence to the point they dominate public policy?
Not "dominate" - strongly influence. We've seen it happen with other sects and religions, we deliberately set out to curb it and prevent it, and when it's part of an explicit agenda it conflicts directly with fundamental US principles of government.
I see no harm in it, providing people aren't cutting off hands or throwing people off rooftops. It's like any other organization that has its own rules and procedures. Am I wrong for not being concerned about Muslims practicing Sharia Law in the West?
As long as Sharia DOES NOT conflict with US laws - US laws take precedent in the US!
As long as Sharia DOES NOT conflict with US laws - US laws take precedent in the US!
Agreed. But if people are willing participants, and there is no physical harm, why not? I mean, if people can fall back on established law should they want to...
Not "dominate" - strongly influence. We've seen it happen with other sects and religions, we deliberately set out to curb it and prevent it, and when it's part of an explicit agenda it conflicts directly with fundamental US principles of government.
But what if their values were more in line with those of the West?
Not necessarily, a voluntary court of arbitration can be called upon to settle disputes.
Or people can ask their preacher to do the same, and formalize the agreement in writing - that's not law.

If it's enforced, by law enforcement, as legally binding, it has to align with the US Constitution - and Sharia law does not, in several respects.
Not necessarily, a voluntary court of arbitration can be called upon to settle disputes. Of course there can be no chopping of hands or anything.

(Sigh!) . . . . . . "Of course?" . . . . already prepared to short-circuit Sharia law, are we? . . . . . So, US law takes precedence, right (no chopping of hands or anything)!! And just WHO determines a voluntary court of arbitration . . . . . Sharia judges? And what if the voluntary court of arbitration decision conflicts with US law? Best bet (IMO) keep Sharia law out of the US . . . ours (US law) has worked pretty well for a couple of hundred + years! . . . . . . . "If it ain't broke (sic, snowflake!), don't fix it!"
I find it puzzling that some people

flee from situations where they are

being persecuted

Hang onto SOME remnants of the system

under which they were persecuted (cherry picking) and

by hanging onto some of system they

leave themselves open to be re persecuted

by other more hard liners of the system

who denounce them and seek to regain control

Also puzzling (perhaps not) are those who

appear to live reasonably lives

but want to change to the system they

moved away from????

Why, if so dislike the system you come to,

why not just return to the one you moved away from?

My thoughts on this are:-

some come to other systems

thinking they can change the (new)

system to their (old) system and they

would be in charge (take over) this great

(new) system with all the benefits without

any effort being required to keep it running

My feeling is that providing people are willing to participate, and any action taken doesn't conflict with established US law, why not?
I see no harm in it, providing people aren't cutting off hands or throwing people off rooftops. It's like any other organization that has its own rules and procedures. Am I wrong for not being concerned about Muslims practicing Sharia Law in the West?

I would be more concerned, were I you, about things unknown. That is, the real questions you face are deep questions of psyche and behavior, not cheap stereotypes.

Still, the emergence of these sentiments at this time, in American society, is unsurprising. That is to say, Bowser, you're going to find yourself amid a weird small movement that will largely be composed of people who used to fear Sharia law in the United States as something that somehow had greater chance of taking over America than Christianist theocracy but, now, finding themselves empowered, need to impose their own religious supremacism on society. Beware of these; you'll find them all over the marketplace that murmurs and buzzes about the political prospects of Shari'ah in the United States, and they have very little to say that can be counted among what is honest.