Sex in heaven, yes!

It also makes monkeys.
Birds do it bees do it elephants do it too . Nothing like a good night of intercourse . I do it too . I think it makes us smarter . If there is no sex in heaven I am going to hell and take my chances there is sex there
That's a little abstract don't you think? You might as well be asking if I am tired of having skin instead of scales; being a man instead of a fish.

Are you tired of being a carbon based life-form?

The answer is of course no, not really. Such things are simply part of the basis of my existence. So I guess your argument, then, is that eternal bliss will simply be a fundamental property of existence in heaven; that we will all be fundamentally psychologically different.

Heaven is an unknown, labeling one thing or the other, boring or fundamentally psychologically different is equally wrong. Our Earthly existence is what is important. worrying about what heaven is like, or what we should be like to be there would be the same as being there and wondering about how to be human, or what the world is like from there. Oddly enough it almost sounds like coveting.

Valid questions though they seem, what is impressed upon my beliefs is making a heaven here.
Heaven is an unknown, labeling one thing or the other, boring or fundamentally psychologically different is equally wrong. Our Earthly existence is what is important. worrying about what heaven is like, or what we should be like to be there would be the same as being there and wondering about how to be human, or what the world is like from there. Oddly enough it almost sounds like coveting.

By this reasoning, Pascal's Wager and similar arguments from the importance of afterlife are irrelevant.

Too bad you probably won't take on MindOverMatter about this.
heaven on earth would have to mean all my needs(food/clothing/shelter(gas,electric,water)/cable/internet;)) are met, without costing anything.
heaven on earth would have to mean all my needs(food/clothing/shelter(gas,electric,water)/cable/internet;)) are met, without costing anything.

That would be a heaven of sorts. Just in the way we treat eachother would be a great start
By this reasoning, Pascal's Wager and similar arguments from the importance of afterlife are irrelevant.

Too bad you probably won't take on MindOverMatter

What is important about the afterlife that isn't important now?
By this reasoning, Pascal's Wager and similar arguments from the importance of afterlife are irrelevant.

Too bad you probably won't take on MindOverMatter about this.

How is it relevant if you're alive? What good does it ever do to live in the past or in the future (in your head)?
Heaven is full of passion, of energy and dynamism. We correctly deny that God has passions in the passive sense, being moved, driven, or conditioned by them, as we are. But to think of the love that made the worlds, the love that became human, suffered alienation from itself and died to save us rebels, the love that gleams through the fanatic joy of Jesus' obedience to the will of His Father and that shines in the eyes and lives of the saints—to think of this love as any less passionate than our temporary and conditioned passions "is a most disastrous fantasy". And that consuming fire of love is our destined Husband, according to His own promise.

I think he's saying that Jesus wants to have sex with us.

I think his thesis is grounded on a denial of the animalistic nature of humanity, and the largely similar neurological and biochemical reactions that occur in many mammals when they have sex. He confuses the fact that sex feels urgent with the notion that sex must have cosmic ramifications; he thinks that since he feels such a strong compulsion for sex, that it must therefore have an transcendent importance. It's really a failing of his own ego and inability to step outside himself.

I wonder if he is aware that the high one feels from meth actually surpasses the pleasure of orgasm? (According to both subjective reports and in terms of the amount of dopamine released in the brain by each.)

I would tend to hope that the pleasures of an afterlife, if there were an afterlife, would be much greater than the petty pleasures of Earth.
Heaven is an unknown, labeling one thing or the other, boring or fundamentally psychologically different is equally wrong.

Many religious people believe two things about the afterlife:

1) They are going to eternally exist, memories and personality intact
2) It's going to be an eternally blissful existence

For the reasons I have already mentioned (and others) I believe those two things are incompatible.

Our Earthly existence is what is important. worrying about what heaven is like, or what we should be like to be there would be the same as being there and wondering about how to be human, or what the world is like from there. Oddly enough it almost sounds like coveting.

I'm not "worrying", nor am I "coveting". I am examining claims. That's what we do here.

Valid questions though they seem, what is impressed upon my beliefs is making a heaven here.

So one minute I'm "worrying" and "coveting" and the next minute I'm asking "valid" questions? At least you made the concession in the end.

As for doing your best to create a little slice of heaven in your own little corner of the world, sure, everyone should give it a shot.
heaven on earth would have to mean all my needs(food/clothing/shelter(gas,electric,water)/cable/internet;)) are met, without costing anything.

Only if they are all of high value. Crappy housing, clothes and food not to mention a slow but free internet would leave us all cold.

Be careful what you wish for said the last communist.
Many religious people believe two things about the afterlife:

1) They are going to eternally exist, memories and personality intact
2) It's going to be an eternally blissful existence

For the reasons I have already mentioned (and others) I believe those two things are incompatible.

I'm not "worrying", nor am I "coveting". I am examining claims. That's what we do here.

So one minute I'm "worrying" and "coveting" and the next minute I'm asking "valid" questions? At least you made the concession in the end.

As for doing your best to create a little slice of heaven in your own little corner of the world, sure, everyone should give it a shot.

So basically we are in agreement. You think that many religious people have got it wrong about the afterlife, and I think it is probably a bad idea to surmise what the afterlife is like or not like/not possible.

A persons concern should be to improve the way they treat others, and let the afterlife handle itself, in a nutshell so to speak.
Sex is about more than reproduction, if we look at bonbons you see that sex is used for tribal bonding with even adult "matting" with juviniles. Now humans don't go to that extreme but we do pair bond through sex. Sure we CHOSE (for the most part) when to have sex for reproduction but we also chose to have sex while deliberately stopping reproduction and we have for 1000s of years, before "Jesus" time.
There's also the fact that human females (unlike all other mammals) have relatively large breasts all the time, which (if sex is only for reproduction) serves no purpose except when nursing. Also, human ovulation is hidden. If sex were only for reproduction, human females would go into heat like other mammals and humans would have sex only during such times.
I think it is probably a bad idea to surmise what the afterlife is like or not like/not possible.

Of course. You already believe so you don't feel the need to engage in critical examination. But again, critical examination is par for the course around here.

A persons concern should be to improve the way they treat others, and let the afterlife handle itself, in a nutshell so to speak.

Striving to become a better person and seeking knowledge through critical examination are not mutually exclusive goals.
Hahahahaha, 72 virgins and you can't have sex haha!
I never understood the fascination with 72 virgins. I don't want to have to explain the same thing 72 times. I'd rather just have 72 slutty broads who know what the heck they're doing.
Plus the only virgins I know are under 12s and ugly ass over 60s. Or men. Not my ideal fantasy, but whatever turns the muslims on I guess.

I think he's saying that Jesus wants to have sex with us.
Jesus is coming, don't look over your shoulder.
Of course. You already believe so you don't feel the need to engage in critical examination. But again, critical examination is par for the course around here.

critical examination of what, you're imagination? lol...