Sexual repression

420Joey:I said that woman shouldent show there breast in public.

So-as I said earlier:

women are supposed to feed their babies a public restroom with ambient germs all over the place?!?!?
There isn't anywhere else when you're out, about, and the baby's hungry...but it's a freaking toilet!
Would you want to eat in a toilet?Much less feed a baby who can catch all sorts of stuff?

420Joey:You want schools to teach the use of birth control?

In the most recent study, researchers compared teens who had taken the virginity pledge to those who had not taken a pledge. The researchers found results similar to the aforementioned studies.

First, the rate of the teens taking part in sex was the same.
Those taking the virginity pledge were just as likely to have intercourse. The only positive, statistically small, was that those taking the pledge had 0.1 fewer sex partners over the five year study than did those who did not take such a pledge.
...And the rest of the article has other stuff that also proves abstinence-only doesn't keep kids from having sex.

So-kids are going to, even if they promise not to. Better make sure they know how to do it in the safest way. Also the way least likely to accidentally make a baby.

No kidding.;)

People should have more sex. It makes us all happier.
How about a lowering of rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, STDs, teenage pregnancy and generally making children feel good about themselves and there own sexuality.

Knowledge is power

But that's exactly what the religious right doesnt want, they want sex to be concidered something shameful and scary
How about a lowering of rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, STDs, teenage pregnancy and generally making children feel good about themselves and there own sexuality.

How about why would it? Showing naked people would do that?

But that's exactly what the religious right doesnt want, they want sex to be concidered something shameful and scary

Wow...i never knew that.
But that's exactly what the religious right doesnt want, they want sex to be concidered something shameful and scary

...unless it's with a married partner.

I do have to mention that apparently people who do not cohabit prior to marriage have reported higher marital satisfaction rates and are more likely on average to stay married (Sociology class on sex)

OTOH, the majority of Bondage, Dom/sub, and swinger's club members are moderately conservative people (Well, otherwise, if you ignore the chains and whips.)

So all the right-wing religious types are not on the same page.( And maybe liberals are more boring in the sack. Probably why I never will get a good spanking out of my spouse...)

John, kids think they are freaks for all sorts of reasons...and get very upset about not being normal.

Simply letting them know they aren't too weird is a huge reassurance in their minds.
I dissagree with you there, sure one way to look at a wedding is a big party to say "we are going to get laid tonight" but even after marriage its concidered taboo to talk about your sex life. How many peope feel comfertable even talking to a doctor about sexual problems? How many can even talk to there spouse about things in bed that concern them?
I dissagree with you there, sure one way to look at a wedding is a big party to say "we are going to get laid tonight" but even after marriage its concidered taboo to talk about your sex life. How many peope feel comfertable even talking to a doctor about sexual problems? How many can even talk to there spouse about things in bed that concern them?

Ah. Good point...since the sort of hippies I hang out with would put it just like that. I'm not used to that mindset anymore.
Although I have to say, there was no sex ed at all when I graduated. However, I believe at least six pregnant girls were in the graduating class of roughly 150.
And...that was a while ago, that sort of thing's happening before senior year now...

And when you look at it like the above, that can leave life-threatening problems untended to...also break up marriages when one partner gives up having sex entirely due to pain or lack of interest...or self-esteem issues.
People think that just because advertisers use seminaked girls to sell toothpaste we are sexually liberated but thats just advertising trying to sell products. Sexual health and sexuality are still taboo and this can leave people (mostly teenagers but including every demographic) in distress. For instance if a 70 year old gets ostemoporosis are they going to feel comfertable asking how this will effect there sex life, how they can still have sex. A lot of men are dying because they would rather die from prostate cancer than lose the ability to have sex and no government funding is going into treating this. A 17 year old friend asked my partner if she could get pregnant from oral sex. Even this site has in its TOS that sexual threads are banned. So basically pics of people blown to bits in war is concidered more acceptible than sex. There is something wrong with that