Sex with comatose wife

2 points of outcome:

1. If I was taken advantage of and later I came out of coma, I could say in the pub: Hey, I was in a coma and STILL statisfied my lady!

2. If she awakened as a result of sex, what would the police or the medical community say?
Are you being serious?

She's in a coma. As you said yourself, she's "a vegetable". Does that mean we should allow people to rape people in vegetative states and consider them lucky because they're actually getting some?:rolleyes:

taking into account they've been married 20 years, i'm happy to give the husband the benefit of the doubt and assume he's in a loving relationship with his wife. i think telling a person they're not allowed to express their love physically for their own wife is unfair.
2 points of outcome:

1. If I was taken advantage of and later I came out of coma, I could say in the pub: Hey, I was in a coma and STILL statisfied my lady!

2. If she awakened as a result of sex, what would the police or the medical community say?

how could someone that is comatose be awakened by somebody sticking his dick in her vagina?

Makes me wonder how women respond when doing this. Would they become wet like a normal woman? and do other stuff that horny women do, as a pre-programmed behavior, or motor reflex thing or something?
obviously not ^.

this should not be an issue. it is a violation of someones rights, in this case the comatose person.
obviously not ^.

this should not be an issue. it is a violation of someones rights, in this case the comatose person.

i know someone who can have sex in her sleep (and she will not know about it the next morning). I think its called sexsomnia or something like that and it is rare but widespread observed phenomenon.

So does this show that somebody can have sex without being conscious?

People can still do stuff while comatose. For example breathe, and keep the body running. therefore, why couldn't the body react to sexual touch?
I am not saying that it cannot be done. It is just not for me. I can understand the desire to be close but i dont think i could go as far as what these threads imply. Its just weird because i like women to be conscious. I can understand getting involved with someone else during instances where the one is incapacitated for a long time.
i know someone who can have sex in her sleep (and she will not know about it the next morning). I think its called sexsomnia or something like that and it is rare but widespread observed phenomenon.

So does this show that somebody can have sex without being conscious?

People can still do stuff while comatose. For example breathe, and keep the body running. therefore, why couldn't the body react to sexual touch?

It sounds like this means that she kisses back and her hips move and so on. IOW she has normal sex, but is really asleep.

I doubt that the comatose woman is responding in these way or doctors would be flooding to her bedside to write papers on it.
taking into account they've been married 20 years, i'm happy to give the husband the benefit of the doubt and assume he's in a loving relationship with his wife. i think telling a person they're not allowed to express their love physically for their own wife is unfair.
Generally though the woman gets to say No. Though some courts are probably still guaranteeing 24/7 access to certain husbands. And he can express love physically without going inside her.
Notice that several people have said
What if it works?

What if it has the opposite effect?
What if on some level she experiences it as a violation and loses some of her will to live?
If I were married & comatose, I'd want my spouse to be trusted as the person who knows what I want, lacking a legal document signed by me stating otherwise.
Strange thing.
That man that had sex with his comatose wife.
He reckons she was more responsive than usual.
how could someone that is comatose be awakened by somebody sticking his dick in her vagina?

That's the thing about coma, we don't know what brings people back from it. Might as well be a hard dick...
Knockin' (up) da boots?

s0meguy said:

Makes me wonder how women respond when doing this. Would they become wet like a normal woman? and do other stuff that horny women do, as a pre-programmed behavior, or motor reflex thing or something?

So here's a question: Does a woman of appropriate age continue her menstrual cycle while comatose?

The subsequent question, if the answer is yes, should be obvious.

Anyone? Anyone?
i honestly dont know tiassa, i would guess the answer is yes because that is an autonomic responce related to the releace of certaine hormones in the body rather than something a women has to use her ceribral cortex to CHOSE to do