Sexual Dreaming!

I don't want to hurt your feelings.
But that is a pretty stupid question, on several levels!;)

Ofcourse it's possible, anyhting is, but do you realy want to waste a precious lesson which a higher being might be giving you by jumping on it and humping it??:D
I don't really belive in any sex dreams. I've only ever had one, but I wasn't really asleep. I was in a semi sleep...sort of delirious actually because I was really sick, and I had a very vivid sex dream.
Originally posted by exsto_human
do you realy want to waste a precious lesson which a higher being might be giving you by jumping on it and humping it??:D

Haha, don't listen what this joker has to say. There is nothing religious about lucid dreams, no "higher power" or whatever is trying to communicate with you, don't bother with that crap, go for the sex dreams if you want. It'll pay off nicely, I'm sure, but you'll have to wash your bed sheets more often, a fair trade off in my opinion.
hey who says sex is a waist of time? isnt tantric meditation all about having really damn good sex? And er... ascending to a higher plain of conciousness too wink wink.
Originally posted by Mystech
Haha, don't listen what this joker has to say. There is nothing religious about lucid dreams, no "higher power" or whatever is trying to communicate with you, don't bother with that crap, go for the sex dreams if you want. It'll pay off nicely, I'm sure, but you'll have to wash your bed sheets more often, a fair trade off in my opinion.

Lol, cool!!! Cheers!
I must say I agree with Mystech ;)

If you don't believe that masters communicate with you through dreams, or that masters exist atall, or that lust is an ego that controlls your life and(along with the other egos) binds your conciousness to the facade world that you have created for yourself and should thus be eliminated in order to take a step closer to enlightenment...

Go for it!

I just won't, but that is essentialy my business, and I have no right telling you what is right and what is wrong. Have fun.
the best thing about lucid dreaming is the sex. i can have sex with anyone anytime anywhere. ; ]

LOL! LMFAO! blakeimus!

Hilarious stuff man, just great. I was reading everyones post and they all are very hilarious.

Well I must go my training is still in effect.

goodbye...until we meet again...:D
I have to agree with exto human. I think Psychic powers are a God given ability. When you do that, it is like using the Bible in some sort of demonic sermon.
I have to agree with exto human. I think Psychic powers are a God given ability. When you do that, it is like using the Bible in some sort of demonic sermon.

Since when is lucid dreaming a psychic power? It is simply a logical ability. If you are very critical thinker, chances are you will realize you are dreaming whether or not you have ever heard of lucid dreaming. It happened to me all the time when I was a kid. Doesn't mean I was psychic, just that I new something was funny and understood it couldn't be real.
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
I don't really belive in any sex dreams. I've only ever had one, but I wasn't really asleep. I was in a semi sleep...sort of delirious actually because I was really sick, and I had a very vivid sex dream.

Wow, when I get sick and dream...its usually pretty scary. VERY realistic...but scary as anything (I don't scare easy...makes sense that only my own mind could figure out how to). Having a scary sex dream would be weird...I don't think I'm into that. haha...I didn't realize you were haha.

Originally posted by spoilsport
Since when is lucid dreaming a psychic power? It is simply a logical ability. If you are very critical thinker, chances are you will realize you are dreaming whether or not you have ever heard of lucid dreaming. It happened to me all the time when I was a kid. Doesn't mean I was psychic, just that I new something was funny and understood it couldn't be real.

I agree...although psychic powers may be God given, I don't see lucid dreaming as being a psychic power. It's simply the conscious mind interacting with whatever part of the brain takes care of dreaming. It's like being in control of hallucinations.

Make that pons your horny sex slave ehh....

I am not familiar with this lucid dreaming but it seems to be a hot topic here.
Originally posted by sargentlard
Make that pons your horny sex slave ehh....

I am not familiar with this lucid dreaming but it seems to be a hot topic here.

Lucid dreaming might not even be considered as parapsychology, more like psychology as heavy research is currently being done on it.

If you have ever had a dream where you've conciously known that you are dreaming, that is a lucid dream. But you probably knew that.
Most psychologists who have theories and invented methods of inducing lucid dreaming laugh at the mention of the paranormal. Stephen LaBerge a well know lucid dream researcher mocks the theorys of astral projection and other paranormal topics. He believes lucid dreaming is a way of seeing inside. not out. I believe in the paranormal but to me lucid dreaming dosent really fall under parapyschology.
Originally posted by johnny
Is sex in lucid dreams possible? Can you do it with anyone you want?

There's no such thing as lucid dreaming.

It violates logic and therefore cannot exist in reality.
Pretty big statements to a collection of people that have all experienced it. Perhaps you simply don't understand the definition of lucid dreaming.

Main Entry: lu·cid
Pronunciation: 'lü-s&d
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin lucidus, from lucEre
Date: 1591
1 a : suffused with light : LUMINOUS b : TRANSLUCENT
2 : having full use of one's faculties : SANE
3 : clear to the understanding : INTELLIGIBLE

Main Entry: 1dream
Pronunciation: 'drEm
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English dreem, from Old English drEam noise, joy, and Old Norse draumr dream; akin to Old High German troum dream
Date: 13th century
1 : a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep -- compare REM SLEEP
2 : an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: as a : a visionary creation of the imagination : DAYDREAM b : a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : REVERIE c : an object seen in a dreamlike state : VISION
3 : something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality <the new car is a dream to operate>
4 a : a strongly desired goal or purpose <a dream of becoming president> b : something that fully satisfies a wish : IDEAL <a meal that was a gourmet's dream>

There you go. No problem with logic. It simply means having full use of one's faculties in a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occuring during sleep.

Re: Re: Sexual Dreaming!

Originally posted by Crystal
There's no such thing as lucid dreaming.

It violates logic and therefore cannot exist in reality.

ur kidding right?
Lucid dreams are very real, I used to have them all the time when I was a kid. The dreams were trippy too, what seemed like hours would be only minutes in real time.

I really wish I could still get them.;)