Shall We babble?


Bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable bable:D
:bugeye: etcetera. etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla...:bugeye:

Speaking about pointless...:D
...not young, not old, somewhere in between. He went off to the woods in his old Chevy. His young son accompanied him. While driving to the woods, with the car radio on a high volume...
...A shortcase of beer on the seat between them, an open bottle in father's hand.
"Well son", he said."You are a little to young for a beer, guess you have to wait another year, till you are 17". The son looked up at his father and asked,"Is it alright with you that I have a little smoke then?" The father looked at him in surprise. "A smoke, do you smoke...?" Daddy was stunned!

"Yes", son answered him smiling,"I smoke a little Marijuana so once in a while". Daddy nearly drove his car off the road in pure astonishment. "You say what...?!"

Son put out his smoke equipment and started out rolling a good, fat joint...
His father watched closely for a moment then, with a firm grip, grabbed his son's wrist. "Wait," he said urgently. "You're doing that all wrong, son."
"You're missing the marijuana," he said quietly, "that's a roll of fecal matter."

"Fecal mater?" Asked his son, astonished, since he had pulled the materials out of his coat pocket.

"Fecal matter," muttered his father. "You've been smoking fecal matter."
Father grinned wide. "Well, it looks and smells like crap. Where did you get that?"

His son Spiffy looked down at his bag of loose bud. "Dad! I didn't know you smoked."

His father looked over and smiled as he drove the truck down the dirt road. "Not much anymore, son. There was a time when I was younger...your uncle and I once had a growing operation in these woods many, many years ago."

Spiffy's eyes grew wide with disbelief. "Woe! That's trippy! No way, Dude!"

Father laughed. "'s true. And don't call me 'dude' again."

Smiling, Spiffy shook his head as though still not believing his father's words.
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Then, after a very little while Father pulled the car over to the side. "Oh what the heck", he said, "Let's roll a good one, with the Real Stuff in it".

Spiffy looked at him in wonder. He'd put his 'garbage' back in his coat, a little ashamed.

Father reached in the back of the car, under the drivers seat and pulled out a bag with, what looked and smelled like Herbs. "You see Spiffy, if you want to smoke, then do it with the right stuff", he said smiling. "Where did you leave your roll papers?"

Spiffy dug the papers up and handed it to his Father. " Now I shall roll a joint and you'll know what it is to be Stoned my son", he said with a big grin.
Spiffy watched with intense curiosity as his father's hands, with expert precision, quickly rolled a perfect joint.

"Wow, Dad! You <i>have</i> done this before."

His father chuckled and looked up from his work. "Yeah, I've been around the block once or twice. There are many things I've done before."

Spiffy looked at his father for a moment, a questioning expression on his face.

His father grinned at him. "Look, let's not smoke this now. Throw some beer in the backpack and we will hike up to Lookout Point. I don't feel like sitting in this car."

Spiffy's face showed a little disappointment but he slowly shook his head in agreement. "Can you tell me more about your past on the way?"

His father shrugged his shoulders, "We'll see, Spiffy. It's a long and winding tale. I don't want to bore you"
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"On no father!", Spiffy said with ecxitement, "I want to hear everything about it! Tell me please!"

His father looked at him with an odd expression on his face which Spiffy didn't understand quite well. Then Father sighed and looked at the road for a while, driving on to the Lookout Point in the Woods.

They drove on in silence for a little while. Then Father spoke all of a sudden with a kind of sadness in his voice: "It's been a long and colorful road I've traveled till now Spiffy. I came at ease when I married your mother and could finally settle down a little. I have to admit that it's sometimes still hard for me and the memories remain playing in my mind."

Spiffy listened with sparkling eyes. Finally his daddy would tell him about his life! He always wondered what daddy was thinking of when he sat in the chair outside on the veranda of their house. Smoking a cigarette or just staring in the distance, with a bottle of beer besides him.

"It all started long ago, when I was a boy from 15 years old," Father started to tell...
"It was a magical time for a young boy. The 70's... Ah yes, the 70's... Jimmy Carter ruled the land back then, and in his reflection was the spirit which prevailed across the land...let it be. And that's how most people lived. We simply did our own thing. We had just ended a long and sad war. People were tired and wanted to just be."

Spiffy watched his father drift into his thoughts, a man lost in fond memories of his youth. There was a short pause as he waited for his father to return to the present.

His father looked down for a moment then up again and smiled at Spiffy. "It really was a magical time." My older brothers, your uncles, and I were running wild. We were rascals and mischeif makers."
The smile he gave Spiffy then, made his face light up. "We were going out and there were people like us everywhere who did just what they wanted", father said, "One of the friends from your Uncle John had a sister who was totally on the loose."

Father laughed aloud now by the memories which came back to his mind. "She had some Grass hidden in her drawer and Uncle John's friend stole a little bit from it. We didn't know exactly how to smoke it, so we practised some and, my oh my, what a blast it was that first time."

In the meantime they reached the Woods and he drove the car up the road which brought them near to the Lookout Point.

"We heard about Grass and that it wouldn't work the first time you use it. Well, that was in our case totally different! After the first joint, we rolled over the floor from laughter, till our bellies hurt and still we couldn't stop."

He looked around to find a parking place for the car, so they could walk their way up to the Lookout Point...
Spiffy open his door but stopped and turned to his father. "That's great, Dad, but what else?"

His father grinned and then sighed. "Hah...what else... Well, smoking weed was just a small part of our lives. Your uncle sammy owned a 57 Chevy which he was constantly patching together, always working to keep it running. That car, well, it was our ticket to freedom. It took us far and wide, into harms way and then home again."

The two exited the car. Spiffy's fathers stopped as he stood next to the car. He looked around at the tall trees and many ferns. He inhaled deeply, as though try to bring all of it into his lungs. "Can you smell that, Spiffy?" he bellowed. "No nasty smog here, just the sweat smell of mother nature. I love it out here. No buildings or asphault, nothing but the quiet continuation of life."

Spiffy too looked around. He undertood his father's sentiment. He too felt better in the forest and enjoyed the absence of solid lines hard surfaces. "Hey,, with which one of my uncles were you sharing your growing operation?"

"That would be your uncle Sammy." he replied. "He had the wheels. It wasn't anything very large. Mostly, it was for ourselves and a little pocket money."

Spiffy smiled to himself while shaking his head. "I still find it hard to believe, man."

That's nothing. That's nothing at all, son." his father returned. "We kicked about in things you couldn't imagine. As I was saying, back in the 70's we were rascals. It was a diferrent time. The government was small and didn't have its nose in nearly as much of peoples lives as it does now. I'll be honest, I worry for you and your generation."
<i>"WTF is going on here?? huh."</i>

"Babble" It's the never ending story...

Join in if you desire.
Father looked at Spiffy with a certain sadness in his eyes, thinking of all the changes there's been over the years and the loss of freedom from back in the 70's. Now-a-days it was risky business to have Marijuana on you. The cops stop people for the littlest thing and oh man, they only have to snif the slightest smell of the Pleasure Herb and you are hand-cuffed and your car searched. Not to speak about the jail time you can get if they actually find something.

"We were living on the wildside, driving anywhere we wanted to go. Didn't care for what our parents said and what time it was. Picking up hitchikers along the road. Smoking in the back of the car, listening to Music and selling some Weed to a few people who wanted to smoke the good stuff, you know," he said to Spiffy. "We really had good Herbs growing."

Slowly they walked up a small path which brought them deeper into the Wood. The Trees were full of life and the sound of birds and other animals acompanied them.

"And then there was the Live Music we went to. As often as we could. At one of these concerts, it must've been Bob Marley and The Wailers, we met a young man and his friends who showed us some other stuff then the good MJ. It looked like a tiny, little square of paper..."

He sighed and thought a moment if he should continue to tell this to Spiffy...