Sex with "minors"

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What is the morality of having sex with those under 14? I am not opposed to it. It's been a goal of mine for a while to have sex with an 11 year old girl. Im not talking about rape, which is a crime that I abhor, im talking about consensual sex with someone who is not of what society deems "legal age". I don't think the state has any right to tell people of any type what they are and are not allowed to do sexually. In the Philippines you can purchase sex from children fairly freely. One day I plan to go there and have sex with a girl as young as 8. I don't think there is anything wrong with having sex with an infant as long as it consents.
lol dr lou

i think the argument is that children under 14 or wateva do not know what is good for them, therefore the govt has to decide for them
Dr Lou Natic: I'm not talking about children so young they cannot reason for themselves (let alone speak).

alain: I think a girl of 10 can decide for here self what she would like to do.
boombox, I watched a program recently about the sex trade in the Phillippines and it was my impression that it isn't so much a matter of choice as it is economic pressure. That really is another means of taking advantage of someone.
you got problems, dude. What a high and noble goal for someone to have. What exactly do you find alluring about an 8 year old? Their little booby buds? Their boyish hips? Why not just date adult men who look like boys? Or adult girls who look like little girls for that matter. Is it just the idea of youth, the forbidden fruit thing that gets you going? Why not just join the catholic priesthood, then you get all the young boys you want. Young children who have sex with men can have all kinds of physiological problems later. Maybe you got a child size dinky and then you wouldn't damage her.

A child should be playing with dolls or pretending to be president, not giving some pervert a little thrill.
Sick people, very sick if they can't find someone that is old enough to know the differences between what is right and wrong. Children have no ideas about what sex is about until they are told and they understand. What sicko would wan sex with someone who hasn't even had a date with a guy her own age yet? Robbing the cradle i'd say, satuatory rape.
I am absolutely apalled at this character who wants to have sex with children.
Mate, you need some professional help for your pediphilia tendencies.
To rob a child of their innocence is as one poster put it, 'Rape", and I think this thread should be closed.
Now, I'm not defending boombox but...

When I was a little kid, I was horny as hell and had a few teachers I would have loved had show me what to do with that thing that kept poppin' up. I'm generally with the consensus here but have often struggled with the notion of whether or not I would have been adversely affected from advances made by some of the adult women in my past. I'd probably have a hard time calling them sick.

I did know a guy who was molested in an orphanage and he was a sex addict. Loved married women especially.

And last, taking advantage of anyone of any gender, age, species, color, creed etc... is, in my opinion, "wrong". Just to be clear.
I notice no follow up posts. I wonder if boombox got a nock on his door from the kindly neighborhood police man. You know, if he isn't such a fan of informed concent, I'm sure he will appreciate it when his cell mate goes after him.
Boombox will only begin to understand when he has children of his own and some snaggle-toothed cretin begins to paw at them.
Q, you might hope he doesn't have kids.

But that brings up another interesting point: The sexual bond between parents and their children. Some say it's your first love. I don't like those words but, they're not mine.
When I was a little kid, I was horny as hell and had a few teachers I would have loved had show me what to do with that thing that kept poppin' up. I'm generally with the consensus here but have often struggled with the notion of whether or not I would have been adversely affected from advances made by some of the adult women in my past. I'd probably have a hard time calling them sick.
Difference is you wanted them to do it to you, whereas this is the older person(who's meant to be more mature sensible etc) wanting to do it to them when they may not understand it properly. Im not aware of anyone i've met below the age of 12 thats understood sex properly, even though they wanted it, i'd say anyone with principles would want someone older and more mature that understands their actions.
Well, I expected to be blasted for posting just that much as it is a very sensitive issue.

To be clear, I was not supporting boombox.
What is the morality of having sex with those under 14? I am not opposed to it. It's been a goal of mine for a while to have sex with an 11 year old girl
(1) It's medically dangerous, and triples her chances of cervical cancer later in life.
(2) Some of us live in societies that stigmatize sexuality in females; ever hear a rape survivor apologize to her lover for her sin of getting raped? The emotional burdens associated with sexuality are tremendous.
(3) Is it the idea of "age"? If so, seek help. If not, find yourself a nice short, flat girl, have her shave herself and buy her clothes in the girls' section.
(4) Be aware that some nations do have rules which will prosecute their citizens who go abroad to commit sexual abuse; check with your own nation's laws. Australia, for instance has such laws, as does the United States.
(5) Additionally, I recommend that anyone considering having sex which could physically harm another by the simple nature of the act ought to put themselves through it first. I would recommend a tube of personal lubricant and an eight-pound bowling ball. Find a way to fit it inside your lower abdomen, and when you do, if you find pleasure in it, then by all means seek to have sex with a child.

In the meantime, I applaud your honesty. It's not often one can step up, admit their pedophilia, and proclaim their desire to victimize children.

Perhaps, Boombox, you can use this as a foundation for your recovery.
Are you kidding? Having sex with someone before they've entered the age of puberty is both mentally and physically destructive. How could you be serious about this? I hope that this is a desperate cry for help, because I could give you some numbers to call. Be assured, the desire to have sexual intercourse with children is NOT normal by any standards and I highly reccomend you seek counseling.
The funny thing about the whole notion is that not that long ago, women were giving birth at 14 and it was considered normal. Hell, in some societies, you can marry and sleep with a girl 11 and up.

It is not unnatural to sleep with a female who is 14, and there are no physiological problems associated with it.

Psychological problems do in fact come into play, but that is merely because of society.

I would think that if boombox lives in the USA and is an integrated memeber of this society, then if his desire to sleep with an 8 year old girl is pretty fucking sick. Not because it is unnatural, but rather because he has escaped society's conditioning. A owrking society cannot have those kind of misfits, especially concerning something this fundamental.

I wonder what the reaction would be if he said he wanted to sleep with someone who was 16, and he, boombox was 45.
Sexual attraction of a 45 year old for a 16 year old is almost a given. Here in the US it would be unwise because of the laws, though they vary from state to state.

But what would come from it? Though many 16 years olds are physically mature, and even mentally ready for sex, most are inexperienced and inept. The 45 year old would be much better off with a hot 25 year old who had some experience, and was more in tune with who they are.

I would argue that the main drive for relations with a 16 year old would be the forbidden fruit aspect. And while it may be fun to think about, it is best left at that. I put it in the same category as wanting to have sex with a friends hot girlfriend; something I would think about, but never do.

I think that our attitudes in the US about the age of consent are still mired in our puritan heritage. I know for a fact that the age of consent in some Scandinavian countries is lower, and I believe their attitude about sex in general is healthier. But as with drugs, no one here wants to know anything about places where the laws are different, and there are fewer problems possibly as a result.

But please, eleven? As others have mentioned, no one is ready for sex at that age, either physically or mentally. To completely disrupt the childood and normal development of such a child would be hopelessly wrong.

Boombox, you may think about it all you like, no harm done there. But to take advantage of a childs innocence for your own short lived pleasure would be as wrong as wrong can be. It would really be little better than killing the girl for your own pleasure.

In a way you would be killing her. Killing her trust in adults forever. Killing her chance to ever have a normal, healthy sex life when she was of age.

If you are strongly attracted to pre pubescent girls (or even worse, exclusively attracted) I feel sorry for you. But my sympathy ends the moment you step over the line and try to act on your attraction.

Seek help, for your sake and (more importantly) for the sake of any child you might be tempted to abuse
I don't think there is anything wrong with having sex with an infant as long as it consents.

The law deems that children under 18 cannot give informed consent to sex with an adult.

Does that solve your problem for you?
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