Sex offenders


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I heard this one once as an idea for dealing with Sex Offenders (Rapists and Paedophiles)

Currently in most countries of the world it's seen as a Death penalty for Murders or other criminals is Barbaric and actually goes against what Civilization is suppose to be about. To some countries it might be seen as a way to deal with population control or a method of enducing reasoning through fear to stop a crime taking place, However in the most part all it does is cause the criminals to plan out there actions to be more violent in the event they are near capture.

Quote "I live a quarter mile at a time" - Vin Desiel, The Fast and Furious (Universal Pictures)

So a suggested method of dealing with first applying a punishment and also continueing a population control on one easy move:

Sex Offenders should have their Testicles removed by Law!

Without the Testicles and the Testosterone they produce, The Offender should become meek and mild while not being able to become arosed to the sexual nature of their deprived minds. Children could play safe, Women could potentially walk home after dark without being jumped on by a would be rapist. The population would be depraved of all their Bastard children and even those prisoners inside for petty crimes would no longer be the Bitch in the cell.

It makes you wonder what the world would be like with such a reform.

It could also be applied to Terrorists.

At least for serious offences. Although in the more serious cases however, the offender may have deep set problems that cannnot be solved by ablation. In all instances, samples should be kept so that they can reproduce (not that I would want them to, but it's a human right unfortunatly).
chemical castration is equally effective... as long as they take their drugs! I think we should put implants in them that release the drugs and work for several years, thus removing the problem of not taking your meds. I just don't think the populous will accept castrating people.
Stryderunknown said:
So a suggested method of dealing with first applying a punishment and also continueing a population control on one easy move:

Sex Offenders should have their Testicles removed by Law!

Without the Testicles and the Testosterone they produce, The Offender should become meek and mild while not being able to become arosed to the sexual nature of their deprived minds. Children could play safe, Women could potentially walk home after dark without being jumped on by a would be rapist.
Sexual assault or rape or acts of paedophilia do not solely involve the penis. Removing the testicles would only mean that the man cannot rape the victim with his penis if the procedure has affected his ability to be aroused. The penis is just one means of committing a sexual assault or offence. Sexual assault can take place through other means, such as using other objects to penetrate the body or just by merely touching or even through words or threats. The predator can resort to a variety of means to inflict pain and damage upon the victim. Their depraved minds would still be intact to inflict any form damage.

Another point which you seem to have forgotten, what about the female offender? Why is it only the males who are to suffer such a punishment? There are also female sexual offenders and your proposal discounts this completely.

Your proposal also brings to mind another frightening thought. What if the person is found to be innocent? You can't reattach his testicles. What then? Do you turn around and say 'oopsy'?

The population would be depraved of all their Bastard children
The children born of rape are not bastards. They are the innocents born from a henious act and should not be blamed.

As a form of population control, your proposal is again frightening for the same reason I stated above. How would you choose who will to undergo the procedure? Where would you draw the line?

and even those prisoners inside for petty crimes would no longer be the Bitch in the cell.
Ermmm prisoners do not solely rape other prisoners with their penises. Other objects are used. They would still be the bitch in the cell regardless of whether their testicles were there or not.
I remember such procedures were implemented in the days of eugenics.

anyone think this should be moved to "Ethics, Morality, & Justice" subforum?
Bells said:
Removing the testicles would only mean that the man cannot rape the victim with his penis if the procedure has affected his ability to be aroused...etc.

I think what Stryder means is that without the testes (and hence the testosterone) there will be a lack of desire to rape/abuse.

But am I right in thinking that the pituitry also secretes testosterone?

Tstn is also produced by adult females, having about a third the amount of a adult male. (Source: Uni lecture I happen to remember).
While we're at it, why don't we also start cutting off the hands of thieves, cut out the tongues of liars, stone adulters, 50 lashes for jaywalkers......:rolleyes:
kazakhan said:
While we're at it, why don't we also start cutting off the hands of thieves, cut out the tongues of liars, stone adulters, 50 lashes for jaywalkers......:rolleyes:
Point taken, but castration affects a persons sex drive, where as chopping off a hand does not supress the desire (or ability) to steal and so forth for your other examples.
but castration affects a persons sex drive, where as chopping off a hand does not supress the desire...
As has already been pointed out castration may remove the desire but not necessarily the ability nor their motivation.
If you cut off a person hands how are they going to rob?
My point was, do we really want to be heading back to the past when that sort of thing was going on? If we're going to bring back corporal punishment then we may as well just make capital punishment the standard for all crimes, I'm sure the crime rate would drop dramatically:p
I've never understood why people freak out so much about sex crimes. You swindled an old lady out of her retirement money? You're a scummy con-artist. You robbed a bank at gunpoint? You're a dangerous greedy criminal. You stabbed a guy in a bar fight? You're a violent potential murderer. You raped someone? OMFG!!! YOUR'RE WORSE THAN HITLER!!!! YOU SHOULD BE DRAGGED OUT INTO THE STREET AND SHOT!

Yeah, it's bad, but it isn't all that much worse than any other type of violent crime that people commit. It seems like most people would rather have an escaped murder living nextdoor to them than a sex offender. Did you know that statistically a child is seven times more likely to be severely beaten regularly by a parent during childhood than to be sexually assaulted during childhood? I'm pretty sure that having a chronically abusive parent would do far more psychological damage to a kid than being sexually assaulted once. Maybe we should focus a little more attention on the common problems?
WCF said:
If you cut off a person hands how are they going to rob?

By picking things up with their teeth! Seriously, my point is with regard to the control of a persons motivations and drives.

Kazakhan said:
As has already been pointed out castration may remove the desire but not necessarily the ability nor their motivation.

How can you remove the desire without the motivation? Assuming you're not thick (and I have no reason to think you are) we are obviously not using words in the same way.

Kazakhan said:
My point was, do we really want to be heading back to the past when that sort of thing was going on? If we're going to bring back corporal punishment then we may as well just make capital punishment the standard for all crimes, I'm sure the crime rate would drop dramatically.

I whole-heartidly agree that eye for an eye justice is barbaric and not just at all. I hope you can believe me that I'm not just changing my tact half way through an argument but it's the removal of the intent that I support.

What I meant was that it doesn't matter if someone is physically equiped/able to commit an offense; with out the motivation/desire to do so the tools are not a threat.

Nazor, I agree with your comment about severity, but that doesn't mean we should always talk about the same things.
Blue_UK said:
Point taken, but castration affects a persons sex drive, where as chopping off a hand does not supress the desire (or ability) to steal and so forth for your other examples.
A paedophile has the desire for a child. Children are who they are attracted to. They don't think they are harming the child, but loving them. Castrating them does not remove that desire. Removing their sex drive will not stop them from loving children in the perverted way that they do. If they can't use their penis to show their love, they will find other ways to do so. I am not about to discuss other ways that a person can get sexual pleasure from a child because frankly the thought sickens me and also there are many children who frequent this site and the line has to be drawn somewhere. Suffice to say that castration will not protect children from peadophiles.

Rape and sexual assault is not always solely driven by one's sex drive. It is also driven by power to dominate the victim. Again castration does not remove that desire to dominate or overpower the victim. The motivation to have power over the victim is still present. The victim can be raped and assaulted without the presence of a penis.
I was not talking solely about sexual desire. Removing the testicles will not stop a paedophile from feeling love for a child. It may remove or dim the sexual feelings the pervert may have, but the other feelings will remain. The feelings of attraction will still be present in the mind of the paedophile. Taking away the sexual desire does not take away feelings that are there for the child. Paedophiles don't just want to have sex with children, they want to love them and be loved in return. The sexual desire may have been taken away, but every other feeling is still in place. The wish to dominate and have power over the victim, be they a child or a rape victim, the wish to show love that is not based on sexual feelings, the wish for the victim to feel sexual pleasure. Such motivation is not destroyed through the removal of the offenders testicles. What I'm talking about has nothing to do with sexual desire but with motivation to over power, control, love and dominate the victim.
it will stop the pedophile from having the urge to fuck the child. Loving a child well as long as nothing criminal comes of it might be ok.
Stryderunknown said:
I heard this one once as an idea for dealing with Sex Offenders (Rapists and Paedophiles)

Currently in most countries of the world it's seen as a Death penalty for Murders or other criminals is Barbaric and actually goes against what Civilization is suppose to be about. To some countries it might be seen as a way to deal with population control or a method of enducing reasoning through fear to stop a crime taking place, However in the most part all it does is cause the criminals to plan out there actions to be more violent in the event they are near capture.

Quote "I live a quarter mile at a time" - Vin Desiel, The Fast and Furious (Universal Pictures)

So a suggested method of dealing with first applying a punishment and also continueing a population control on one easy move:

Sex Offenders should have their Testicles removed by Law!

Without the Testicles and the Testosterone they produce, The Offender should become meek and mild while not being able to become arosed to the sexual nature of their deprived minds. Children could play safe, Women could potentially walk home after dark without being jumped on by a would be rapist. The population would be depraved of all their Bastard children and even those prisoners inside for petty crimes would no longer be the Bitch in the cell.

It makes you wonder what the world would be like with such a reform.

It could also be applied to Terrorists.

I am not sure if it will remove any desire or mellow him out, but other than that, I say "Cut Them Off".
How can you remove the desire without the motivation? Assuming you're not thick (and I have no reason to think you are) we are obviously not using words in the same way.
The words are not interchangeable, but I will concede my statement was a bit ambiguous. Castration may be enough motivation for a sex offender to keep commiting the crime although they may have no sexual desire.
Applying any such harsh penalty to just "Sex offenders" in general is a poor way to treat sex offenders, if you ask me. Keep in mind that "Sex offender" means different things in different states. There are places where consensual sodomy between two adults of different sexes can still be fined and labeled as sex offenders, and quite often that can extend to oral sex as well.