Sharia courts operating in Britain.

Haaa! This is great, I was thinking, maybe Muslims could pay different taxes too? pfffff... just too funny. The British have finally crawled right up into their own rectums. Too rich :D I'm really looking forward to the Grand Central Mosque which is to build in central London - it will become the center point of the London skyline. That will just be fantastic. Londonstan, up up and away....

They have this shit in Toronto too. Canadian law allows them to pretty much do anything not touching our criminal code. It's bullshit.
why challanger?
jewish courts operate here

Primarily because part of me is thinking, Islam needs to reform some of it's harsher aspects. It's fine if both parties agree to resolve it by sharia law, but in the case of inheritance and other issues of conflict, i'd like to see daughters and sons get equality. It comes from growing up in a culture where women are kept separate. I've been fortunate to have a moderate family.
well if they were here they would still be subject to the law of the land and that includes the sexual discrimination act

BTW aborigional cultural courts operate here as well and are quite effective because they dont have the same adverserial complex system that the regular legal system uses
It's perfectly fine to have Scientology courts for Scientologists to CHOOSE to follow BUT it's perfectly moronic to give Scientology courts legally binding rulings which are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court. That's ASININE and I don't care what superstitious bullshit your believe in.

I really really want to see someone PLEASE someone open up a Jedi Court and build a huge mega Jedi Temple in London. That would be wonderful :) And I want to see a FSM court and perhaps a Scientology one as well. Oh, and a Pagan court where they sacrifice animals prior to certain ceremonies. :D Surely their must be some rich crazy bastard willing to donate some cash towards these wondrous enterprises?
Its better than British bombs on Afghanistan, methinks. Now that the Americans are bombing Pakistanis, the British better watch out.
Notes on a pending disaster

S.A.M. said:

Its better than British bombs on Afghanistan, methinks. Now that the Americans are bombing Pakistanis, the British better watch out.

Yes, yes, yes. We know. Do you really think the people who most need to think about those things actually care?

• • •​

Michael said:

It's perfectly fine to have Scientology courts for Scientologists to CHOOSE to follow BUT it's perfectly moronic to give Scientology courts legally binding rulings which are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court. That's ASININE and I don't care what superstitious bullshit your believe in.

I really really want to see someone PLEASE someone open up a Jedi Court and build a huge mega Jedi Temple in London. That would be wonderful :) And I want to see a FSM court and perhaps a Scientology one as well. Oh, and a Pagan court where they sacrifice animals prior to certain ceremonies. Surely their must be some rich crazy bastard willing to donate some cash towards these wondrous enterprises?

It never fails to amaze me what people will advocate for the sake of contempt. Look, I think the whole Jedi thing is hilarious. And the FSM bit made for a fine argument in its time. But these sorts of religions exist for only one reason: for the followers to be contemptuous bastards.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism ... any religion can be twisted and turned through history to become a nightmarish parody of itself. But there is little to be said on behalf of churches that were actually founded out of pure spite.

And there is little to be said of people who actually can't tell the difference. Now, perhaps that's not you, but, still, think about it. For instance ....

• • •​

While this certainly seems the long way 'round the mountain, there is a way to work the situation toward integration. The establishment of a Sharia court in the UK will only, at the outset, serve to further alienate Muslims. We should not be surprised when, over the next couple of years, someone files on behalf of a minor against the Sharia court. Will parents be allowed to force their children to be subject to such a system? Not for long, else the glorious empire of Brittany will finally come to an end.

Personally, as an American, I would find that ironic. I mean, as fucked up as our own system is, it has the flexibility and strength to actually recover itself, should the people ever wake up and smell the smoke of burning hope in the morning air. I think the British are capable of figuring things out, but the first test of this will be when Her Majesty comes face to face with that strange concept of equal protection under the law.

After all, when certain Muslims realize they will get better justice in a standard British court, what then? Who is going to force them back to Sharia court?

As alienation grows, younger generations will attempt to reconcile. As I've said before, the difference between Christianity and Islam, as far as violence and injustice is concerned, is that in the United States and most of the West, Christianity is in apostasy. The "faithful" are too dedicated to their material luxury to take the religion seriously. And, given time and opportunity, the same thing will happen to Islam. It will adapt, or it will disappear. And the long-term effect of a Sharia court in Britain will favor the equality of all people under one law.
You're assuming they can get better justice in a British court. Not that I am enamoured of the British Islamists, but I am curious to see how they use the court.
Nope, I would use a sharia court when I wanted to get things done my way. :D
Women certainly can get better justice in a British court.

From the link:

"There are concerns for women suffering under the Islamic laws, which favours men.

Mr Siddiqi said that in a recent inheritance dispute handled by the court in Nuneaton, the estate of a Midlands man was divided between three daughters and two sons.

The judges on the panel gave the sons twice as much as the daughters, in accordance with sharia. Had the family gone to a normal British court, the daughters would have got equal amounts. "
Both parties have to agree to arbitration, which is basically what the Sharia (kangaroo) court decides. In all of the domestic violence cases, men were not punished and the women eventually withdrew their complaints. Some justice.
Nope, I just make sure they conform to all the rules. ergo, if a daughter receives half, she has sole custody of it. If a son receives twice, his wife and children have equal share in it.
And they will

S.A.M. said:

You're assuming they can get better justice in a British court. Not that I am enamoured of the British Islamists, but I am curious to see how they use the court.

In the long run, they will. If your disdain for the American character can actually serve a purpose on this point, I would urge you to recall what happened when we tried to go with a "separate but equal" standard on this side of the Pond.

Whoever loses in Sharia court will compare what might have happened if they had gone through a regular British court. And they will fixate on the fantasy of the best possible outcome. And those differences will erode the viability of the Sharia court.
It's perfectly fine to have Scientology courts for Scientologists to CHOOSE to follow BUT it's perfectly moronic to give Scientology courts legally binding rulings which are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court. That's ASININE and I don't care what superstitious bullshit your believe in.

We enforce rulings of arbitrators all the time, and they are not bound by "the law" if the parties to the case agree otherwise.

The only concern I have is about coercing people to use those Sharia courts. In the absence of that, I don't see why I should care.
In the long run, they will. If your disdain for the American character can actually serve a purpose on this point, I would urge you to recall what happened when we tried to go with a "separate but equal" standard on this side of the Pond.

Whoever loses in Sharia court will compare what might have happened if they had gone through a regular British court. And they will fixate on the fantasy of the best possible outcome. And those differences will erode the viability of the Sharia court.

Not necessarily, we have some fine sharia courts in India. :)