Sex is gooood for you

...And regarding eating things that come from women, ever hear of breast milk? I'll wager more people eat that than semen. And it has real studies showing it's good for you, too.

I'll consider semen taking orally is healthy as soon as men start taking it. I double dog dare ya! :D

And maybe menstrual blood is beneficial to anemic men. :shrug:
I'll consider semen taking orally is healthy as soon as men start taking it.

Men don't get pregnant. From article:

For a start there's: Oral Sex Makes Pregnancies Safer. It's true, according to Professor Gus Dekker, a maternal-foetal medicine specialist at the University of Adelaide. Dekker compared 41 pregnant women with pre-eclampsia - a condition where the mother's blood pressure soars during pregnancy - to 44 without. He found 82 per cent of those without the condition practised fellatio compared with 44 per cent of those with it.
Mad on your breast milk thing, doctors and midwives suggest that men suckle there partners before the birth of there child so that the women get used to breast feeding or something. I cant rember where i herd it or wether the effect was surposed to be psycological or a physical hardning of the nipples so it doesnt hurt so much when the baby starts sucking
oh and Orleander what is so wrong with head?

Women seem to EXPECT there partner (in general, PB hates it:p) to eat them out and yet see something wrong with felatio???????
Huh ? LOL

Do you think I will drink blood if it comes from a man ??
In addition, menstrual blood isn't just blood. It also contains pieces of endometrium lining (inner membrane of the uterus) and, contained in the endometrium, an enzyme called plasmin that prevents blood clotting.

sounds yummy
I'll consider semen taking orally is healthy as soon as men start taking it. I double dog dare ya! :D

Quite a lot of men do. For some strange reason they seem not to like me...

But if your man is squeamish about the idea, here is how you break it to him gently. Have intercourse, then have him eat you out. Once he is used to that, have him come on your tits and lick them.
because the woman's immune system doesn't attack the sperms or something

Are you sure about that? In GSCE Biology I remember revising the reasons why only a few sperms reach the ovum. I'm close to definite that one was that the woman's immune system could not differentiate between a sperm cell and a harmful microbe.

Women seem to EXPECT there partner (in general, PB hates it) to eat them out and yet see something wrong with felatio???????

Bollocks, from my own experience and from what others have told me, its more often than not the other way round.
At my advanced age sex would probably give me a heart attack and would kill me, perhaps that's not so bad of a way to .......leave.:rolleyes:
I want to go on the "in stroke" I get the out one for free...probably wouldn't be too great for the woman. :)
why, because I'm not a prude?? :shrug:

Why is this study about oral sex? Why can't semen enter the body the other ways? Why does it have to be through the mouth? Its because its a guy led study and it revolves around what they want.

Well I once knew this girl who liked to.... snort semen, it was weird, but I had no reason to stop her. hahaha JUST KIDDING ((EXTREMELY RIDICULOUS))