Sex in heaven, yes!


Valued Senior Member
For all the prudes - from Is There Sex in Heaven? by Peter Kreeft:

A Heavenly Reading of the Earthly Riddle of Sex

This spiritual intercourse with God is the ecstasy hinted at in all earthly intercourse, physical or spiritual. It is the ultimate reason why sexual passion is so strong, so different from other passions, so heavy with suggestions of profound meanings that just elude our grasp. No mere practical needs account for it. No mere animal drive explains it. No animal falls in love, writes profound romantic poetry, or sees sex as a symbol of the ultimate meaning of life because no animal is made in the image of God. Human sexuality is that image, and human sexuality is a foretaste of that self-giving, that losing and finding the self, that oneness-in-manyness that is the heart of the life and joy of the Trinity. That is what we long for; that is why we tremble to stand outside ourselves in the other, to give our whole selves, body and soul: because we are images of God the sexual being. We love the other sex because God loves God.

And this earthly love is so passionate because Heaven is full of passion, of energy and dynamism. We correctly deny that God has passions in the passive sense, being moved, driven, or conditioned by them, as we are. But to think of the love that made the worlds, the love that became human, suffered alienation from itself and died to save us rebels, the love that gleams through the fanatic joy of Jesus' obedience to the will of His Father and that shines in the eyes and lives of the saints—to think of this love as any less passionate than our temporary and conditioned passions "is a most disastrous fantasy". And that consuming fire of love is our destined Husband, according to His own promise. Sex in Heaven? Indeed, and no pale, abstract, merely mental shadow of it either. Earthly sex is the shadow, and our lives are a process of thickening so that we can share in the substance, becoming Heavenly fire so that we can endure and rejoice in the Heavenly fire.
it's called communion. it's not a riddle; people are just retarded is all.
It's a terrible analogy if you ask me, since one of the things that makes sex so good is that you're not having it every minute of the day. Am I the only one who thinks that eternal ecstasy might get a little boring after a while?

Honestly, the more I think about the idea of everlasting bliss the more absurd the idea becomes, since we just don't have the correct psychological makeup for it to make any kind of sense. Everything that is awesome about life is awesome because it's not always awesome. Some of the greatest and most profound experiences are what they are because they are rare. If everything is always as good as it possibly could be in heaven, then it isn't.
Oh my god, that's so good, don't stop, oh god, oh GOD....... stop watching us you pervert!

And put your damn pants back on.
For all the prudes - from Is There Sex in Heaven? by Peter Kreeft:

Jesus said that we will not be married in eternity but will be like Children. This seems to suggest that sex may play no role in eternity. We may simply have no desire for it. I state this not because of prudishness (what ever that really is?) But because that’s the message i get from Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sex is for reproduction , , Joy is just complementary. Remove joy from sex there is not going to be reproduction.
Sex is about more than reproduction, if we look at bonbons you see that sex is used for tribal bonding with even adult "matting" with juviniles. Now humans don't go to that extreme but we do pair bond through sex. Sure we CHOSE (for the most part) when to have sex for reproduction but we also chose to have sex while deliberately stopping reproduction and we have for 1000s of years, before "Jesus" time.
Bloody apes, closely related to us. Do 2 letters really matter that much? You jad no trouble working out what I was talking about
It's a terrible analogy if you ask me, since one of the things that makes sex so good is that you're not having it every minute of the day. Am I the only one who thinks that eternal ecstasy might get a little boring after a while?

Honestly, the more I think about the idea of everlasting bliss the more absurd the idea becomes, since we just don't have the correct psychological makeup for it to make any kind of sense. Everything that is awesome about life is awesome because it's not always awesome. Some of the greatest and most profound experiences are what they are because they are rare. If everything is always as good as it possibly could be in heaven, then it isn't.
Fuck you too . Most of my life is joy . More than not . You know it is all state of mind . Like the weather . Be happy if it is raining just like being Happy when the sun shines . You should not let shit like that get you down . Oh and I do . I gots the psychological makeup to make sense . I have lived in eternal ecstasy for about 2 years now and you got no idea what you are missing out on . I am going to live the rest of my life this way . Fuck I am one lucky dude . I wish I could bring you with Me .

O,K, my joke for the day :
What do you give a 82 year old woman for her birthday ?
Give her a Mikey cause he will eat anything
It's a terrible analogy if you ask me, since one of the things that makes sex so good is that you're not having it every minute of the day. Am I the only one who thinks that eternal ecstasy might get a little boring after a while?

Honestly, the more I think about the idea of everlasting bliss the more absurd the idea becomes, since we just don't have the correct psychological makeup for it to make any kind of sense. Everything that is awesome about life is awesome because it's not always awesome. Some of the greatest and most profound experiences are what they are because they are rare. If everything is always as good as it possibly could be in heaven, then it isn't.
Are you tired of being the sex you are?
Are you tired of being the sex you are?

That's a little abstract don't you think? You might as well be asking if I am tired of having skin instead of scales; being a man instead of a fish.

Are you tired of being a carbon based life-form?

The answer is of course no, not really. Such things are simply part of the basis of my existence. So I guess your argument, then, is that eternal bliss will simply be a fundamental property of existence in heaven; that we will all be fundamentally psychologically different.
Bloody apes, closely related to us. Do 2 letters really matter that much? You jad no trouble working out what I was talking about

Apparently one letter means a lot to you, when people call you 'Assguard', so yeah, two letters are significant.

And of course I worked it out, English is my first language. It's not for everyone here though, they might struggle.