Shall We babble?


Good Gravy
Registered Senior Member
Babble. We all need to babble, let's consider this a junkpile of babble. I want to let anyone babble about anything that comes from their head and babble it out in gargantuan amounts pretty, computer generated letters, in order to vent, procrastinate, occupy, just about anything to keep your hands busy at the keyboard. Over a period of time, so much babble should accumulate to make it way too long and tedious for any onlookers to look at. Maybe eventually, a discussion may break loose causing yet more babble to pile up. This will become such a big pile of monkey turds that nobody will want to sift through, so some form of confidentiality will be accomplished, allowing people to vent, procrastinate, occupy or just keep their hands busy.

In a non-evaluated form. :eek:

Feel Free! Wiggle your privates around! Be happy, I don't care! Be the inner bologna, squishy, appetising, delicious, regenerating, never-spoiling, ever-consuming, artery-blocking (much like freshmen in a high school, it's impossible to get around them, and i am sad to say. I am one.), luminescent, cherubic, superfluous.


Wow mister62, that's quite an idea. I love it. So when I do this, i just type randomly? Like this:

jksfd fods ow also vjaov joalwgng oa jfkal; ofgajg oaegnjoagnm
jkdlafj fjoei aignaongahj aog j;jie ajeoao;jkal mnnvien dinfge inak
ajfidana eif enaoegjekal;genigoeng neinakdniandmaeinceia fiena

HEY! That felt great! I LOVE THIS!
Mister62, i don't think that's what mister62 meant for us all to do, true, that may get out agression on your keyboard, keep your hands busy, but that doesn't do anything for your brain. Although babble isn't necessarily thought, true babble requires at least a miniscule amount of thought in order to be true babble. One could write the word 'blah' over and over again, and that requires thought, I mean, you have to THINK of it before you DO it. Wow, that made me just sound like a teacher right there, i remember, i had this one teacher she was such a....... whoops, babbling again. Silly me.
TRy again sometime mister62, it may be a bit better for you when you use real words.
well thank you mister62, that does clear things up for me over here. I did feel a bit akward just pounding on my keyboard, and it isn't working perfectt right now, i guuewss i shouln't' havvvvvve pounded so hard on it when i was releasing all my angers. I givvvvvvvvvvve you thanks, and i shall try to post again soon onto mister62's post thing, but not using the vvvvvvvvvvv key so much, i think it sticks.
The cats head had its birthday,
His paws just had a ball
His tail couldn't come along,
It was just been ill, after all,
It came just from the hospital
And still felt pain deep down in its guts
All the dancing and chanting, it just was too much...;)
I'm sleepy right now even though I got an extra hour to get to school. There, that's babble, isn't it?
5 hrs till my girlfriend and i can talk to her again
1 day till i can SEE her again
YAY:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
(yawn)... not much babbling going on. Still a little shaky from the movie I've been watching this afternoon. Very scary, can't get it out of my head...Brrrrrrrrrr...:bugeye: :p
I just thought id throw this in here

I MISSES MY 200th post and now i missed my 300th
I wanted to make them REALLY COOL

Thank you banshee and seing how you were so nice to say it i will dedicate my 320th post to thanking you:D
Asguard, I am very honoured. :) I shine from pride, don't you see me glow in the dark of the evening? I bet you can see it in Australia...:D

Sorry its the middle of the day here. There is a BIG light but i think thats the sun:D
Noooooooo, that's not the Sun...That's me! Look again, you'll see the difference...:D

oh yes
now i look again i see you are RIGHT
It is you
God you are bright though
suns only a little dot in comparison:D
Do you think long nose hairs will ever become fashionable? I mean, people sport sideburns, goatees, and other forms of hair growth, don't you think it's now time for something new?
They would tickle your girlfriends upper lip every time you kissed her. It might be a turn-on for her.
Umm... what do you call a few hairs which grown between under your arm and side of chest? :confused:

IT will become fashionable. More hair you got, more lasting your deodorant sticks on there. :D :D