Sex Therapy?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Would more and/or better sex solve and/or lessen many of society's problems?
How many people would do a much better job at work if they were sexually satisfied? If more people were having more and/or better sex, would there be less crime? Less illness? Less war? Less murder? Less bullying? Less divorce? Less child abuse? Less alcohol & drug abuse? Less road rage? Less unfair discrimination?
Could sex therapy help people recover from illness or injury?
Could we all just get along if we were more sexually satisfied?
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For a while sex solves problems, but after a while it becomes dull...and lacks meaning and problems come back. Love solves problem, love. When you look out of the window and see rain,
you feel sad? or happy? Love makes you happy.
hahahha, i thought you were talking about ACTUAL sex therapy not generally should we have more sex.

In answer to your question, it cant hurt, unlike war which can.

Lot of sex threads poping up at the moment, anyone would think its spring or valinitnes day:p
At times of recession, Asguard...people feel empty in their pockets were money once dwelled...a gift however is essential, so sex as a gift for the Holydays Thanksexgiving Turkey becomes relevant
that was very deep,

course sex as a gift can be very expensive to you know:p
not so much in the present as in the gift wraping:p
So your opinion is no???
What does seeing rain have to do with sex, love or the OP?? Thanks for the nice gif tho.
Love makes ME happy???
I'm always in a better mood when I'm well sexed. At least, I'm less likely to destroy other people's property in adolescent fits of rage.
if we were all free loving hippies, where have sex with your best friends husband this theory would have more chance of truth, but unfortunately if a husbands wife cheats on you shes dead, and so isnt the other parther. there is too much jealousy, envy, revenge and sluts in this current society, but most people just make fun of me for my 4th grade grammar skills but i dont have a problem, i get by just as fast as all you mother fuckers do.
if we were all free loving hippies, where have sex with your best friends husband this theory would have more chance of truth, but unfortunately if a husbands wife cheats on you shes dead, and so isnt the other parther. there is too much jealousy, envy, revenge and sluts in this current society, but most people just make fun of me for my 4th grade grammar skills but i dont have a problem, i get by just as fast as all you mother fuckers do.

love is not sex, laladopi...this generation lost the meaning of love to MTV...
hahahha, i thought you were talking about ACTUAL sex therapy not generally should we have more sex.

Well, I'm asking whether more sex can have beneficial therapeutic effects.

if we were all free loving hippies, where have sex with your best friends husband this theory would have more chance of truth, but unfortunately if a husbands wife cheats on you shes dead, and so isnt the other parther. there is too much jealousy, envy, revenge and sluts in this current society, but most people just make fun of me for my 4th grade grammar skills but i dont have a problem, i get by just as fast as all you mother fuckers do.

I didn't say or imply anything about cheating on spouses.

if you dont know what rain feels like, you dont know what love is.

Wrong. If you haven't made love to the sound of rain on a tin roof, you don't know what love is.

Love makes you happy, if you know it.

I asked questions so far. I didn't assume more sex would make everyone happy. You make assumptions about everyone.
And you have SO much experience with romantic relationships...:rolleyes:

well Roman, you many times stated how much sex you have...non-stop. But, after all you did, you never had real love, someone to take care of, not for personal gain or pleasure, but because of love.

Yes, I did not have romantic relationships by which you mean to imply of "sex" but I have not stained my soul either.
well Roman, you many times stated how much sex you have...non-stop. But, after all you did, you never had real love, someone to take care of, not for personal gain or pleasure, but because of love.

O rly?
I've been in a monogamous relationship for the past two years. Which, for a guy as young, virile, and attractive as me, is saying a lot. I've got bitches on me all the time.

Yes, I did not have romantic relationships by which you mean to imply of "sex" but I have not stained my soul either.

I've stained a lot more than my soul, bro.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Wrong. If you haven't made love to the sound of rain on a tin roof, you don't know what love is. ”

there is no such thing as "making love", you "have sex" is something else totally.

Love is mutual understanding and soul bond

That was meant as a halfsilly response to your goofy comment about feeling rain.
If you think there's no such thing as making love & love is TOTALLY something other than sex, ... ... damnit I'm at a loss as to a good & proper way to put this.
please dont get me started on the trash mtv has, nor do i watch it.
all i was saying is that there are too many variables to find your theory plausible in even the imaginable sense.