Sex with "minors"

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Quoted from boombox

im talking about consensual sex with someone who is not of what society deems "legal age". I don't think the state has any right to tell people of any type what they are and are not allowed to do sexually.
James, apparently that does not solve his problem.
Ah, ok then.

Perhaps boombox could explain for us all how it is that an eight-year old child, for example, could possibly know enough about sex and all it entails to be able to give informed consent to sex with an adult (provided the child had not been previously abused by an adult, of course).
"and I think this thread should be closed."
wtf happened to free speech?????
his talking about this isnt harming anyone
boombox, I'd be interested in knowing how you define both "rape" and "consent."

Even if there weren't enormous potential for psychological damage, the question of consent is enough for me to deem sex with children a Very Bad Idea. And while there might be some children in the world who have the maturity & emotional savvy to give actual consent, I find it a hard idea to swallow. Maybe if I were to meet one.

There is, however, a way in which I understand such a desire. For as long as I can remember, I've found certain boys of about 12 very sexually attractive. Now, at 35, I still have occasions [though rare] where I'll see a 12-year old boy who has the 'right' qualities, and I'll feel a rush of sexual desire. It's just recently [past few years] that I'm not creeped out by this, but I no longer question whether or not I'd act on such a feeling. The issue was not as clear to me when I thought there were circumstances wherein I might act on it.
The law deems that children under 18 cannot give informed consent to sex with an adult.

James, I'm rather surprised you would appeal to authority to make your point. ;)
boombox you worthless piece of shit! How dare you post something so disgusting i can't believe you? IF I EVER FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU LIVE I WILL PERSONALY RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT YOU BASTARD!!!
JR, I thought that the law, in some states, deemed one could get married at 16 with parental consent. Does this imply a two-year waiting period before consummating the bond? Or can it be consummated, again, with parental consent?
So ok, kids are supposed to obey the authority of the adults around them. If we didnt have the taboo against sex with preteens, I bet we could get a lot of new teachers! See, better education through pedophilia. Well... that is if the class gets anything done between getting stuffed by some bald sweaty guys genitals.
I do believe that is the street address of the cartoon family the Simpsons.
Bald, sweaty guy's genitals? Sounds like we'd have to have gender separation! That wasn't my fantasy at 5!

Maybe now but certainly not then.
Padma said:
boombox you worthless piece of shit! How dare you post something so disgusting i can't believe you? IF I EVER FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU LIVE I WILL PERSONALY RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT YOU BASTARD!!!

Padma, please calm down. Has it occurred to you that he has simply posted this to try and get a hysterical reaction?

No crime has yet been comitted. And we do not punish people for contemplating the comission of a crime.
This thread was a joke, a bit of sadism. I don't want to mollest children. That's sick.
Repo Man said:
Padma, please calm down. Has it occurred to you that he has simply posted this to try and get a hysterical reaction?

No crime has yet been comitted. And we do not punish people for contemplating the comission of a crime.
Yes, I know. I am calm by nature and a very peaceful person but this was just too sick. A friend ask me this question today after I told him what I read and replied to; “If a dog bit you would you then run after that dog and bite it back?” The answer is “no” of course. So let me beg your pardon if I offended you by my outburst and for my attempt to “run after this dog.” However let it be known that the author of this thread is sick no matter what. Obviously.
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