Sex, with whom, and what does that make anyone?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
I'm trying to figure something out. I would appreciate some help on this one. Declarations of sexual orientation are not required, but I do admit they would be helpful.

(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?​

And no, you don't have to number off your answers, or even answer everything. That's not the point. This topic stems from my curiosity in other topics regarding the ethics of hetero- and homosexuality. There is something quite obvious I do not understand about the ways my human neighbors on this planet view sexuality. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm not so abnormal for failing to understand the screw-a-virgin-to-cure-AIDS superstition, but certain discussions both recently and in the past, at Sciforums and elsewhere, leave me wondering if I haven't walked through the mirror and slipped into the crack.

I almost can't describe the personal value of sexual intercourse in my perspective. It goes well beyond orgasms, to be sure. There is a state of love and trust that brings tremendous comfort physical, emotional, and spiritual. I prefer exclusivity if my partner and I exercise a pretense of stability, and find it odd that men who want non-exclusive relationships are often considered perverts, while men who don't want them are apparently possessive. Nonetheless, I know at least one stable and reasonably-successful non-exclusive relationship, and both are very intelligent people. Their kids are happy and don't seem aware of either sex or the diversity of partners their parents experience. I'm not unsettled by the idea. Consent is paramount in my book; I'm not averse to the idea of perversion if both partners consent to it--my own rule is simple: no children, animals, or dead organisms; beyond that, I can probably be persuaded to try any number of things. There is such a thing as "bad sex"; beyond consent, both partners actually have to be into it. If one partner is entirely focused on the self, the result is often bad sex. And yes, I have a perverse side, and whether it is mild or severe probably depends on the person perceiving it. I must admit that I literally cannot remember my last sex with another male, and yes, I still climb the walls with cock-desire from time to time; it almost seems, believe it or not, a lunar cycle. As to aesthetics, it depends on your sense of aesthetics. Fat-bottomed girls do make the rockin' world go 'round, and I think the oldest I've been with was in her fifties when I was about twenty-five. I do not consider myself statistically-normal, but it is more important to me to be human than normal. And, hopefully, it is quite obvious that I take these questions seriously.

As to the ethics and morals of it all, I think the topic itself will tell.

Thank ye, good luck, and enjoy.
Samcdkey said:

... though we've taken consent as a given

Am I that transparent? Judging by the discussions of sexuality in the EM&J forum, consent is not necessarily a given.

Therein lie the ethics and morals of it all.
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
It's important, but I find negotiating relationships very stressful, and I mostly just avoid them.
(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
Stupid, unnatural. Fine, if you're into the family thing (which is also stupid).
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
Somewhat less stupid.
4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
I'm not into rape, so I guess it's important. That being said, in a sexual situation, asking about this or that specifically can ruin the mood. Certain acts require a minimum of prior planning.
(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
Very much so, but like someone said, sex is like pizza, even when it's bad, it's alright.
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
Yes, but it's culturally relative. I don't know for sure why some things are called kinky and other things not. I'm in favor of creativity and exploring the strangeness of human experience.
(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
3 white 1 mixed race, between 18 and 25, female.
8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
Somewhat, they do reflect the person inside, but my taste is wide ranging.
(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
No, I'm somewhat autistic (Asperger's Syndrome).
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
It has great value with me.

I like to think of it as the best thing you could do with someone you care for deeply. The sexual fantasies I derive the most enjoyment from by far involve a person I care about. It just makes me feel so good in every single imaginable way when I'm holding, being held by, or pleasuring the person I love.

I certainly could be a "typical guy" and think about sex only as something that gives me a physical orgasm. However, the concepts of love and sex are very close together for me, in that sex only fully thrills and invigorates me and gives me an emotional orgasm if it's sex with someone I love.
(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
They're great.
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
They're great too. It's difficult for me to envision myself in a non-exclusive relationship, but I'm not closed-minded to it.
(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
It's one of the things I value most from my partner.
(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
Certainly. In terms of quality, it's usually great sex when it's with a person you care about, and it's usually bad sex if it's not. This is because of what I like to think of as the emotional orgasm. Just like physical orgasms, emotional orgasms feel incredibly and indescribably good. Having emotional orgasms and always being on the verge of one by being deeply in love with someone who loves you back are two things which make you really love life.
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
There are some sexual acts I certainly would not participate in, but perversion is pretty damn subjective.
(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
In this thread, you mean? Hm... Maybe.
(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
It certainly gets my engine running if I think the person is attractive. It's funny to think about how the person you love is almost always attractive to you. It certainly makes matters that much more enjoyable.
(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
I guess I am "normal" in a few respects.
(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?
I just did. :m:
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
Its important for me in a relationship with someone I love; its an expression of love and caring; the sense of intimacy from sex is enhanced when its with someone you cherish and who returns your feelings.

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
Its the only kind I see myself in

(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
Not my cup of tea; for me stability and exclusivity are not mutually exclusive.

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
Its very important, but since I'm a woman, I'll also add that its never been an issue.

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
Of course; depends on a lot of things that you cannot unfortunately avoid, like stress, mood, reciprocity.

(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
Yes, but its highly subjective. Some things I'm willing to try, others are a strict no-no

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender,
species, age, attributes)?
Not on this thread, no, but I will say they were all human.

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
I'm usually attracted to men who are perceptive and understanding, with joie de vivre, having a level of emotional maturity I can relate to. So, no, I would not say looks are the primary consideration.

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
No; I'm too capricious.

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?
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(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
It has great value. You should love all people, to the fullest extent possible, because they are all the same as you.
(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
They're great, if they're actually stable and exclusive. Not many are.
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
They're great, as long as their stable, which they usually aren't.
(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
Very important.
(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
There are different qualities of sex, however, no bad sex.
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
to a point.
(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
somewhat important,not ridiculously important
(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
In many ways no.
(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?
If you are a man, sex with other men typically makes you a fag. If you are a man and have sex with women, it means you're successful.

If you're a woman and have sex with men, it means you're a slut.
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?

Similar to food in a very ... damnit I can't think of the word. Visceral is close enough I guess... a very viceral way. It is fundamental viiceral gratification. It's also validating in many ways, to be wanted in that way, and to be trusted to that extent.

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?

As a result of a good relationship.

(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?

As a result of a good relationship wherein the people are very impressive.

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?

Well it's paramount of course. You can't have sex with the unwilling. In fact to me it is that I'm wanted in that way that is a large part of the turn on.

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?


(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?

Yes. Basically "depraved" seems to fit more than either of the above terms but inclusive of both.

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?

Here? Seems a bit much. I do with people in person if they seem trustworthy and interested in the stats.

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?

Depends on the person. There is a minimal threshold for the most part that is inversely related to desperation. Once past the threshold, there is "type", the "wholesome" type that mostly works. Too much in arousal to break it down quickly.

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?

I don't concern myself with it, but yeah I'm a fairly typical guy to some extent. I can't lie to get what I want with women though. That's not normal.

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?

With a question so blatant, the answer would seem demeaning to the endeavor that preceded it. It should speak for itself.
A note on Question #10

I'm occasionally accused of not accounting for the diversity of the audience. I wanted to leave that option open to those who are so inclined as to waste their time writing answers only to admit many posts later that they weren't really serious to begin with.

Y'know. Diversity. Sensitivity. I do care. Really.
Excuse me if I missed it in the first post but why do you ask, what is it that your trying to figure out?
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?

The value of my partner. Her pleasure motivates me.

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?

There is no such thing, "exclusive".
To a greater or lesser extent sexuality pervades all human relationships.
Compare for instance the noun genders that other languages observe.

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?

It is the consent after the event that matters, the retrospect.

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?

Of course there is, as good or bad or perverse as the people.

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?

Yes, but to who?

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?

Visual stimulation distracts from tactile stimulation.
Most people prefer to turn the lights off.

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?

For me the word compels a sense of terror. Most of what I suffered as a child was inflicted in the name of normality.

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?

Always did.

--- Ron.

Consent is the central thrust. The rest is just perspective.
tiassa said:
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
Very important I'm almost obsesive about it at times but I couldn't put an arbitrary measure on it.
tiassa said:
(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
Not a fan...
tiassa said:
(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
Not a fan...
tiassa said:
(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
Well I don't want to go to jail better to ask first :p
tiassa said:
(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
I've had bad sex ;)
tiassa said:
(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
I'd call attempting sex whilst freefalling with a lollipop up your butt as kinky and anything involving urine or faeces as perverse...
tiassa said:
(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
I had sex with 16 females all younger than me, not sure what else I could add to that. Well it would've been nice to have had them all at once.
tiassa said:
(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?
Very important, no fat chicks! :D
tiassa said:
(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?
No but does anyone.
tiassa said:
Consent is the central thrust. The rest is just perspective.
I think you have more in mind but anyways...
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?

It is three things: human emotional bonding tool, a simple pleasure tool and a child making tool.

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?

Sexual relationships can't be stable in and of themselves. The sexual aspect of a relationship only creates sexual feelings. The part of a relationship that makes it stable is psychological/emotional preferences. You may have a preference for a little sex or a lot of sex or a little or lot of anything. The closer your preferences with your mate, the more potential relaltionship stability. Preferences determine the stability of a relationship, sex is a product of those preferences.

(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?

That is based upon your preferences and/or cultural brainwashing.

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?

Well, if a sexual partner wants sex less often, then that would make their consent less important. If a sexual partner wants sex more often, that would make their consent less important. If a sexual partner wants sex more or less the same amount, their consent is important.

When consent preferences do not match in a relationship, parteners tend to seek others who are closer in balance with their own preferences or unhealthy dynamics begin growing in a relationship.

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?

That is based upon preference. Although, rape is not sex. It is physical abuse.

(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?

No. Only in a culturual and/or religious sense.

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?

The sexual act is something people usually do in privacy. Verbalizing the act is usually consistent with the act, in that it's kept private. So, no.

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?

That depends upon preferences and environmental conditioning.

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?

What reality do I have to compare to? I see only one reality, of course it's normal. It's the only one possible to perceive.

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?

I'll never tell you. That answer is only for me.
Excellent questions...

(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?
It's a very enjoyable and important aspect of intimate relationships. It's not everything, however.

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?
Unhealthy, if taken to extremes. Usually possessive and co-dependent in nature.

(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?
Very healthy and natural. Of course, the government dislikes it and prefers the unhealthy option above... :rolleyes:

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?
Essential. Won't do it if she doesn't want to.

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?
Never experienced bad sex...

(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?
Oral sex is kinda weird. Bondage and fetishes like sex with animals, for example, are just wrong...

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?
Female, human, 20, many (including sexy and hot :D )

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?
(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?

Fullest expression of love and bonding on all levels

(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?

Works for me

(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?

Doesn't appeal

(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?

It's a prerequisite... wouldn't have the desire without it

(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?

Yes, it sometimes just doesn't live up to your expectations, needs or fantasies

(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?

Strictly subjective, but, absolutely

(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?

One wife: petite, beautiful and feisty

(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?

Love means warts and all

(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?

To me, I'm normal

(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?

In this thread yes, in real life I avoid the subject because I can never trust the persons motivations for asking.
tablariddim said:
One wife: petite, beautiful and feisty
HEY! We have something in common! :D
Mine is VERY VERY feisty! :eek:

...oh.. and I would also add "perky" to that list... :D
<b>(1) What personal value does sexual intercourse have for you?</b> A good thing once your in a relationship, but not a reason to get into a relationship.
<b>(2) How do you view stable, exclusive sexual relationships?</b> If it works for the people in it, it's fine with me.
<b>(3) How do you view stable, non-exclusive sexual relationships?</b> See above.
<b>(4) How important to you is your partner's consent to sexual participation?</b> Very... to me it'd be pretty meaningless if we weren't both completely into it.
<b>(5) Is there such thing as good or bad sex (quality of experience)?</b> I wouldn't know, but I would assume so.
<b>(6) Is there such thing as kinky or perverse sex (nature of activity)?</b> I think so.
<b>(7) Are you willing to disclose the range of your sexual partners (gender, species, age, attributes)?</b> I would be, but I haven't had any so I won't.
<b>(8) How important are physical aesthetics to your sexual arousal?</b> Definitely up there, but I'm not talking about just looks...
<b>(9) Do you consider yourself "normal"?</b> More or less.
<b>(10) Are you capable of taking these questions seriously, and are you willing to give them serious consideration?</b> Yes and yes.